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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 10, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first.
and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
mr ris priest is sit -- morris pleeft is citizen number 2.
number two is gus pena and number 3 is phillipaa.

>> did morning.

>> my name is morris priest for the record.
i spoke at the campo transportation policy board meeting last night.
it was on Monday, March the ninth, 5:00 p.m.
and pretty much there have been no changes at campo.
i went to the meeting and they have their agenda, started off with executive session.
and then they had presentations and reports.
and the third item on that agenda was update on the safety improvements of sh 71 west on the projects approved for safety funding in the campo region by the Texas transportation commission.
they showed this map on a screen and the other supporting documents that came with it.
but it wasn't provided to the public at that meeting.
it wasn't on the table.
and I spoke to maureen after the meeting and requested a copy of it.
a gentleman had a pretty large stack of them.
i was initially told that they didn't have any more of those.
they only had documents prepared for the staff of the campo board.
so I just wanted to bring that to your attention that we're still not getting information.
i guess I was the only one that left the meeting with that document.
the bylaws changes that are being made seem to have -- they're going to have no effect in my opinion.
i'm bringing your attention to the document that is updated March 9th, 2009 bylaws.
in that document it shows on page 14 and 15, if public action on an item has already been subject of a public hearing, no public comment will be taken.
the problem that we're having with campo is campo has these public meeting, public hearings, workshops, different things that they have, but when it actually comes time to speak before the transportation policy board, it's up to the sole discretion of the chair whether or not the public gets to speak.
and I believe that no other meeting should be clearly defined what a public meeting is.
that's the meeting when we have a meeting in front of the public transportation policy board.
because the public wants to speak to the public transportation policy board, but when we get to these meetings we're already told that we've had a public hearing on this, but often times it in front of a campo staff or ctrma or other things.
that really needs to be worded that the public shall be allowed to speak on items that are on the agenda.
in the July 9th report put out by the ctrma on 2009, it talks about the state, federal and financial oversight of the campo board and it lists Travis County as one of those entities that has oversight.
i do agree with envision central Texas that this county has more authority than it's exercising when it comes to our transportation matters.

>> [ buzzer sounds ] I would like that to be looked at.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr.
then ms.
dick and then jimmy castro.

>> > morning, judge, Commissioners.
gus pena.
the information being passed out to you number one is the schedule of city elected officials and appointed officials that will be touring morris williams golf course.
this is something that we're not really pressing the issue about funding because the funding comes from golf greens.
the funding comes from golf greens from the golfers themselves.
not too much funding from the general fund is being used to repair and maintain the golf course.
what we're saying is there's been neglect and despairty and not having funding to maintain the morris williams golf course as relates to other ghost courses in other geographical areas.
we know that funding is pretty tight right now.
nobody is asking for funding to repair.
we're just bringing to attention to y'all and the city council and the mayor about the despairty and lack of neglect in repairing the morris williams golf course in comparison to other golf courses in the city.
the president of the naacp, he's actually ramrodding this initiative.
i thank him and I thank the good lord for allowing us to bring awareness to you and the city council.
the second item is homeless kids fare worse in Texas.
how many years I have been before you, the city council and the school board members and telling you about families with homeless kids living in motels and streets or whatever.
it's getting worse.
if you read the article, it really breaks my heart.
it talks about kids in motels, especially motels, they cannot thrive educationally or otherwise.
it's very sad that in the united states we have this type of situation as it is and it's going to get worse.
the third article in the paper is area jobless rate at a five-year high.
how many times have I come to this elected body and also the city council, school board and legislature to inform them that really the true jobless employment rate is not being correctly reported.
it is higher because a lot of people have given up so it's not truly reflected, but yet the paper does a very good job in telling the public the jobless rate is higher it's righter now.
good news, governor perry's chief of staff, we're in the process of getting a meeting with his chief of staff and also the lieutenant governor dewhurst chief of staff to talk about the stimulus package and what the community that I have tone spoke expires, whether it be a little bit or a lot.
i think the state of Texas deserves to get its portion so they can fund many, many needed projects.
hopefully it will come to fruition.
i believe strongly it will.
they've heard us on television.
they watch me as I speak on television.
i know mr.
kimbro has mentioned that, also mr.
homeless children are the forgotten ones.
with the economy and the recession is going in --

>> [ buzzer sounds ] ly me wrap up.
just this last item.
jobless rate is high.
mentors and tutors for kids failing in algebra and mathematics, please, if you can mentor and tutor a student, please do that.
we need your help.
thank you very much.
judge, believe it or not, I was at the capitol many times.
they have positively mentioned your leadership on this elected body.
i highly respect you, sir.
i highly respect you also.
you know how many times I go to city council.
job well done, keep up the good work.
god bless y'all.

>> ms.
dick is next and she will be follow bid jimmy castro, who will be followed by ronnie.

