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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 7, 2008
Item 4

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Item one, receive comments regarding a plat for recording in precinct three: miller subdivision, resubdivision of portion of lot 43, lake side addition.
move the public hearing be open.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
anna bolin, Travis County t.n.r.
the purpose of this resubdivision is to -- to give this -- this piece of this lot, legal lot status.
it was this lot in this subdivision was originally carved into this configuration, prior to Travis County adopting our subdivision regs in 1984.
it would be grandfathered because of telecommunication regulations -- Texas Texas grandfathering, however it is in the Austin e.t.j.
and does not meet their -- this application has been processed under title 30, we have had some comments made and some concerns raised about this.
it's .47 of an acre.
so it's -- it's smaller than what we would typically see.
but given that they are not creating any new lots, they are just getting what was, you know, previously cut up into grandfathered -- and grandfathered into current standards, that's why this -- this section or this lot is of this size.
some of the concerns that we've had raised have to do with septic.
septic sizing.
we -- we do have notes on the plat that speak to the challenges that anybody that buys this tract would have with -- regarding to putting a house on this tract and putting a septic system in.
so anyone that buys this and sees the plat will know some of the challenges that they will be facing.
we also had calls concerning tree ordinance, city of Austin's tree ordinance because right now this is a heavily wooded tract.
that the city of Austin's tree ordinance does not extend into the e.t.j.

>> so it does not apply.

>> so it does not apply.
we also had comments regarding drainage coming off of this tract or this lot, proposed lot.
and -- and the -- the road in front of it -- this lot is on a road that is not excepted for maintenance.
under title 30 the requirement is that it's on resubdivisions or subdivisions are on publicly dedicated road.
this road was dedicated to the public way back when.
the original subdivision was done.
but not accepted for maintenance.
but it does meet the requirements of title 30.
also, there have been concerns raised about the drainage coming off of the lot.
and what effect it would have on the neighbor immediately across the street from it.
this lot basically has a ridge line I guess going through it and the drainage disburses in three directions.
so our engineers did not believe that it was going to pose a drainage issue for any of the adjacent lots.

>> therefore?

>> therefore, staff recommends this -- this resubdivision.

>> this is item no.
1 a public hearing for the miller subdivision.
if you would like to give testimony during this public hearing, please come forward at this time.

>> judge, before I move closing let me ask --

>> nobody?

>> obviously, I mean, this seems to have a number of challenges, I mean, this is not a problem until somebody wants to buy this lot and then they're going to turn around and go why in the world?
I mean would we have done this I mean given that we are really creating a lot of potential issues.
is this strictly a matter of it meeting chapter 30, which is -- would that be the reason, anna, that you are saying this is okay from our standpoint?
I mean, given the fact that we have put all of these plat notes on?

>> it does meet title 30.
so we would recommend its approval.
however, given -- given that -- you know concerns especially regarding the septic and the challenges that we faced elsewhere in the county, we wanted to be sure that -- that in this instance when you go and buy a lot, that you have an idea about what kind of restrictions you are going to have.
so we don't see someone coming in trying to build two large of a house -- too large of a house or too small of a lot.
that's why our septic notes speak to -- speak to those challenges.

>> okay.

>> move that the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
this will be action item no.
8 on today's agenda.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 8:37 AM