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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 17, 2009, 2009
Executive Session

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Now, that brings us to executive session.
or did I -- or is there a third added item that I didn't get?

>> [laughter]

>> keep looking.
you might mind one.

>> 29, consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell approximately 80 acres of land located near state highway 130 and u.s.
highway 71 east for inclusion in the onion creek open space project.
this is the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
number 30, consider and take appropriate action on purchase contract for approximately 3.5 acres of land from the Travis County community supervision and corrections division to secure smart facility enhancements.
consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
31, consider and take appropriate action regarding possible sale of county owned land off fm 969 in east Austin.
consultation with attorney and real property exceptions.
32, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding issues related to novation and license agreement for operation of community center.
consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
33, consider and take appropriate action regarding the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin.
consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
34, consider and take appropriate action regarding the potential president bush of real estate along airport boulevard.
consultation with attorney, real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
35 -- do we know whether we need 35 a and b?

>> I don't know.

>> 35 a is to receive legal briefing from county attorney on issues regarding confidential climate assessment and implementation of human resources management department development plan for executive manager of administrative operations and director of hrmd and take appropriate action.
and 35 b, deliberate results of confidential climate assessment and implementation of hrmd development plan for executive manager of administrative operations and director of hrmd and take appropriate action.
both a and b are under the consultation with attorney and personnel matters exceptions to the open meetings act.
36, receive legal briefing and take appropriate action regarding claims by chuck kelly, including the claims in eeoc charge number 31 c-2008-01436 and eeoc charge number 450-2009-00943.
consultation with attorney.
that's also announce 36 under the personnel exceptions matter.
can 36 be personnel matters?
it's just a consultation with attorney exception.
37, receive legal briefing and take appropriate action regarding claims by Karen steitle including the claims in eeoc charge number 31 c-2008, 01470.
consultation with attorney and personnel matters.
we'll discuss these matters in executive session but we'll return to open court before taking any action.

We have returned from executive session.
where we discussed the , number 29, involving the offering to settle approximately 88 acres of land near state highway 130 and u.s.s.
highway 71 east for inclusion in the open space onion creek project.

>> I move that we accept the offer of 360,000 for the -- for the 92.5 acres and the source is the 2005 bond election program.

>> second.

>> any discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we discussed number 30, probably need to take another week on that to -- to let some issues be further discussed and clear.
in my view, no action today.
31, the matter involving county owned property off of f.m.
969 in east Austin, have it on the agenda next week.
we did not discuss 31, did we?

>> no.

>> it will be back on the agenda on the 24th.
32 we did pick up a check for 1500.
i move that we authorize the -- the sending of that appropriate letter to the lessee in this case, indicating that we need past due payments to be brought current.
and other terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with by or before the end of the contract period, which ends may 31st, '09.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
33, potential purchase of real estate in central Austin.
we did discuss, need a few more weeks to mull over that.
should we say two weeks.

>> uh-huh.

>> have it back on March 3rd, 2009.
we also discussed item no.
34, same situation as 33.
just involves a different tract of real estate.
but we will have it back on March 3rd, 2009 for any appropriate follow-up action.
35 a and b, the matter involving the assessment I move that the Commissioners court approve and send out a statement of court expectations of hrmd employee behavior and that we share with ms.
perez and ms.
morris-smith a copy of that letter moments before we deliver copies to hrmd employees.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners Eckhardt, Gomez, Huber, yours truly voting in favor.
Commissioner Davis voting no.
no action required on 36.
should we state for the record that --

>> [indiscernible]

>> 36 and 37, move that we authorize the county judge and ms.
Gomez as a subcommittee of the Commissioners court to send letters to parties sharing the results of the investigation and claims filed by ms.
steitle and mr.
kelley and draft presented -- and that we revise the draft that we had been presented.
and seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
is there any other action required today?

>> move adjourn.

>> no.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
4:41 p.m.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 2:10 PM