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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 5, 2008
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes. Gus pena has signed in.

>> judge, good morning, gus pena, speaking for a couple of senior citizens asked me to relay a couple of concerns to y'all and speaking on my own behalf, and not for anybody else. Capital metro yesterday a decision was made, I know, I know that it's 2008 and there has not been a fare increase in a long time. Numbs, nonetheless these are trying times, the poor, needy, havenots do not have money to purchase a bus pass. Kids, student passes will be increased. People that are getting to and from work, utilizing the bus don't have their own transportation. They barely are making ends meet with the current bus pass. It's going to raise up 100% is my understanding. Not wise and prudent. Might be prudent for capital metro, but not for the taxpayers, poor, needy, have-nots. The gap widens. They need food, to be able to purchase medication. You say there's the people's community clinic. Thousands of people utilize that, there's a backlog brackenridge hospital, yeah, clinics yeah, still we are seeing veterans being denied their services and I thank mr. David escamilla, our county attorney sending one of his legal assistants to direct me to his office, I'm going to speak to mr. Escamilla about it. Federal funding appropriated to the clinics is not acceptable. That is illegal, veterans are not being served. City of Austin, this is the city of Austin issue, but it impacts all of the county residents also and taxpayers. Proposed to close the library one day. Okay, what does that do is this students do their home work on computers, they are not able to afford computers in their home. Elsewhere, they are not being able to use the computers, keep the kids off the streets. They use the wired for youth center from dell. The computers that dell provides to the city of Austin for the usage by the youth. Not going to be able to use that. That is being proposed into the budget. I have talked to them already. What will this savings buy for the city of Austin? Two more security guards. At the tune of $84,000. Ladies and gentlemen, judge, and Commissioners, I'm never heard of a security guard making $42,000 a year in their first, his or her, year of service. $42,000 for the security guard. Not acceptable. They won't to have more maintenance workers, you have maintenance workers that are really not doing the job, utilize it effectively, use these people, not let the people bear the burden of this prepostrous and unacceptable closure attempt. Kids like I said use it for their home work, other things, not acceptable. This morning at the capitol I have other things to do to provide for my family, but I'm going to meet with mr. Tim

>> [indiscernible], a senator -- leticia van depuett's office, I will wrap up. There are changes to be made here in Travis County, the housing program, still not prudent, hiring an individual to use taxpayer money just to locate housing when there's already employees that are supposed to be doing that at caritas, not wise and prudent expenditures. I think you all are a part of this, county funding implemented in that program, also, thank you all very much, look forward to visiting with each and every one of you all on the proposed budget because there are some discrepancies, thank you.

>> thank you.

>> zelda garnett.

>> good morning, judge.

>> good morning.

>> commissions,.

>> my name is

>> [indiscernible] garnett, here with human resources. Here today to remind all county employees and retirees to come out to the retiree appreciation day going to be held Friday at 8:00 at 5501 airport boulevard in the tax office training room to complete their benefits and there will be additional staff on hand to meet -- so that they can meet and greet the retirees which will be the clinic. Staff. So I just wanted to remind everybody to -- to come out and kind of support them and get their -- if you have any questions that you need answered on your benefits, the -- we will be there and the clinic staff will be there.

>> okay, thanks.

>> thank you. Even the Commissioners court is invited, right?

>> sure.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:51 PM