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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 12, 2008

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Now let's call up the consent items. And posted for consent are c 1 and c 2. C 1 and c 2. And I offer the following items as part of the consent motion. If you would like for to us discuss any of these separately, please say so as we call out the number of the item. Number 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 a and b. 8. All of 9. So 9 a through 9 f. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. And 27.

>> move approval of consent items.

>> second.

>> would anyone like for us to pull any of these for separate discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Commissioner eckhardt off the dais.

Added to consent: Now let's call back to order the voting session of the Travis County Commissioners court. How did john hilly say we should get that done?

>> as far as --

>> [ inaudible ]. The minutes.

>> regarding the minutes. It was a typo. It's in the nature of a typo. I didn't specifically ask john.

>> I don't know if there's a motion to reconsider. There's a typo apparently in the minutes.

>> we haven't adjourned. I move that we reconsider the vote on the consent item regarding the minutes. Now whether it's that easy.

>> really? Okay.

>> john will be down before executive session so we'll make sure we get it done before we leave today. I've thought about that. I'm not sure exactly how we need to do it.

Before we get to our final item before executive session, I move that we with bring back up on page 3 the consent items because, ms. Porter, one of them shows Commissioner eckhardt as voting yes when in fact --

>> I was not here.

>> she was not present. Exactly one is that?

>> that is consent item number 3 regarding voting session July 29, 2008. It's showing on page 3 that the consent items were voted unanimously listing me as a yes, although I was not here. Still a unanimous vote.

>> be motion reconsider.

>> discussion? This is just to reconsider.

>> yes.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. With Commissioner Daugherty temporarily the dais. Commissioner eckhardt?

>> I would also ask that I -- well, we should handle that first.

>> change her yes to an an be sent. Absent.

>> and secondly I would like to be listed as havinged yes on the other consent items, but abstaining on c-because I was not here. C-2.

>> what does that deal with, the consent items today?

>> yes.


>> can we do this that way?

>> we did that once earlier. They wered separated out.

>> let's change that yes to -- okay. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Commissioner Daugherty an be sent. Absent. That brings up this. Let's say I miss a court day and I come back that next Tuesday and I want to reconsider my missing the previous Tuesday. Can we do that?

>> her point is that she wasn't there. She doesn't want to be shown as voting to aprove those minutes. Now, if you're saying the reverse --

>> you're talking about this morning, right? The consent motion this morning.

>> right. No, what she's saying on c-2, she first changed the minutes for that. She's requested a change on the minutes for that. Now she's -- in addition, she's saying I don't want to be shown as aproving the entire consent items because I don't want to vote on c 2 being part of the consent items.

>> I thought her other part went to the consent motion today.

>> right. And it's because we haven't adjourned yet, so I'm asking that we reconsider the consent vote so that I can be added to the consent vote, but showing me an be abstaining from c 2.

>> we just did that.

>> no, we just corrected -- the minutes.

>> you corrected the minutes that happened on July 29th.


>> [ inaudible ].

>> I'm sorry, this is entirely my fault for been late this morning.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> no matter whose it is, let's see if we can -- okay. If we do that on this other consent, we have done that. She didn't vote yes. She was absent. So what else do we need to do?

>> did you get the error corrected on the July 29th minutes?

>> I believe that's what we just did. Am I correct about that? So now what I am asking is that we reconsider the vote on consent, the consent items this morning.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> so I can add myself to all the consent item, but abstain from c 2.

>> so what motion is appropriate for that?

>> you could do it in two motions. I think it would be more appropriate to aprove just c 2 with her abstaining and then the entire motion again, which she can participate in. Commissioner Daugherty was in that original motion.

>> I guess my problem is I don't know that we've ever done that. For 19 years it hasn't been done.

>> traditionally it hasn't been done, but I think Commissioner eckhardt is sensitive to that issue and she's asking for the court to allow her to do that.

>> and you think that a motion to reconsider -- see, we're not really reconsidering it. Those who were here voted yes, all of us. One person was an be sent. Revise that?

>> your motion was the consent items for today to reconsider.

>> but there were 25 items.

>> the only one is those that require signature I would not be able to sign.

>> if you're not here we put absent down for you.

>> it is up to the discretion for the court to reconsider that item. If you chose not to, you do not have to?

>> Commissioner eckhardt, what's your motion?

>> my motion is to reconsider the consent items so that I may be shown voting in favor of them with the exclusion of c 2?

>> show Commissioner Davis, Commissioner eckhardt, Commissioner Davis voting in favor of t judge Biscoe voting against. Commissioner Daugherty away. Do you want to read that list out?

>> do you want to read them?

>> you're reconsidering what you did earlier with the exception of c 2.

>> do I need to read the list or not?

>> no.

>> all in favor say yes. All in favor of the motion? The unanimous court votes in favor. Now Commissioner Daugherty is off the dais.

>> correct.

>> so do we -- what do we do about him?

>> the court at this point can -- if you choose -- if you request whenever he comes back to be allowed to be included with that consent motion. You can allow that acquiescence now.

>> you can just tell the clerk.

>> the court can take a vote to include him in that motion if you request it.

>> we just reconsidered and tack another vote on the consent items. Would you like to be shown voting in favor?

>> yes.

>> show a unanimous court with full flement of complement of members.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 1:37 PM