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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 24, 2009,
Executive Session Items

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>> good afternoon.
let's call back to order the voting session of the Travis County Commissioners court.
we have come to our executive session items and we announced this morning we have a request to postpone item 29.
it will be back on the agenda next week.
number 30 is consider and take appropriate action on star of Texas fair and rodeo contract.
under the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
31, receive legal advice from and give direction to county attorney regarding offer to settle claims against valdez remodeling and weatherization, inc, and nautilus insurance company.
ophelia milicia claim.
consultation with attorney exception.
32, receive legal advice from county attorney and outside counsel renee hicks, and take appropriate action regarding the matter of northwest Austin m.u.d.
versus holder in the supreme court of the united states.
consultation with attorney exception.
33, receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on statutory requirements under local government code 157.022 regarding treatment of overtime for certain peace officers.
consultation with attorney.
and number 34, our last executive session item, is to consider and take appropriate action regarding new leases between Travis County and the Travis County health care district for county owned clinics.
this will be under the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
we'll discuss these items in executive session but will return to open court before taking any action.

we return to executive session where we discuss the following items, number 30 involving the contract with the Texas fair and rodeo, contract amendments, I move we approve amendment one to the concession contracts and amendment number two to the sublease agreement and that we basically indicate our intention to recess this one item at the close of today's meeting until tomorrow to give the star of Texas rodeo representatives an opportunity to look at the proposed amendments and if everything is in agreement, we'll let them stay as they are.
if there are recommended changes we will have an opportunity to discuss them tomorrow morning and let's say at 9:00 o'clock, but we take the motion to recess later.

>> okay

>> but those two amendments we basically approve conditionally is what it is.
second by Commissioner Davis, any discussion?
all those in favor, raise your right hand.?
this passes by unanimous vote.
number 31 is a matter involving the claim against valdez remodeling and weatherization, inc.
and nautilus insurance company, I move that we accept the counter to to counter offer in the amount of $75,000 payable to the county and that we exercise appropriate releases and settlement documents

>> second

>> we authorize the county judge to sign those on behalf of the court they are routine.
all in favor?
this passes by unanimous vote number 32 is a matter involving the northwest Austin m.u.d.
versus holder in the matter pending before the supreme court of the united states.
we'll have this back on the court's agenda -- did we say next week or two weeks

>> next week

>> next week, but I move that we authorize an additional $25,000, which includes $2,500 in expenses at the source of funding be the allocated reserve

>> second

>> and that is to cover legal services discussion?
all in favor?
this passes by unanimous vote.
thirty-three, we did discuss, we will have that on the agenda next week for a folium follow up discussion and appropriate action, I do think a member of the court probably ought to touch base with the sheriff and peace officers association so they will know what we're looking at and maybe get their feedback on this.
are y'all looking at the county judgelike he ought to do it


>> [laughter] I don't see any volunteers.
I will do that and give the court a report back next week and that will be in the form of directions more than anything else.
thirty-four, we did discuss and raised a couple of questions, we need a legal briefing next week on the statutory provisions regarding a lease property between the Travis County and the healthcare district and interlocal agreement, get ago briefing on that, too, and get ready to discuss the proposed lease here and the terms we questioned, especially the duration of the lease, which seemed to be a long time


>> [indiscernible]

>> by tomorrow as well if you're going to recess the one item, recess this one as well?

>> not before we run out of time, I don't think.
the other thing is I will be surprised if the representatives of the healthcare district don't want to talk to us in brief before then.
I mean, I just think there is enough work involved for us to postpone it one week.
it is not an emergency, right?

>> there is a concern that they are -- the district, from what they tell me, they're pushing all of these matters to be done by the end of this month so they can transition the fqhc status from the city of Austin over to the district and this is one little piece of it.

>> this court has been known to move expeditiously, john, a lot of people take that for granted.
I think we ought to be given a little bit more time, this is kind of a big deal.
the term there -- I am left with an antilong-term feeling, I mean, even if we were to do it in renublic credibilities of rerenewable increments of twowo0

>> even the ones that was anticipated in 83 today, with the district, it does give the district rights in those facilities already, the leasers weren't were necessarily to document what those terms are going to be.
so perhaps there is enough safety for the fqhc status.
I am not the lawyer on that issue so --

>> thank you, john.

>> [laughter] let's assume that we need at week.
I mean, I think we ought to get a brief.
I would not cut short e them of anything that they're entitled to from the county, but it's just that that real long term kind of strikes me the wrong way.
if we were to get to that total, we are to do increments of five years even if they're automatically renewable, future court also at least have an opportunity to look at them, and so my feeling is we ought to take a week

>> okay.
I don't have a good argument against that

>> but after the briefing and a good understanding of the interlocal agreement in place, statutory provisions and a chance to look at that language, I would be ready to act next week.
is that all right?

>> yes

>> we'll have 34 back on, then.
that does it for business today.
we are adjourned.

>> do you want to recess?

>> recess

>> thank you, julian.

>> thank you.
we are recessing only one item, though.

>> that's fine

>> and that is item number 30, which involves Travis County and the star of Texas state fair starkey and we will recess that item until -- do we want to try to do 15 minutes until 9, 8:45?
let's do it at 9.
it ought to take us one or two minutes, legal -- if legal can let us know at 5 today whether those amendments are okay as proposed, that really will shorten our voting session discussion tomorrow morning, so the motion to recess item number 30 until tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.

>> second

>> all in favor?

>> this passes by unanimous vote

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:29 PM