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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 25, 2008
Citizens Communication

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>> good morning, let's call to order this voting session of the Travis County Commissioners court. And turning to the agenda, we do need at least another week on item no. 20. Work out some contract language, item no. 20 much. And the others are ready. Citizens communication is first. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court up to 3 minutes on any matter not on the agenda. Four residents have signed in beginning with morris priest, followed by ronnie reeferseed. Third is jim sylvester.

>> thank you judge, Commissioners, morris priest. I wanted to invite people to the campo meeting on December the 1st at the joe c. Thomp con center, dean keeton, Austin, Texas, Monday, December the 1st at 6:00 p.m. I would like to invite the public out. You will meet the nicest people at these meetings. I met people at 511 campaign. You know the a rapid response coalition. The Texas public safety commission withdrawn its request for the Texas attorney general's office to set up their case to stop and interrogate motorists suspected of no wrong doing. These check points could be interpreted as excessive force as well as as a misappropriation of state funds and resources, turning us into a checkpoint society. If you oppose this system or tyranny as I call it without fear of intimidation, retaliation or recognition as an individual as I did or as a group, I thank you. Once again I want you to invite you to the capitol area metropolitan planning organization board on December the 1st. Be there. 6:00 p.m. Also, I want to give you a website to look at, This is the u.s. Border control, border patrol's website. They have a legislative action link to give an e-mail to president bush to pardon ramos and campion, the two border agents wrongly incarcerated. This is a great time to ask your fellow citizens to -- to come to the support these two gentlemen and ask bush to pardon these people for being wrongly imprisoned. I would like to again say that -- that I looked at the Travis County votes, they just don't seem to be matching up. The records are pretty -- well, I will get back to that later. I just really despise electronic voting. I do know if you have people like vote rescue or the domain group or the wal-mart people, people that fault wal-mart or any group, if you can e-mail them, maybe

>> [indiscernible] linda curtis, independent texans. If you have a group with a large e-mailing list. E-mail them today, invite them out to campo, December the 1st, joe c thompson center at 6:00 p.m. Who knows who may be listening, maybe somebody as honorable as major john denton with the department of public safety, will e-mail his troopers to get range months and campoin pardoned. Ramos. It's a tragedy, a tyranny that we have such fine men thrown in jail for arresting a dope dealer. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Priest. Mr. Reeferseed is next. Fold by jim sylvester, followed by gus mean in a.

>> thank you, sir. Thank you everyone. I really ditto everything that our previous speaker said, I'm ronnie reefer

>> [gasp] reefer seed. Obama's votes were wasted on another stooge. Joe biden is there to step in if and when real peace and freedom begins taking hold. For your information, also one time all time, is

>> [indiscernible] intelligence officer and now chief of staff emanuel will make sure of that. By the way israeli dual citizen rahm emanuel demonstrates his true loyalty and has already served in the armed forces in the israeli armed forces that kills palestinian men, women and children non-sop with advanced weaponry provided free of charge. To the bankster media complex, digging the grave to our own sacred constitution. Patriot citizens please buy guns while we still can, people. Start growing your own food. Like alex jones says, because those evil criminals who run our world are otherwise actually killing us all. Listen to 90.1, alex jones, here in Austin if you want a lieu as to what's happening -- a clue as to what's happening. However, we can rejoice because more and more citizens are standing up, by the way printed on hemp parchment. George washington, thomas jefferson as well as being founding fathers were hemp fathers. Only organized thugs win by keeping hemp marijuana illegal. We must get all honest doctors, teachers, for absolute freedom for farmers, et cetera, for enhung us lead the world by example, not bullets, bombs and hate. Imagine, freedom for farmers farmerscan simultaneously take money from thugs while helping our family farm. It's a win-win-win situation. Promote freedom for farmers to help feed our hungry future. It is the family farms that are the root of the foundation of our country, human civilization around the worldment when humans figured out how to grow crops, that's when our population really began to -- we start to have cities, culture, ideas like freedom and things that are based -- that are found in our sacred constitution, which by the way was like I mentioned before, printed on hemp. And so -- so for -- for a majority of our nation's proud history, hemp farming was not illegal. It's just yet another great crop to -- to help sustain our farmers and the topsoil needed to grow food. By the way the pop planning commission has doubled -- population has doubled within my lifetime. So let's be sure to be able to grow as many crops as we possibly can to help feed our hungry planet. Thank you so much.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> I don't think anybody uses the word thug as good as you do.

>> [laughter]

>> thank you, sir.

>> [laughter]

>> mr. Sylvester is next, followed by gus pena.

>> I'm jim sylvester, one of the board members for the Travis County youth show here in Travis County. If you look up at your desk there, we passed out fliers about the show and a show schedule. I would like to take this opportunity to invited the members of the court to come out and participate in the Travis County youth show and see what the -- what the young men and women of Travis County are doing with -- in the way of livestock, swelling, wood shop, art, photography, cooking, baking, all of the stuff will be competitive in nature for the young men and women in Travis County at the livestock show. They will be judged and have what we call a ribbon sale, this is a non-terminal show, all of the individual, young men and women raising cattle lambs, swine, goats, chicken, turkey, non-terminal show which means that the people who come out there and bid at the animals at the auction on January 17th, merely donate their money back to the kids to use as scholarships or to purchasing to vocational training, secondary colleges, junior college, universities, around to reinvest in their animals in the future for future farming and ranching. You all sponsor the capital 4 h every year. We will be there. They raise goats down at molly dawson elementary school. We want to give you an opportunity to put this on your schedule now. Come by sometime during Friday, Saturday, Sunday event. If you get a chance to show up at the auction I would love to have you all there as well. Note this is a big event, we support over 600 young men and women here in Travis County as part of the future farmers of america and the capital 4 h program.

