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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 2, 2008
Item 3

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>> now for our most important agenda item today, number 3. Ronnie, this is the fifth time we've called this item, by the way.

>> [laughter] number 3 is to present proclamation to district attorney ronnie earle on his retirement after 32 years of service to Travis County.

>> [applause]

>> judge, may I speak for a moment?

>> certainly.

>> thank you. Good morning, everyone. I am really, really pleased to be here to talk with you this morning not about budget, not about crime, not about problems, but to join my friends and co-workers here to kick off ronnie earle day. I know there are so many emotions running through this room. I've heard them in my office here as ronnie approaches his retirement. But I think I'm fairly confident when I say that all of us, each and every one of us share a deep sense of gratitude to ronnie earle for his long-standing commitment to this community, for his exemplary public service, and for the innovative and thoughtful way that he has approached the job of district attorney for all these years. For the high standard he has set and for the outstanding office that he has built. Personally I've had the opportunity on many occasions to sit here with him and talk to you and to previous members of the court about the multitude of public safety and community-related issues that have come before ronnie during the years of his service. And I am proud that he has approached each and every issue with vision and energy, with the fair and thoughtful and informed way that he has approached every challenge. And mostly I think his standard, which is that gift to express his ideas and values that has come to be ronnie's trademark. I personally am grateful to ronnie because he has been my mentor, he has been to so many of us, not just a boss but a true friend. I can say that my time with ronnie has been an honor and a privilege. And so I am here to join the chorus of our office and the city and the county to say thank you to ronnie earle for being the leader that he is. He is the kind of leader that comes along only once every once in a while. So thank you, ronnie, for your service and for being who you are to all of us. Thank you.

>> [applause]

>> thank you, rosemary and thank you friends and co-workers, members of the Commissioners court. I feel strange, this is the first time that I've ever appeared before you and not asked for something.

>> [laughter] I certainly appreciate rosemary's kind words. I think her words began to you by saying he's on his way.

>> [laughter] in 30 years, she's got that down pretty well.

>> [laughter] I'd like to introduce my wife twila hugely earle who has taken almost as many bull let's over the years. We have had a partnership in the doing of the public's business that has been almost as successful as the partnership that we have had doing each other's business. If that makes sense. I'm not sure that there are actually follows. It has been my joy and my privilege for all these years to be able to work with such extraordinary people and county government in general, and especially in the district attorney's office. There is no more dedicated group of people in this country, I don't think, than the people that this community has had the privilege of working for them. I had never been a prosecutor when I first was elected. I ran because I saw that the duty of the prosecutor was not to convict but to see that justice is done. And so what these people here do who work on behalf of this community in partnership with the community, they see that justice is done and that many in ways is a holy calling. Which is why we have such a low turnover rate and why I've been here for so long. I could probably talk for the rest of the day as those of you who know me realize, but I will not subject you to that. I will say thank you for the privilege of working with you, thank you for the privilege of working with the people of Travis County as we have put together a partnership in the effort to see justice is done because it is not the unique province of any one person or office, it's a joint and collective enterprise. Thank you very much for allowing me to be part of that.

>> thank you.

>> [applause]

>> judge, before you read that proclamation, I want to remind everyone we will finish ronnie earle day tonight with a retirement party, and we invite everyone to join us at stubs barbecue from 5:00 to 8:00 this evening which is on 9th street between red river and i-35. Like I say, we'll be there between 5:00 and 8:00 and begin the program around 6:00. Come and stay, come and leave, but come say hi and pay tribute to ronnie.

>> will someone present the proclamation tonight?

>> I thought we might read it now.

>> okay. Ronnie, I kind of recommended a rolex watch for you.

>> [laughter] but I was convinced that you would probably give it back anyway.