>> good morning.
my name is ms.
phillip a.
i'm an Austinite and I am here to talk about today the injustice of what has occurred to me and my civil lawsuit.
judge patrick o'keel on number the 23rd, 2004, granted me my civil lawsuit in cause number gm 30316.
i am still in search of my final orders and judgment signed by him.
it just disappeared from district clerk's office or it disappeared from where he signed it on November the 23rd in courtroom 345.
i have not seen my orders and judgment since judge scott jenkins had them in his hands on January 25th, 2005.
so judge patrick o'keel asked me -- he gave me orders within 30 days to resubmit this document that kept coming up missing from out of district clerk's office as evidence that proved my case.
my medical malpractice case.
this is a record from Austin heart hospital, and it clearly states over 50% of my proof that proved by the preponderance of the evidence to have judge patrick o'keel to sign my orders and judgment.
i have been in contact with district clerk's office trying to gain copies of it by writing to open records, di bidoing here, doing this, doing that.
nothing yet.
have I have now launched a criminal investigation.
i went to -- the police department came out and I filed my criminal complaint.
i would like to find out to me in judge patrick o'keel's signed judgment and orders.
i would like to know why judge scott jenkins have filed this -- his name is on the orders for judge patrick -- that judge patrick o'keel granted me the 30 days to come back up with the expert witness of mall placed annual leave.
i was not in his courtroom and these are false allegations.
he claims that I was and he claims he's the judge who granted me the 30 days, and that's just not true at all.
then there's judge laura livingston.
she claims she had a court date on November the 23rd, 2004, and I was in her courtroom.
and that's not true at all.
i have proof right here on record that I was not in judge laura livingston's courtroom.
this is the court reporter's information here and document.
judge patrick o'keel told his clerk albert alvarez to make sure that I got copies of my final judgment arrested orders.

>> [ buzzer sounds ] and I never have received them.
i would like to receive copies of me and patrick o'keel, the honorable judge patrick o'keel, final judgment and orders in cause number gm 300-316.
i believe they've been destroyed.
and I have filed obstruction of justice and everything against them, these people who is involved in -- you know, in this here -- destroying my orders and judgment.
thank you.

>> thank you, ms.

>> morning judge Biscoe and Commissioners.
my name is jimmy castro.
i'm here to remind everyone of the star of Texas fair and rodeo at the Travis County exposition center between March 13th through the 28th.
the star of Texas fair and rodeo scholarship program is open to students from 254 counties within Texas.
this is the largest youth education fund-raiser in central Texas.
the rodeo rumble 1 k will be held on Saturday March 14th at 9:30 at the Travis County exposition fair grounds.
the star of Texas fair and rodeo is one of the sixth largest rodeos in the world.
the crown of ms.
rodeo Austin will also take place.
the chuck wagon cookoff is set for Friday, March 13th and Saturday March 14th.
the barbecue cookoff is March 20th through the 22nd.
last year proceeds from the event generated over $200,000.
kids will enjoy kids town and the petting zoo.
nearly 10,000 Texas youth will bring livestock projects that they have spent countless hours working with.
over the last 20 years the star of Texas fair and rodeo awarded $18 million to a 13,500 kids and in 2008 the star of Texas fair and rodeo scholarship program awarded $332,000.
this is a climax of a year's work by the 4-h club members.
these scholarships will help those who might not otherwise have had the golden opportunity.
the young men and women of the future farmers of america who wear the blue and gold jackets wear them with pride.
aws agriculture gra business is good business.
today the Texas star of rodeo have 2,000 volunteers who contribute their time and talent.
finally, thanks to the generous support of established buyers group, area businesses and thousands of visiters, this has made the star of Texas fair and rodeo the success it is today.
thank you, judge, and Commissioners.

>> thank you.

>> yes, this is ronnie.
singing rejoice Austin, we still have a voice for real change.
one effective avenue for new ideas, alex jones, can be found for free six days a week on 90.1 local radio weekdays from 11:00 a.m.
until 3:00 p.m.
and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
on Sunday afternoons.
the patriotic ideas of alex jones flood the airwaves through 90.1 fm and even following Austinite revolutionary alex jones is from 3:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
on weekdays the relatively happy voice of catherine albrek, spy chips is a book she wrote.
spy chips, how major corporations and government plan to track your every move with rfid is the tielt of her recent book that examines big brother's ongoing attempt to destroy your u.s.
constitution through technology.
from radio frequency identification, spy chips are those seemingly cars sin generallic and tiny computer chips smaller than a grain of sand that track everyday objects and each and every one of us, there by keeping tabs on everything you own, everything you do and everywhere you go.
total surveillance is the antithesis of freedom and liberty.
in open dwiens of our -- defiance of our constitution, which is our forefathers gift to world history and life as we know it.
years ago, hundreds stormed a city council meeting in san marcos to stop the mandatory installation of spy chips into all pets and livestock.
the power of citizens to just say no to this evil technology is growing as more information about rfid's sees the light of day.
sure enough, the persuasive power of hundreds of proud patriots helped guide san marcos away from mandatory spy chips installed into everyone's pets.
with joy we citizens were celebrating our ideas through peaceful demonstration and many of us have protest signs about rfid's and also with ob-gyn Ron paul signs among them.
we were singing and chanting loud enough for the city council of san marcos to pay attention and vote accordingly.
don't gyp me, bro, was my favorite chant.
it has proven once again to be the effective tool we use to help save our world.
due diligence is needed from awful us as citizens to help maintain the freedoms that we all enjoy.
use it or lose it, people.
don't forget, we need to liberate those over half million citizens who are now rotting behind bars for non-violent marijuana offenses.
because we can no longer afford it and because it's counterproductive to all of us.
it's dead wrong.
and help conserve topsoil, family farms and honest cops with freedom.

>> [ buzzer sounds ] again, this is ronnie reeferseed trying to save our world.
join us.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 2:17 PM