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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 7, 2008
Item 7

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Number 7 is to approve contract award for the provision of dental coverage for the mac and ucr plans for Travis County employees, rfp no.
p080193oj, to metlife

>> in the negotiation of this contract, metropolitan life did something that insurance providers don't usually do and they offered to take revisions to their usual form that's approved by the Texas department of insurance to the -- to the department for approval, so that instead of having things like our definition of -- of domestic partner in a separate agreement it would be in -- in the certificate that the employees receive as opposed to the -- to the currently approved form.
and part of doing it -- they have had -- they have agreed to the changes that are included in the contract now and the contract has a provision in it that says that they will be taking it and using their best efforts to get those approved.
what they have indicated to me is that it would not hurt at all if -- if their application for approval of those changes went to the department of insurance with a letter from Travis County supporting that.
that could either be a letter from the court or if the court would prefer you could instruct our office to send a letter on your behalf.
I have -- I have prepared a simple letter that -- that I don't have a full inside address and it's not on letterhead because I didn't know who it would come from.
but basically saying that we negotiated for those changes and we would be in support of the -- of the department approving those.
and -- and if you could -- if you could -- either decide to do it yourselves or instruct me to do it, that would work beautifully.

>> let me make sure that I understand exactly what this does.
so the change is that metropolitan life will do what now?

>> in order for an insurance company to hand out a form to covered persons, the department of insurance has to bless it and say this form has been approved by us.
Travis County asked for changes to the form that metropolitan life usually uses that has already been approved.
and met live has said we will take the changes that you want to the department of insurance and request that they approve those.
letting the department know that we asked for those changes and want those changes hopefully would -- would assist the department in finding in favor of approving them.

>> okay.
this letter basically is us telling the department of insurance we want these changes, please favorably consider them.

>> yes, sir.

>> questions?

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> why don't we authorize the county attorney to extend such a letter on behalf of the Commissioners court.
is that okay?

>> that would be wonderful.

>> would you all feel better if we signed it or is it just the same coming from you all.

>> I would suspect that my boss would feel better if you signed it.

>> can we authorize the county judge to sign it if we should get this out today?

>> if I can get the inside address, yes.

>> okay.
is it friendly for the county sign to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court?
is there a motion and a second?

>> yes.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.
and that's item no.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 8:37 AM