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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 31, 2009,
Item 3

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>> 3.
approve proclamation recognizing March 29 through April 4, 2009 as "wildfire awareness week" in Travis County.
and should I read the proclamation?

>> it reads: whereas Travis County is a diverse and dynamic place to live, work and recreate, with equally diverse ecologically environments, the vast appeal of this location has led to extensive growth and development, the result of an ever-increasing urban and wild land interface and whereas the habitat and prevalent species of plant growth typical for this region provides ideal conditions for severe wildlife risk; whereas in 2008 there were 250 homes lost and 1.6 million-acres burnt in Texas due to wildfires, and whereas since March 1st, 2009, there have already been 54 homes lost and over 490 wild fires, that have burned 57,009-acres in Texas and whereas by applying contemporary fire-wise concepts and basic modifications as needed to landscapes and structures, entire communities can drastically reduce the risk of loss from wildfire and whereas public safety personnel work cooperatively with neighbors and raise the awareness of the wildfire hazard, and offer simple solutions to mitigate this wide-spread risk and whereas the week of March 29th through April 4th, 2009 is dedicated to this purpose as wildfire awareness week, now there ever be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby recognize the week of March 29th through April 4th, 2009, as wildfire awareness week in Travis County.
and commend the Austin fire department, all Travis County emergency services districts, the Texas forest service, the Travis County fire marshal's office, the Travis County extension service, the united states fish and wildlife service, the nature conservancy of Texas, members of the fire citizens advisory panel, Austin water utility wild land conservation division, the city of Austin parks and recreation department and the Austin nature and science center, for their cooperative spirit and valuable collaboration -- collaborative efforts to protect their fellow citizens and we didn't leave anybody out, do we?
that's why I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.
i'm michael elliott.
i am representing the capital area fire chiefs association, which encompasses all of the esd's in Travis County, the city of Austin fire department and the Travis County fire marshal's office and Texas forest service and all of those other entities that you spoke of.
i want to thank you for recognizing wildfire awareness week and as you can imagine, it's a hard sell when it's raining outside, but we -- we do want to bring awareness to the citizens of Travis County.
the local fire departments do not have the resources to protect every structure during a wildfire.
we would like to have more resources but we're doing the best that we can.
if there's a major wildfire we can't protect each and every structure.
we don't have the authority, really, to -- to go on personal property or request that mitigation of vegetation be completed by homeowners.
so we want to -- to tell the homeowners that there are things that they can do to make their property defensible and create a defensible space around their homes.
if they can't do that, then we want them to be prepared to evacuate.
and to be prepared to evacuate means that you have a -- that you have a plan where you -- where you get your pets, your -- your siblings, and your medications and be prepared to leave your home for a little while.
until we can get in and stop the fire.
so -- so thank you for recognizing this and we're going to have an event on Saturday, wildfire wild lands and you at the Austin nature and science center, we invite the public to attend.
we'll -- we'll have educational presentations along with children's events and it will be a very worthwhile event to educate the public about wildfires.

>> what was the time of that event?

>> the time is 11 to 3:00.

>> located where?

>> what's the location?

>> it's right -- it's -- stratford and mopac.
kind of under the bridge where the -- where the hike and bike trail is.
there's the entrance to the Austin nature and science center.

>> okay.

>> I guess my -- let me just ask this question: in the event of -- of persons not having the knowledge that they need to -- to prevent encroachment of fire at their dwelling place, is there any way that they can get on line or do we have any information on line on the computer or -- for those that won't be able to make the educational setting that you are forecasting it as far as getting outreach the public.
is there a computerized mechanism where they can acquire similar information to -- as far as outreach in the prevention of wild fires?
as far as their homes and --

>> yes.
there's several websites.
one -- this is jan from the Texas forest service.
there's links on the forest service website if you want to tell them about that.

>> Texas forest service has a direct page and it's, and that will take you to the opportunity to look at what type of vegetation is of concern, what type of building materials are best used on a structure.
how to mitigate?
-- how to mitigate some scenarios around your home.
also several video on the science behind this.
of jack cohen a national researcher on wildfire.
also some of the case studies that we have done in Texas on some of the fires like the bastrop fire will be posted.
but in 2005-2006 we got to do cross plains and a few other unfortunate communities.
we found that the things that we lose our homes to are wooden attachments, anyplace where fire brands can land or enter the home.
the bass stop fire we know that we lost homes to compromised single pane glass.
from the raidant heat, the glass broke and fire brands were able to get into the structures and ignite them from inside.
we know that the science is there from jack cohen, unfortunately we've had events in Texas that back them.

>> thank you.

>> we appreciate the outstanding work that you do.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank y'all.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> can we get our annual picture with all of you?

>> why not?

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:42 PM