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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 10, 2009, 2009
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first today.
and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matters not on the agenda.
for up to three minutes.
three residents signed in.
bob hope is first, followed by gus pena, followed by ronnie reeferseed.
pope, if you would come forward and give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> my name is bob pope, I was here last week with the issue over the dogs attacking our livestock.
i came today mainly just to follow up to -- to see what was going on with that issue and I've -- we are still guarding our property.
i've spoken with the neighbor from the area that questioned where the dogs are coming from.
he says on foy street there's at least probably 20 dogs that roam loose all the time.
i've had reports from two different people that there are two wounded dogs on pyramid that have -- look like they've been wounded, which may or may not be the ones that we shot.
and I have not seen the dogs, but a guy that rides his bicycle through there said he had seen them twice.
and I spoke with the officer hathan with Lakeway this morning, sitting on the front of my property.
he had spotted four dogs on pyramid yesterday.
i asked him had he killed them?
he said he went to the house, they thought they were the neighbors dogs, the neighbor thought they were their dogs, nobody would claim the dogs but there are four loose dogs.
lakeway brought traps over.
my son sat the trap over across from my property.
i rode with Travis County animal control and pointed out some areas in the time that we were riding we spotted three or four dogs running loose then.
they said they were going to set traps across my property but called back and said that they couldn't do that, that was Lakeway jurisdiction, that they were going to set their traps a little further into the county.
and so -- so we've had a card from the girl that lives on -- on -- in apache shores that had her cat and mother's poodle killed by pit balls down the way from my place on sharps road.
a friend of mine that told me about the dogs on foy lives on sharps, also.
he said at night they came around their house.
so basically just -- just wanted to follow-up, I won't take up too much of your time.
i don't want the issue to just disappear and like I said we're still guarding our property and -- and this kind of -- it's kind of taxing to do that.
but -- so.

>> the lady behind you to your left, mr.
pope, is sherri flemming.

>> I met her.

>> you have met her already.

>> I did last week, uh-huh.

>> when I have problems of this nature, I call on her and she always comes through.

>> okay.

>> I'll do the same then.

>> we have been discussing the situation and hopefully be able to assist you.

>> well, I hope so.
it's -- it's -- it's a large issue for us out there.
so I appreciate your time.

>> I would like to say we are working on it and as you know -- and it's going to take some creative solutions, what's bun done beene in the past has not been working well.
we appreciate your input and those of others, it's a large area and we're doing our best.

>> thank you very much, I appreciate it.

>> mr.

>> yes, sir, good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
i want to thank the good lord, first of all, for giving us another day in this world.
we in Austin Travis County are doing a little bit better than other parts of the country.
higher than a reasonably reported the last quarter.
many people have given up, as such are not included in the statistical rate.
the data is compiled using statistical data, not physically observing how many people are unemployed.
so really the unemployment rate here in Austin Travis County is higher than what is reflected and I have the statistical data to back it up.
spring break is coming up, many students take to the beaches for fun or other stuff, vacations, whatever.
but many students traditionally work to make ends meet and not too many jobs will be there for them.
again, I ask you all as I asked the city council and the mayor to start preliminary budget expectations earlier.
the city and mayor and council have agreed to start the budget dialogue early.
i know this body has done a very good job of starting early, I have noticed that, experienced it, been a participant.
you set the foundation for the city agreeing to do likewise.
we know the availability for the budget is less than the prior year.
please ensure that senior citizens, youth programs, summer job programs for the youth are fully funded.
please make allowances for corrections officers.
we know that the budget might not allow us to do that or the deputies.
i know that the ratio of inmate to correction officer is very not acceptable.
on top of the wish list is more funding for social service agencies.
the need that increased for help, rent, utilities, too.
at this time I would like to thank the have's.
a lot of people -- some people have slam dunked the people from west Austin.
i have never done it.
i appreciate the have's that come up to help the have not's, Austin, Travis County citizens are second to none in being caring, generous and giving.
people losing their homes, lucky move into a relatives home or apartment, unlucky a motel, less desirable and more expensive, but a roof over your head.
if you have time to spare, volunteer as a mentor and tutor for students who need help, coming up to the time of exams.
help especially in math and reading et cetera and statistical data reflects that mentoring and tutoring programs are successful and help students achieve scholastic evidence.
last item please pray for and support the military veterans.
nobody wanted to go to afghanistan or iraq.
my nephew adrienne served four towers in iraq as a marine.
in vietnam some of us served two or three tours.
pray for them, help them as they come back.
unemployment is high among veterans, also homes, we need more funding for mental health treatment and more counseling for reentry programs for the military.
last and least, Commissioner Davis I want to -- a lot of you people have been great to myself and my family.
i watch to person -- want to personal thank chris for a christian act that he did this morning.
i'm not going to mention what.
but we are very lucky to have you all here.
judge, your leadership, all you Commissioners, for the kind hearts that you have with other people, also, thank you very much.
continue the good work, continue the March and god bless you all, have a good day.

>> thank you, mr.

>> thank you, gus.

>> is that timer working?


>> [beeping] is it working?

>> uh-huh.

>> okay.

>> okay.
thank you, I'm ronnie reeferseed and I want to talk about the hypocrisy of hype.
the big news today is in israel that bigoted regime is holding another sham so-called election in their palestinian occupied territory, the results are meaningless, because most people, ie palestinians are not allowed to vote.
our israel controlled media continually ignores that fact as partners in crime saying palestinians can only vote among themselves for their own tribal leader who has no power.
in review palestinian land was occupied after world war ii to punish those nazis and the u.n.
said so and as directed by u.s.
president harry truman.
bigotry ruled then as now because republicans went along with it.
israel has never been a democracy because they never -- they forever deny palestinians the right to vote.
then as now we pretend that's okay.
in fact we supply often free of charge the israeli bigoted oppressors the money and top of the line weaponry to punish the palestinians who just want their country back.
targeted killings of palestinian leaders is tolerated because we don't want the israelis to do it here.
but they do assassinations here anyway.
for example our last president to stand up to israel, jfk who just said no to their demands for weapons of mass destruction paid for it with his life.
every president following jfk out of fear has surrendered to israel in every way.
the u.s.
in defines of our own benefits and principles continually exercise our veto power over the united nations resolutioned that israel just doesn't like.
that's why the rest of the world hates us.
it's not our so-called freedom, it's our hypocrisy supported that bigoted socialistic to the regime.
israel told us to get rid of sadam hussein.
we have been the world's number one super running dog to israel.
for example, obama has put israel's interests above our own by selected as his chief of staff israeli veteran and israeli intelligence officer rahm emanuel who tells obama who can see him and what to do and servitude for israeli bigotry.
by the way we should all listen to alex jones, 11:00 to 3:00 weekdays, 4:00 to 6:00 Sundays.
don't miss it.
free palestinian.
9/11 was an inside job.
good source for information to get for free on the radio here at 90.1.
during the week like I said, 11:00 to 3:00 or 4:00 to 6:00 on Sundays.
so -- again, I want to ditto everything that gus pena says as usual, he's always on target.
i'm real proud of him as a veteran and his family.
and all of our veterans I'm proud of them and their -- they are soldiers who -- who really

>> [beeping] trying to help save our nation in speed of being ruled by stooges like bush or obama or name your stooge since jfk, thank you so much.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:00 PM