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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 16, 2008
Items 7

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>> now, going back to item 7, consider and take appropriate action regarding the parking lease between Travis County and central parking system of Texas for parking at 1250 guadalupe.

>> good morning. Roner l.khoury, request one-year extension to the lease for the central parking lease at 1250 guadalupe. The lease will expire December 31, 2008. We have five parking space in that parking lot and the current cost per space is $75 and it's going to be increased to $90 per month per space. There is no remaining renewal option beyond this year. And we have -- we have the cost increase in the budget and we recommend approval of this lease. And I believe

>> [inaudible] has some kind of issue.

>> to clarify, this will apply to item 7, 8, 9 and 10 and that is discussions we've had with the auditor. The auditor had expected, anticipated to see certain clauses in all -- in these three renewals and one new parking lease that were not included. Basically there was a disconnect. But we're all on the same page now and I wanted you to know that in the next couple weeks we'll be bringing back modifications, very brief modifications the all four of these solely in order to include those two provisions. That concerned taxes and indebtedness and a clause that allows the county to off set payments due to contractors. If they are in fact indebted. And another clause that's a w-9 request that they submit -- requirement they submit a w-9 form together with the contract. So that's have been requested by the auditor and I have agreed to draft those modifications.

>> any additional comments?

>> no, sir. I mean

>> [inaudible] just a comment that's what we do kind of to make sure that we come up -- protection for the county. These clauses and it was very agreeable that we'll be modifying and I have no problems with that.

>> [inaudible] as we have requested. Everything is okay with us at this point and we will work with them in the future.

>> with that I move approval.

>> second.

>> and we'll just -- we'll act on the amendment at the appropriate time.

>> correct.

>> discussion? Go ahead.

>> I just -- the question -- my question was, was that for 7, 8, 9 and 10 or only for 7?

>> I think it's for all of them, isn't it?

>> I just called up 7, but what you said.

>> what I said, with respect to those clauses and jose's comments.

>> [multiple voices]

>> Commissioner eckhardt.

>> I just had a brief comment. In regard to these items, this represents benefit to employees who do get these parking spaces of roughly 1200 bucks a year. This is a benefit only certain employees enjoy and I wanted to stress again we also have two additional parking garage that's are not being optimally -- we are not optimally distributing this benefit. And we must look at that. We have additional capacity, we are leaving on the table and our fellow employees are not getting a benefit that would be available if we take a good, hard look at the distribution mechanisms in our existing parking garages. And so I'm just stressing again, we need to look at that and we need to come back to Commissioners court with what the best practices are in the industry for distributing parking resources. Because there are employees among us that are not getting a benefit that they could have because we are dragging our feet.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:45 PM