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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 26, 2008
Item 24

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>> 24-c, grant contract with the supreme court of Texas task force on foster care for civil reports to provide legal representation for primary parents in pending child abuse and neglect cases in Travis County.

>> 24.

>> p.b.o. Has he posted a grant contract apardon for -- on behalf of the civil courts which I guess in the long run is really on behalf of the criminal justice planning, if the court desires to establish two offices, one for legal representation for parents in child abuse and neglect cases and also for child public defenders office to provide legal representation to children in child protective services. And judge muirer is here, there are a few outstanding issues. This on the markup request form as item 457 and 458. Those budget requests forms are due back --

>> what do we need to hear today?

>> today the grant contract before you if it is approved today as submitted would need to be amended. The budget really needs to be --

>> judge, I can't hear.

>> can you continue, please.

>> the budget needs to be established prior to the contract being approved or it would require a contract amendment. So the options before the court is to consider this during markup and come back. We would be happy to post it again for the 9th or to proceed today and we would do a contract amendment. That's at your pleasure.

>> I think it's just the numbers have been put down have been altered some. We're having no problem with the match with the numbers, it's just we would amend the contract, and truthfully it's up to the court. My understanding from brian wilson is that that's not going to be a problem to change it, if you wish to accept the grants today, if that is what the court desires. If you wish to delay until after markup, we just will put everything on hold until then.

>> what's the county contribution?

>> what is on the budget agenda work sheet and the county contribution for each of these grants is approximately 300,000 in round numbers for each grant. Excuse me, for each grant, with 300,000 in grant funds coming from the

>> [inaudible].

>> so $600,000 county contribution?

>> correct.

>> okay. Initially didn't we have in mind using some of the attorneys fees.

>> and that is all taken into consideration. That is a net number that I just provided you and that information is in the backup on page 112 and 106. And it's the same information that you've seen during the budget hearings as well.

>> I guess why isn't this just a real simple request? Why isn't this just a real simple request? What am I missing?

>> the numbers, I'm sorry, sir? Is the question the request on the numbers?

>> we knew about the possibility of grant funds from the state.

>> that's correct.

>> knew the amount. And we have been spending county funds anyway. So are we augmenting the county expenditure?

>> the establishment of the offices has not been approved by Commissioners court. That will be up for consideration during markup.

>> all right. If we establish the office, what's the source of funding for the county money?

>> right. The source of funding for the county would be general fund dollars. There is a reserve that firefighters the preliminary budget to help with this matter if the Commissioners court chose to go in this direction. But there would need to be additional dollars approved during markup. General fund dollars.

>> there's $1.3 million for attorney fees --

>> 1.8 actually.

>> and 1.8. And I think we have traditionally been using all of that money each year with the $100,000 in reserve and are we not going to then be using part of that money and that money is going to be taken from that line item and used in this line item so it's not an additional amount of money.

>> that's correct. There is -- that is part of the net figures that have been presented by p.b.o. That is correct. However, there's also startup costs. There's also -- some of these as I understand it, some of the appointments will need to continue while we establish the office or the county works to establish the office. There's lease costs, its costs, other numbers.

>> there's two ways to proceed. What's the better way?

>> I would think p.b.o.'s recommendation would be consider this grant contract revised with whatever numbers come out of markup, then come back on the 9th, approve all the documents with appropriate numbers and move on.

>> can we wait until then?

>> yes, sir. We can. We've waited this long and we'll wait to begin all those matters.

>> September 9th is this.

>> September 9th.

>> does that apply to d also?

>> that is correct. And in the meantime, we will work with roger and need to rock with roger corey if the court considers these during markups, they will need to know the lease costs or possibilities for space because these would be adding 16 f.t.e.s to the county.

>> okay. All right.

>> thank you.

>> thank you all.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:37 AM