>> thanks for your support and your final.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> we will have that on the calendar, also.

>> gus pena is next.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena. First of all I would like to thank you for your leadership on this elected body. Thank you, Commissioner eckhardt for all that you have done, you know what you have done for people and continue the March.

>> thank you for what you do, gus.

>> well, thank you, I appreciate you very much for that. The family says thank you, too. First and foremost judge, the article in the paper says county may try knocking on doors to reach the needy. This is new and innovative, a positive. As you said a lot of people will not go out to solicit help for their families, poor, needy. Number one they have been disrespected enough when they go to try to receive assistance, they are very hesitant to be disrespected again. This is a good deal. You are sending counselors out there. Also a study. Basically you know what the needs are because I have been telling you all a lot of the needs that people have. Anyway, good job, good initiative keep up the good work. I would like to thank becky, vivian and all of the people at afl-cio, they asked me for all of the work and help they have done to help out the people, not only the union members but people in need as a whole. Also thank sarah weddington for the help she has given people. Leroy nellis has done a great job, many others to provide tutors and mentors for kids out there, not only in east Austin, but everywhere. Right now I beg you, I ask you, I plead with you, please if you can mentor, tutor a student, with math, reading, please volunteer your time. One hour a day, per week. Will you know be astronomical changes to the student and their learning. Thanksgiving. I would like to thank god for -- should have been first and foremost, thank god for giving me another day in this world and us also. I would like to ask everyone if you can please sponsor a family for thanksgiving and/or christmas. A lot of people will go without. There's a lot of need out there, a lot of poverty as I said before. Even at the city council. Councilmembers here in the city of Austin know the gap widens between the haves and have-nots. If you can do that, please help us the less fortunate out. I would like to also acknowledge person who was a mentor for me, former attorney general jim mattox. He gave me a lot of pointers, when I ran for city council, did a poor job of running for justice of the peace. I hugged his wife yesterday at the capitol. I miss him and his words of wisdom, he was a mentor to me. May he rest in peace. Afl-cio announced formation of a union veterans council will give voice to 2.1 union members who served in the military, please call the afl-cio to become a member of this union for military veterans who are part of the united states of america reflected. Veterans came out to vote as reflected in recent presidential election, local elections and state and county elections. Please --

>> [buzzer sounding] I'm going to just wrap it up. This is a letter and documentation from the secretary of veterans affairs telling about the hued-vash program where they are currently investigating. I think the system will approve. Judge, Commissioners, god bless you, thank you for what you have done, you especially, judge, happy thanksgiving to you all, keep up the good work.

>> thank you very much, gus. Jennifer gale.

>> thank you, gus.


>> good morning, Travis County Commissioners court. It's an honor to be here with my councilmember, mike martinez in the audience. Chairman of the capital metro transportation authority, Commissioner Margaret Gomez, judge Sam Biscoe. Commissioner sarah eckhardt. I could have used some of that money to run for -- for u.s. Representative for this district, perhaps next I can get a little bit of money so I can run. And my own Commissioners Ron Davis. We're going to miss you, Commissioner Gerald Daugherty. You're a fine Commissioner. In many ways irreplaceable. So -- so Karen huber is going to need your help, I hope you offer her guidance. We have a children's parade this coming Saturday on the 29th. I hope everyone shows up, starts at 11:00 p.m. On the 29th of November. Just two days after we have thanksgiving where our families and friends get together and show thanks. Like back when the pilgrims arrived here we we're save add few winters by the fact that the native americans, the people that actually discovered our country, helped feed us and keep us alive so that we could survive to this day. So that we could take their land, rape the women, kill the men, slaughter the men, and then when they turned the other cheek like jesus christ, we took their lapped landand put them on reservations. So let's celebrate thanksgiving. We have americans of african heritage run all levels of government, I do hope sylvester turner wins as speaker of the house over speaker tom craddick. We need a good leader. I think he will be able to do that. Sylvester turner, it would be very nice if he took over as our speaker. The head of our Travis County, judge Sam Biscoe. The head of my Commissioners precinct, Ron Davis, all americans of african heritage. Mark ott runs the city of Austin. President elect barack obama runs the united states, he's mow in charge. And george bush is handing that over to him very quickly. So -- so our country is run by americans of african heritage, I hope that all americans of african heritage celebrate that instead of getting -- engaging on the same racism that americans of european are engaging in. We have 30 days from last Monday to fight proposition 2 in the city of Austin.

>> [buzzer sounding] so I'm asking anyone that wants to sue the city of Austin because of the bad wording on prop 2 can do that. Any voter can sue the city because of the bad language on prop 2 which gave $65 million to

>> [indiscernible] simon. This weekend, I'm sorry, the first weekend of December, galveston hit very badly by the hurricane. Can use your help. Dikins on the strand, not sure if it's going on, it will take you back to next century in england. I remember that everyone go there on the first Saturday and I want to thank you all for listening to me. I'm jennifer gale, six-time candidate for mayor of Austin. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, jennifer.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:39 PM