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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 21, 2009
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next, this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes. Two residents have signed in. Gus pena and ronnie reeferseed.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena. I want to thank you, judge, for your appropriate comments and even though the statute does not require, there's no policy or procedure requiring public hearings, it is good policy to allow the people to speak. Thank you very much for that, making it abundantly clear. Number one, project help, you know, project help is a -- is an office agency within the Austin independent school district that provides help and assistance to the homeless families and the students enrolled in aisd who are homeless. I still would like to say this in front of this public elected body and also to the -- to the viewers, that project help still needs help for bus passes, spoke to you regarding the bus passes, Commissioner Gomez. And you as the chair of capital metro board I wish that we would do a more aggressive outreach because a lot of people don't have transportation that rely on public, a bus pass, with the money that you spend on bus passes could buy bread, things, items of food needed for the family structure. If we could provide help. Anybody listening out there, project help, aisd, 414-1700 is the general operations number. Get information from them. Hispanic quality -- hispanic quality of life. Over $750,000 spent by the city council to provide this survey and what us hispanics need as far as improving our quality of life. How many years have we activists and so-called just people of interest have been bringing forth to elected bodies about the quality of life or lack thereof with the hispanic people. Why do we need a study? It says here the number of activists, activisms, all of that good stuff. It's just a bad -- bad way to -- to waste money that could be spent in direct service to the people that really need it. The poor people, there's a lot of poverty out there, a lot of need. I don't know. I listened to a portion of the -- of the statements from the individual that was hired for that. It just is not good expenditures, a waste of taxpayer money. Social service agencies, I want to say, a lot of social service agencies when you call them don't have the funding to help out. They are hurting like everybody else. They are starting the budget talks, we're going to need more money for the social service agencies. That's the bottom line. I thank these candidates that are running for mayor. One of their priorities and issues is announcements, social service agencies, help the poor and needy, glad, let's not have double speak, let's make sure when you get an office, even if you don't support the social service agencies needs because they need help for the poor, a lot of hurt out there with this recession, health and human services they do help out people, motels, takes 60 days for the payment to be reversed to the hotel. Nobody in their right mind is good go to wait for 60 days for payment. It's still not a good deal. Look at the policies and procedures regarding these issues and maybe correct them. Mental health is a priority at the legislature. We have more returning iraqi and afghanistan war veterans with mental health issues, ptsz

>> [buzzer sounding] horrific problems we veterans face. Please support that. The last item, I'm not going to speak, number 14 deals with the h.u.d. And cdbg funding, let's have more of community based newspaper and spanish speaking newspapers so we can do outreach to everybody and be inclusive, thank you all very much, keep up the good work. God bless you all; a good day.

>> mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you, judge and mr. Davis saw you on the tube. I want to ditto virtually everything as usual gus pena had to say. He's a wise money. I'm ronnie reeferseed. And with a sad word about the obama melt down, it's going to be a big disappointment for blacks if you know about the immigration issue and who really pays the price for all of those cheap labor come flooding into our nation. It's a poor -- being kept poor. But anyway in 1984, for example, I was living in california, I cast eight votes for jessie jackson. Back in Texas in '88 I voted again for jessie jackson, senior. Then as a steve forbes enthusiast I voted for al lean keyes in the Texas republican primary. That's 10 votes I cast for a black man to become president. Long before these late coming liberals have wake contend up. Shirley chisolm was a more qualified peace activist candidate for president than mr. Obama is right now. But more than he will ever be. For example, vice-president joe build a burger biden ensured obama surrendered to the bankster media complex and israeli intelligence officer and israeli duel citizen rahm israel emanuel, obama' chief of staff who closes the deal for the zionist control of our foreign policy. Since jfk the last president who tried to stand up to israel, every president since has done the bigoted zionist bidding. Elitism is bigotry. It's same the same as -- look, I'm no osmolarity, I'm just luckier than most because I learned about ob/gyn dr. Ron paul's ongoing ever extrapolating revolution of love for liberty in our sacred amendeddable constitution long ago. I've been trying to share the joy ever since. Like I said, I voted for allen keyes back as a republican. But obama I'm afraid is yet another stooge for israel like the u.s. Domination is a delusion. Since -- since November 22nd, 1963, u.s. Foreign policy has been hijacked in servitude to israeli zionists and the spasm of the military industrial bankster media complex. U.s. Citizens can -- rehashing old stuff here. U.s. Citizens no longer truly have a stay to ist foreign policy decisions. For example the worldwide criminal bankster bailout, we are still going ahead with it

>> [buzzer sounding] still in this ongoing war on hemp enthusiasts and our continued militaristic is not wanted but shoved down our throats but the aforementioned criminal industrial bankster media complex. Happy future to everybody else. It's going to be a big disappointment to blacks as our jobs continue to evaporate in this country they are the big losers there. On that happy note, hey, thanks.

>> thank you,.

>> all right. Anybody else for citizens communication whether you signed in or not?

>> can I just say this, sir? I neglected to do this and this is one sign of course, this is another one, I try to get --

>> mr. Reeferseed you have gone way over. Come back next Tuesday and say what you have in mind.

>> all right, sorry.

>> all right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 21, 2009 2:03 PM