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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 6, 2009
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first and this item gives residents an opportunity to give comments to the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda. For up to three minutes and gus pena has signed in. He'll be followed by ronnie reeferseed.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena, happy new year. To everybody. So many -- so many issues to deal with that affect the people not only in -- in different precincts but all throughout Travis County-wide. Remember, folks, 20 miles an hour school zone, school is back in session, remain cognizant of the safety well-being of our students throughout the school area, in school zones, also near their homes, also slow down. The t.i.f., please ensure that comprehensive notification is afforded to the residents of the impacted affected areas. A lot of people that I have spoken to since the last item no. 28, the last agenda of the t.i.f., have informed me that they don't know what the heck is going on, what is t.i.f., how it's going to affect them in the community. Please make sure they are properly educated and a lot of concerns and questions. You will have a packed house over here when this t.i.f. Item comes back on the agenda. Mentors and tutors for students with problems with math, reading, not really about being able to read, more a composition and able to do a composition that's properly worded and phrased and the verbiage, et cetera. Pray for our military personnel serving in harm's way. More funding needed for mental health treatment, even more so as veterans return from iraq and afghanistan. Related issues, proper assessment and proper diagnostic procedures need to be improved. I know strongly that Austin Travis County mental health and mental retardation facility is doing a top notch job in providing mental health treatment for the people that need it, still a lot of our veterans are coming back, people on the streets, homeless, a lot of people that aren't homeless, well-to-do, are having mental health problems, needing more funding for mental health. Especially our children. A lot of children say there's a new catch phrase for anger management, it's anger. And they are going to need treatment also and also counseling, proper counseling. Our department of veterans affairs need to approve proper medical care, housing, better counseling wrap around services, non-profits are seeing a need to provide assistance for poor, needy, have-nots. Rental assistance, utility assistance and food. In most instances comprehensive case management is needed especially in these tough economic times. I know judge and Commissioners the directors of the agency, social service agencies are going to be asking for an increase in funding as they are currently at the city council, city side, please I know you all have a good heart, you have done it before. Remember, we have the -- we have a fiduciary and statutory responsibility to provide the best for our taxpayers and residents. Just -- it's just a big need out there. Going to be even tougher this year, we can work it out working together with the city all of the agencies. Welcome aboard Commissioner huber, we're going to need everybody's help on these issues, thanks again for all of the kind hearts we have god bless you all, have a good day.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, gus.


>> okay. Thank you all, I'm ronnie reeferseed. Of course I'm here to represent the over 156 dead palestinian men, women and children killed in the last 11 days, five israeli soldiers dead by friendly fire, four israeli civilians dead from rockets. But how? With the u.s. Taxpayer dollars israeli thugs continually commit collective punishment which is a war crime people. Why? The bigoted socialist totalitarian criminal regime of israeli believe god has chosen their bigotry over all others. Because you and me as u.s. Taxpayers continually pay them to kill people. What will stop it? When we u.s. Taxpayers stop the payments to israel for killing, it may stop. At least our collective guilt as u.s. Taxpayers will finally begin to lessen and who can stop the killing? Why, those evil stooges for israel, you and me, u.s. Taxpayers must now just say no to the status quo. Ob/gyn dr. Ron paul has been working for decades to stop the killing in our zionist controlled media banksters, prevented him from being controlled president. Installed our latest stooge of a slightly different hue. The american sheeple have been told to feel good about ourselves because we now have a different colored stooge in charge. Meanwhile israeli army veteran, long time israeli intelligence officer rahm israel emanuel, yet another chicago based politician is now president elect obama's chief of staff designate. That means every single item of information that obama will ever see has to first pass through the tentacles of this israeli operative rahm emanuel israel. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves in shame and disgust. Now is the time to stop the revolution with a tax revolt. Taxation without representation is the catch phrase that began our first revolution can help us once general lee the republic. Let us all earn our leadership by example. Let's wage a tax revolt. Our income tax schemology is a good place to start. Because our taxes are never fully ratified we can and must all bring this evil to an end. Now is our best chance ever because we cannot afford it anymore. The true revolt now is the answer. And absolute freedom for all farmers is yet another reality happening sooner rather than later as a result of our ongoing

>> [beeping] bankster thug bailout. We will unite to demand absolute freedom for farmers because everybody has to eat. Within each and every marijuana seed there is a full aminoacid. Vegetarians of the world unite to help feed our future, help conserve our good tops and help conserve topsoil. We will grow more medical marijuana because we have to, gardeners and farmers will follow --

>> thank you.

>> let us all rejoice in the freedom made available by our sacred amendeddable constitution. Welcome to our new Commissioner, help us save our world with freedom, stop financing the ongoing israeli war crimes against palestinian freedom fighters.

>> time is up, way over.

>> thank you, sir.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 6, 2009 2:27 PM