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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 26, 2008
Citizens Communication

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The first item is citizens communication and gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda' oa any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes, and gus pena is first, and if you have sign-in slips, two, three, and four and you give them to marietta, she will pass them down. Good morning.

>> good morning, speaking on my own behalf unless anybody asked me to refer issues to this elected body. First of all, I would like to thank judge Biscoe, and Commissioner Daugherty, becky and vivian of the aflcio and andjudge barrette, a good preset of mind for their says activity in a time of need. We are blessed with a good county judge, and may god bless you and may you continue the March, you have a good heart and I thank you for everything that you and your fellow Commissioners have done. Ladies and gentlemen, the gap widens between the haves and the have-notes and this is not just precinct four, it's also precinct one, two, and three three and the gab widens -- gap widens. Look at increasing the funding for the social service agencies. A lot of the help is not out there, and the gap widens. I told the city counsel in November, we are headed for a recession, and they didn't want to acknowledge it, and guess what, we are in it. And it's get -- a small one, but it's getting worse. I was involved in the press conference between the city manager and the community. Publicly, I highly respect our city manager and I was the one that demanded that taxpayer accountability forum, and thank god that happened. We had a meeting with the city manager and it was professional and respectful, and lucio was there along with engineering and architects, we didn't have a problem with him. I think it was egos not being stroked and I hope they use that energy in the community instead of bickering and acting inappropriate. I respect these people, but you have the energy to criticize? Go out and help the people. And the last thing is increase the funding for bipolar issues. This is a new term, used to be anger management issues. Our children have a lot of issues with this, and if you can increase the funding many, many hmr, they've done a lot of good. Marines help out your fellow veterans, we are seeing discrimination at the health clinics and being denied. Thank you, judge, good to see you again.

>> thank you. Thomas s.?

>> morning y'all.

>> morning.

>> I am not actually here to talk about the deibolt stuff, I'm here to talk about the fact that my son has been kidnapped and I haven't seen him for two months months alex, I know you're close by, I can feel your heart. Back when I was getting divorced I gave you an offer to contract, and you know it was dismissed with prejudice in 2003, we have talked about this before. It was a fictitious offer mailed to me an offer on my house, and yet this is filed on the 16th day of July. This is yet another fictitious thing that is being use against me to secure credit on this account, and this claims that this judgment was executed and that is not the case because he didn't show up to court and so this is a total fraud. And then on the 6th day of August, two months later they come over to take my house away from me although the law requiring this be executed in 10 days and so this was another fraud, perpetrated by mail and I come to find out there is a forged judgment, a second amended temporary orders which supposedly on may 17 or 18 -- I can't figure it out -- the court supposedly met and examined the record and has agreement of the parties although there is no signature of the parties on this document, and it basically goes on to order me to start making child support payments June 1, 2003 al the hearing was in may 2005, and now I'm getting sued for divorce again by my ex-wife, and they floated an obligation to me through the mail for 20,000 plus dollars and expect me to come to court on Thursday and show cause why I should not be placed in jail and under probation for ten years unld this fictitious action. I'm going to talk to the fbi about, and I'm just coming in here to keep thing copascetic between me and y'all. Right now it looks like you don't know what is going on and if things don't change quick, that attitude is going to change. On the same day this order was signed strapping me with this guardian ad litem I made a copy of this and you can see it bled through from the other side where they forged my signature. And on down the road we go. Y'all came and stole my house and charged me with burglarizing it and trespassing and in the course of coming to trial to answer the charges I was arbitrarily arrested and jailed for a month, and while I was in jail I put in this application for the extraordinary writ of habeous corpus, and never got a hearing on that --

>> you're about 30 seconds over already --

>> this is another forged order while nifs jail and another fake order while I was a federal witness and I have a copy of this saying that my divorce last summer was supposedly dismissed for want of prosecution and yet I've been serve and about to get thrown in jail.

>> thank you, thank you.

>> the reason I came in here -- brought documentation about what is going on because frankly what I see happening is that all -- or at least the folks across the street are engaged in a series of aggravated kidnaps and I brought this in to you to provide courtesy because it's prime facia evidence and if you don't do something like have my wife arrest and --

>> thank you, sir.

>> all right, well, I'm just telling you --

>> jennifer gale is next. Sir, I guarantee you there is nothing that we will do because there is nothing we can do -- the Commissioner court has no authority over --


>> [indiscernible]

>> my advice is to pursue what you need to pursue, but obviously you need a lawyer or someone else to represent you that has creditability.


>> [indiscernible]

>> jennifer gale. Well then, that does it for citizens communication.

jennifer gale are you here for citizens communication?

>> yes, sir,

>> [indiscernible]

>> proceed.

>> hi, travis, good morning. The olympics were a lot of fun. Seems like just a week ago saying they were going to vote down the contract at metro and then I suggested they go on strike. Well, those things have happened. They negotiated a contract that doesn't allow for health care. And I am asking the Travis County Commissioners court and county judge jam Biscoe to intervene. My name is jennifer gail and I'm a five-time candidate for mayor of Austin. Good morning, Commissioners, we are missing Commissioner Daugherty. The drivers, mechanics and island workers sold their soul to get health care last time and now they've got a co-pay, a high deductible and they are not going to get the health care they need when they have to pay 10% and have to pay for all diagnosic work. It's like the veterans. The veterans able to see a doctor more now, but they are still not being diagnosed and they are not getting the tests. They are not getting the tests and they are not getting the -- the tests are not even available for veterans. It takes weeks to get a test and gene upshaw died within days of finding out that he was sick. This is like an autonomous government, cap metro is a state agency and so they need your intervention and your help. We are talking 14 months without a contract and six months before that that they didn't negotiate. I'm asking you to intervene to stop the strike. You don't care about the cap metro drivers jobs? That is fine but how about all of the people who rely on those buses who need to get to work and think about you not being able to get here this morning to represent the people of Travis County. This is an emergency! I'm asking for your help! I've asked for your help since February! I've come in here often on a weekly basis. I'm demanding your intervention and I'm also demanding your intervention on this crazy system of not using paper ballots. Electronic doesn't work, and every single person has told uh-uh captain use this for told me that you can't use this for voting. It's easily manipulatable. I'm asking you to do this for our state. Thank you for listening to me.

>> thank you. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:37 AM