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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 3, 2009, 2009
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first, this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
two residents have signed it.
ronnie reeferseed and bob pope.
pope, if you would come forward there, too, and get comfortable.
and after mr.
reeferseed, if you would give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments.

>> good morning, judge, ms.
Gomez, ms.
Huber and Eckhardt, mr.
my name is ronnie reeferseed.
and I'm here saying that every week day from 11:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m., 90.1 and Sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00, again on 90.1, we get absolutely free, alex jones on line, prison planet tv, that's 24/7 on line, we can find the truth.
free pot now at is for a direct line for me online.
but let's share ideas.
just say no to truly evil toll roads.
just say no to criminal bankster bailout that only helps criminals.
just like those waging that ongoing moronic continually counter productive war on pot smokers.
they are now wasting taxpayer dollars behind bars.
we now have 13 states where independent voters, have voted overwhelmingly to decriminalize at least medicinal marijuana.
since 1996.
who says no?
only our zionist controlled military industrial media bankste really plex of thugs say no because they want to protect their market share.
future life on the planet be damned.
but the time is to say no to this thugopoly on this easy to grow crop.
marijuana seeds contain aminoacids digestible by human kind.
we can eliminate legitimate family farmers worldwide to grow high quality protein and more organically.
by the way, less pesticide usage means less poison in our food and medicine, thus better health for everyone, more money for family farms, less money for organized crime thugs by canceling the president organized crime thugopoly, president obama can wage freedom for farmers once again and thus our constitutional republic can once again earn leadershipship.
overnight, family farms and gardens will explode worldwide guaranteeing global conservation of precious topsoil and water by everyone.
no other single act by president obama can bring more food security, wellness, happiness and joy to our planet.
than granting absolute freedom to farmers.
only mistaken and short sightedly selfish organized crime thugs and their tag alongs in the criminal media complex could hijack this path to freedom and peace, yet even organized crime thugs are beginning to realize the benefits from worldwide necessity of absolute freedom from farmers because everyone has got to eat, even organized crime thugs and their short sighted tag alongs.

>> [buzzer sounding] let's seize the opportunity real beneficial change for all of us, more peace, more freedom.
let's reward honest cops with love and appreciation for their good work to protect us all from thoughtless criminals, thank you.

>> thank you.
pope, good morning.

>> good morning.
my name is bob pope, I live in western Travis County.
i have for 32 years, I have been breeding livestock there for the last probably 22, 24 years.
we had packs of dogs dug into our property, my property is all enclosed in industrial chain link fence with barbed wire at the bottom and the top.
best fence as possible for security.
they dug into our property.
my son drove up and killed four dogs, three dogs on the property out of six.
wounded probably two.
they went through the fence outside.
we have lost 33 registered goats of very high quality breeding stock.
14 left, 8 went to the veterinary clinic, seven are injured, also, all 14 of them are being daily treated for wounds.
udders torn off, total faces torn off the goats.
utter carnage.
i have raised livestock my entire life.
never seen some mutilation.
we lost 36 chickens, rio grande wild turkeys, peacocks.
we have probably lost at least $40,000 in -- in -- in livestock not counting any of the labor, feed.
i went all over the state travelling, sifting through pens of hundreds of goats to search, select certain breeding lines for breeding.
we have lost our entire breeding lines and lost at least four years of -- of breeding.
and we're -- we're at ground zero to start over with it.
we breed miniature sycilian donkeys, fortunately they are terrified enough that they fought off, the dogs were taking everything of the least resistance, when they got done with that, they would have moved on to the miniature donkeys, these respect just regular donkeys, we raise breeding stocks, one of our jacks that we raised won the houston livestock show and placed second in the national show several years ago.
retired at five years old.
our goat breeding stock is not, you know, just commercial market goats.
we were breeding for ffa and 4 h show.
and we are wiped out.
i have a group of 57 graphic photographs of every dead animal on the property.
the dead dogs, we've had since then, another dog has come back and killed another dog.
none of them have collars whatsoever.
the neighborhood is crawling with them.
they run loose all the time.
i called Travis County animal control at 3:00 p.m., reference number 18348 Sunday afternoon.
and asked to speak -- for somebody to come out and visit with me over this issue.
i have yet to even have a return phone call from the county.

>> [buzzer sounding] I'm at my wit's end.
we are guarding our property 24 hours a day with shotguns, we are in a highly populated area.
and I will -- I plan to kill every damned dog that comes on my property at that point, you know, it's -- it's a serious issue.
just a few miles from my property two or three years ago a little girl was mauled by pit bulls.
these were mostly pit bull, pit bull crosses.
unneutered male dogs.
you know?
i don't know what else to say.
i'm at my wit's end.
what my family had to muddle through Thursday morning was disgraceful.
just disgraceful.
we had flatbed trailer covered with bodies, dead goats, chickens, peacocks, turkeys.
a month ago my children's --

>> you are out of time.

>> we would like to take a look at those pictures.

>> I'm leaving these with you guys, a little synopsis.

>> do we need to get them back to you.

>> no, I have other copies for myself, but I do want you all to keep those, have a chance to pass them around at your convenience.

>> I appreciate --

>> you and I chatted yesterday afternoon.
we will see if we can provide you some help.
you are situated in a kind of funny place, sort of in Lakeway and unincorporated area.

>> there is -- the -- the current status of the law currently is that all dogs even in the unincorporated area must be on leash.
at all times.
and the dangerous dog statute of course applies state-wide.

>> I think that we have a problem out there.

>> I can drive you in my pickup truck all through that area and show you dog after dog after dog after dog lined up in fronts yards with no -- no fences.

>> I appreciate all of the time, anything that you can do to help eliminate this situation.

>> thanks for letting us know.

>> thank you.

>> yes.

>> thanks a lot.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 3, 2009 2:36 PM