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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 2, 2008
Citizens Communication

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Now, citizens communication gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes, and three citizens have signed in. Morris priests is first. Gus pena second. And ronnie reeferseed third.

>> judge, Commissioners, glad to be with you today. I would like to invite everyone in the court today to give the Austin fire department a big round of applause. Could you join me in giving the Austin fire department a big round of applause.

>> [applause] the Austin fire department did reject the -- their union did reject the offer of the city council and I'm glad they did because they've been fighting fires with 1970s equipment and they deserve our support and they have it. So thanks to the Austin fire department for voting down that contract. Also, second on the agenda, that's the good news, the bad news is campo did get vote these toll roads in again last night. The Austin sierra club, environmental defense fund, 62 the 0, people organized in the defense of earth and her resources, save our spring along with many other groups thanks to Ron Davis for sending out his documentation to many of the neighborhood groups in Travis County. Letters dated November 18th, March 13th, 2008, and April 23rd, 2008. So I really do thank you, Commissioner Davis, for spending those letters out to the public and letting them know what's taking place in their county and in your precinct. We have many items on the campo agenda. All the items were -- item 8 was the toll road they are putting in at 290 using 183 funds, and this toll road was voted in and citizens weren't allowed to comment and it was really just a -- this is really just amazing to see that this -- this was done in this manner and part of this letter that I have here, I'll read one paragraph, copping from this letter that was an open letter from these groups I previously mentioned. A matter of timing we believe is wrong to schedule deliberations and action on this major debt commitment when campo board still has pro-toll lame duck members like Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty and state representative mike crues. Both are leaving office in substantial part because of voters oppose their support for toll roads. We've seen this time and time again. Our elected officials are voting out of office for voting for those toll roads and I think that basically what we have with a situation with this court is Ron Davis has been the only person that's opposed these toll rides time and time again and I think he is deserved a big round of applause for supporting this community fighting these toll roads.

>> [applause] I just -- it's unbelievable that this county and this campo board will support things that disenfranchise those in need. Thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Priest. Mr. Pena.

>> good morning judge, Commissioners. First I would like to thank the people to help out the poor and needy with thanksgiving lunch and dinners who boys would not have had anything to eat. A shoutout goes to you all because you made a lot of seniors and families happy with meals they would not have had. The recession, I told the city council back in November, December, we were in a recession. Read the newspaper, it says recession hit in 2007, December. I brought that attention to the mayor and the councilmembers back in November and December. Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a recession and it's going to get worse next year. That's what I said to city council and I brought this up. We are not as bad as in other parts of the country, but it's affecting the poor and needy and the senior citizens trying to keep their homes and sustain a healthy lifestyle. Last week you had a healthy discussion on the homestead preservation and reinvestment zone. Just because they have a neighborhood association does not mean the word gets out to everybody out there. Commissioner Gomez, I grew up in east Austin, 2327, east 5th street. We moved to montopolis which was not part of the city. It was annexed in 1964, I remember it very well. There are problems. We need to help out everywhere because poverty is not just in east Austin. I'm proud of it, but east Austin is not just suffering poverty. I would like so say hello to mrs. Earl, ronnie earle's mom. I met her when he was a municipal court judge. She and I got a kick out of this and a laugh. I remember meeting ronnie when he was a municipal court judge with a beard. I said darn, this home boy, he's a judge with a beard. I said why don't you shave it off, man. Mrs. Earle told me the same thing, shave it off. We respect your son ronnie, work with him on all thinks campaigns reelections starting from way back in the 60s and I want to tell you we're blessed by having your son lead news fighting crime but also helping people in need. I helped judge elizabeth earle and thank you for saying kind things about me that I don't deserve, but thank you very much. Last -- last, excuse me, I'm for getting my frame of thought. A shoutout to anybody out there, we need mentors and tutors for students. They are failing, a lot of students are failing in math and reading. Please, if you can donate time, go not to just the campuses help mentor a child because we're losing a lot of kids not just to dropout rate. Transitional housing, judge, Commissioners, have you to have various nonprofits, have you to have a job to get into the housing initiatives. That's not good. You are trying to get people to be self-sufficient. Let's work on the parameters, eligibility. Thank you for your time and remember we're in a recession, but we can weather it and take care of our senior citizens and youth. It's society's measured by treatment of its least fortunate. Thank you all and god bless you.

>> thank you. Mr. Reeferseed.

>> > good morning, jill and all you tag-alongs. I am ronnie reeferseed. Today rejoicing kind of a horrific event. I say not really rejoicing but is at least more plausible as reaction to that horrendous tragedy last black Friday in new york. Some wal-mart worker was stomped to death by people race to go get bargains for chinese junk. Who or what killed that china mart worker. I personally blame msg, which is a wicked poison that is marketed as a, quote, flavor enhancer to be found in virtually all chinese food, processed foods of all kinds, kentucky fried chicken, church's, chicken, et cetera. Msg enhances no flavor. It is really a toxic chemical that shut down part of the brain. Msg shuts down that part of the brain that says stop eating, you've already had more than enough. Meanwhile, childhood obesity is in epidemic labbing kids of a healthy childhood and place and exploration. Children are trapped in front of t.v. Watching endless t.v. Of poisonous processed food and violent programming that forever reduces all females of all ages into mere sex toys. Where are all those feministist, I wonder. They are too busy buying toxic perfumes and make jerusalem that there are same t.v. Tells them they've just got to had. Guess what, ladies, at least half of us money are disgusted with toxic makeup and hairdos. And obama has appointed israeli dual citizen rahm emanuel as his gate keeping chief of staff. Nobody will get to see obama without passing through rahm emanuel that killed and injured palestinian men and women every day with advanced weapon rye supplied often free of charge by u.s. Taxpayers. Rachel corey was run over by u.s. Supplied caterpillar bulldozer, by the way. Vp joe build a burger bide even is another stooge for israel as is defense secretary robert gates. All peace 5:00 time and time vases wasted their vote on obama, however, the ongoing -- the ongoing ever extra lathing Ron paul for love and liberty keeps on keeping on. And don't you forget about it. He might not be on the ballot, but his followers are all over the country and we're running for office ourselves and dedicated, constitutional enthusiasts who understand that all -- all these people, they swear to uphold and protect the constitution and then they virtually shred it and ignore it. Except for dr. Ron paul. Ob-gyn dr. Ron paul, by the way who has already delivered over 4,000 babies, several of them here in the Austin at the u.t. Campus. So thanks for your patience. Pay attention.

>> thank you. That does it for citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 3:10 PM