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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 28, 2008
Item A1

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A-1 is a similar item for the corrections bureau and a-1 is consider and take appropriate action on recommendation from the committee examining the Travis County sheriff's office corrections staffing including committee membership, charge and criteria for staffing analysis. Major?

>> jordan

>> [inaudible] with the sheriff's office. Pretty much the same thing what the law enforcement committee did. Took recommendation from the court. I believe all the -- all your -- what you charged us with is in the backup paperwork. We've already had a meeting. There will be an update of our relief, there will be an update of the 2000 study, that's the methodology we're using. With also updating that information with our current usage and we're also doing a slot analysis to show you where we believe that we need that relief factor on the 24/7 operations.

>> when you look at the relief factor, you will incorporate concerns that I've heard about the ability to take sick leave, vacation, the rest of that, it's all part of the relief factor?

>> yes, sir.

>> okay. I think that's important. The other thing is that the Commissioners court funded software to facilitate the deployment of corrections staff three or four years ago. And I have asked several times for the status of that. I'd like to know whether that's -- whether we purchase it, whether it's working, whether it's helping out or whether we still have that money available that we can divert to some other use.

>> we have purchased it. We are using it. And we are still in the implementation. We fully implemented it. We'll know the true results. The sheriff gave us direction to give a report by January whether it's really effective or not.

>> can we just add that to the list of criteria?

>> sir?

>> let's add that to the list of criteria.

>> yes, sir.

>> page 2. Put the judge's name in paren think cyst.

>> yes, sir.

>> mr. Dairybarry.

>> I was just going to help him with that question.

>> it sounded like such a fascinating project when I voted for the funding. I'm just wondering if we see the results that we anticipated. I can wait on the answer.

>> thank you.

>> and the documentation.

>> thank you.

>> anything further?

>> I think we need some help from the other court members with involvement out of staff. I know that sara and my's office is doing l.e. I think there needs to be participation from the other court members.

>> we're also included in the corrections.

>> we are included in the corrections.

>> yes, you are.

>> martin from your office and loretta from your office, Commissioner eckhardt.

>> can you give -- we are on l.e. This is corrections. That's the reason I ask. Corrections --

>> you are on this one too?

>> that's what I'm asking is can we -- no, we are on l.e. I just don't think our two needs to be on both.

>> looking for another service opportunity.

>> no, I mean I --

>> you want to get out?

>> but aren't they related issues?

>> two representatives from the court and we'll fight over who those two are before your next meeting. We'll fight and land on that. How is that?

>> great.

>> I thought you were trying to --

>> so the court will they've me who they are assigning; is that correct?

>> yes, sir. The two members that you want on there have decided not to. We'll get you two other members who are a bit more testy.

>> just let me know and I'll include them on our meetings.

>> do we have a motion? Move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you for your hard work and your patience. Now, ms. Fleming, who has just returned from vacation, you ought to be back in the working mood.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:38 PM