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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 18, 2008
Item 3

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3. Approve proclamation regarding Austin adoption day to be held November 20, 2008 at gardner-betts juvenile justice center. Commissioner Gomez?

>> thank you. As folks make it up to the table, we will read the resolution -- let's see, one is a resolution or a proclamation?

>> resolution.

>> either one is fine.

>> whereas the Travis County Commissioners court recognizes the importance of giving children permanent, safe and loving families through adoption and whereas more than 3,600 children in Texas, 308 children in central Texas, and 84 children in Travis County are awaiting permanent families. And whereas to help these children find permanent, nurturing families through the efforts of the honorable jeanne meurer, 98th district court judge, the honorable justice harriett o'neil, supreme court of Texas, darlene burn, 126th district judge, the honorable orlina, narajano, gisella, triana, andrew hathcock, associate judge, leonard saenz, associate judge, honorable rhonda hurley, associate judge, Travis County juvenile probation department will open their doors on Thursday, November 20th, 2008, to finalize the adoptions of local children. And join the Austin bar association, casa, the Texas department of family and protective services, and other organizations to celebrate all adoptions. And whereas this effort, along with similar celebrations, in all 50 states around the country, will offer children the chance to live with stable and loving families and encourage other dedicated individuals to make a powerful difference in the lives of a child through adoption. Now, therefore, be it proclaimed that the Travis County Commissioners court hereby declare November 20th, 2008, as Austin adoption day in Travis County, Texas and in so doing urge all citizens to join in a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of adoption. And I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> good morning, judge Biscoe, Commissioners. My name is andrew hathcock, an associate judge here in Travis County. To my immediate right is estella medina, chief probation officer for Travis County and to her right is deborah trotter, her first assistant. To my immediate left is denise hyde, who is the chair of the Austin adoption day committee of the Travis County bar and is the chief organizer of adoption day and has been for several years now. To her left is barbara boyle president of the Austin bar association and to his left is

>> [indiscernible] richardson with Travis County casa. And I'm going to turn it over to denise hyde to say a few words.

>> hello, Commissioners. We are very honored and grateful that you have again this year proclaimed this day the Thursday before thanksgiving as Austin adoption day. And we are also very greatful to have all of your support for putting this event on. We are very proud this year. We have 25 families that will be adopting 33 children in the event on Thursday. We are hopeful that you all will be able to visit us this year again to see what a wonderful thing it is. We are creating forever families. These are all children whose parents rights were terminated because of either child abuse or neglect through the child protective services system. And we are part of national adoption day, November is national adoption month, and we are doing this event both to honor and celebrate these families that are adopting that day, but also to bring them very important needed attention to the need for more foster and adoption homes throughout Travis County, central Texas and the rest of the united states. I would like y'all to know that as of October there were 215 children in Travis County that are waiting for an adoptive home. So this event is very important because we get the message out that these children are there, that -- that families can come forward and be trained and be able to adopt these children. Also, I would like to let you all know that there are 504 children right now that are in foster care in Travis County. These children as well need families who -- to be able to foster them. There will be an event on Saturday, following adoption day. Where families can come and learn about getting license to foster or license to adopt through the child protective services system. So we thank you very much, Commissioners, for bringing this very important needed attention to this issue by proclaiming the 20th as Austin adoption day. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> any other comments? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> this -- this event is at gardner-betts.

>> it is. So it's -- it's a wonderful place to have it. And -- and there will be a yellow brick road inviting everybody as they come in. We have a wizard of oz theme again this year. No place like home. Chief medina and her staffing all out in letting us completely overtake the event. The courtrooms will look like a teddy bear factory went off. We have food, fun games, a lot of different things going on all day long. Casa does all of the -- their volunteers do all of the children's activities. Art projects. It's a -- it's quite a big day. We do hope, I know some of the Commissioners were there last year. We hope to see you all this year as well.

>> starts at what time?

>> the first adoption at 9:30. There will be a press conference at 10:30. Then we have adoptions going on in three courtrooms and then the adoptions will end around 1:00.

>> it is a wonderful event. Really wish everybody could go.

>> we have prepared the package of proclamations that you will need and so we have another one as well.

>> I would like the Commissioners to know that you do one for every family and it is very meaningful to the families. The judges will be passing those out to the families at their adoption and on behalf of the families they greatly appreciate getting that proclamation.

>> super, okay.

>> we appreciate you all's involvement.

>> thanks so much.

>> thanks.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:38 PM