>> [laughter] so we don't have that. We have a proclamation instead. It reads: whereas throughout his illustrious career, ronnie -- ronald -- ronnie earle has dedicated his life to making Travis County and the state of Texas a safer place to live. Whereas ronnie earle is retiring as Travis County district attorney after 32 years of exceptional service. Whereas ronnie earle is a nationally recognized leader in prosecution who has demonstrated a tenacious and unselfish commitment to victims' rights, developing and maintaining safe communities and fostering the ideals of peace and justice. Whereas ronnie earle has been known to dedicate his life to reweaving the fabric of community replete with weaving terminology. Whereas ronnie earle has always tried to do what he believes is right no matter how unpopular, especially with fox national news.

>> [laughter] whereas ronnie earle is known as a visionary, known far and wide for thinking outside the confines of the traditional prosecutor's role. Whereas ronnie earle has been an equal opportunity thorn in the side of republicans and democrats. During his tenure as district attorney. He has proven he cannot indict a ham sandwich. Whereas ronnie earle has always believed thaw must be tough on crime but also be smart about preventing it by addressing the root causes that lead to crime. Whereas it is the job of the district attorney not merely to convict but to see that justice is done and given that there is no definition for justice and the penal code, ronnie has made it up as he goes along.

>> [laughter] not unlike much everything else. Ronnie, whereas ronnie earle has not been afraid to use a bigger toolbox than that afforded most prosecutors, incorporating the tools of a teacher, a preacher, and even uncle john and aunt mary. Whereas ronnie has threatened to got go gently into that good night. Whereas we have all greatly benefited and been inspired by his wisdom and vision and are indebted to him for his outstanding dedication, leadership and service. And whereas we wish to express our deep appreciation and gratitude. Now therefore about it resolved we the members of the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby proclaim December 2, 2008, as Travis County district attorney ronnie earle day in Travis County, Texas, and ask all citizens of Travis County to join us as we show our appreciation for this outstanding work and dedicated service to Travis County. Be it also resolved that we extend best wishes to ronnie in all future endeavors and the Commissioners court unanimously approved this resolution on November 25th, 2008. And I think our intention was to hide it from you until today. And did we do that?

>> you've done it well.

>> all right.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> I would like -- before I leave the microphone, which I'm loathe to do as all of you know, I would like to recognize members of my family beginning with my mother. I would just like for them to raise their hand, if they would. Everybody who is kin to me raise your hand.

>> [applause]

>> it takes real courage to claim that relationship. And now I would like for the members of the district attorney's office staff to raise their hands.

>> [applause] that's why I've managed to keep steady employment for 33 years. Thank you very much.

>> thank you so much.

>> before you leave, I would like to say this to you. You've had a definitely positive effect on me as a Commissioner since I've been here. I remember the first -- well, from the first sessions that I had as a Commissioner. It was a discussion that was dealing with some database issues and I made a few comments with my computer science background. And you stopped me right there next to that pillar and said, you know, Commissioner, those are some real good thoughts that you've had on this and we need to maybe look at some of those things. But even so, you -- somewhere along the lines, somebody is going to have to write something down on paper and tell how and what those innovative things you've done that were out of the box. An example, missile and rocket docket, those kind of things. All the other programs that you have been doing out of the box that hasn't been done nowhere else and people are probably looking for that kind of leadership or how did the district attorney do that down in Travis County. And somewhere along the lines somebody is going to have to write that information down; otherwise, it may get lost. And I don't want that to happen because as I told you before when you were dealing with the budget and you came and you testified before the court to allow certain things to happen in this last budget cycle, with the staff of that nature, elected new d.a., you made some comments then on some things that we looked at and, of course, those things we ended up approving during that budget cycle. We stood and talked next to that wall and I said ronnie, you are the last of the mohicans. And you said you know, I still play that music.

>> [laughter] and you are right, we are the last of the mohicans. I just want to let you know I don't want you to leave without me making those comments. You have inspired me as an individual and as a Commissioner, and I want to make sure that you hear that while the hearing is good.

>> [laughter]

>> [applause]

>> I second the motion to approve the proclamation.

>> second.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 3:10 PM