Travis County Commissioners Court
July 29, 2008
Item 16
16 is to approve county award for long distance telecommunication services for voice and data and any associated telecommunications services, including local dial tone for voice and data, r.f.p. Number p 080189 bf to the most qualified respondent, tw telecom holding inc.
>> we issued an r.f.p. And received two proposals back in April. Your staff, walter, bonnie, barbara and some other folks have been working really hard over the last couple of months to get a contract in place. We've got several agreements with at&t right now that will begin to phase out, and this new contract will begin to implement all of the services for us, so we'll only have one provider. At&t did not offer anything other than long distance services. So we're here, the contract has been signed and I believe the judge -- in the junk's office, so we ask for approval.
>> so this would be a contract for one year with options to renew for four more years.
>> yes. And it's for long distance services. As well as others.
>> basically when we did our contract with at&t last year, we ended up with six different contracts, one of which post office long distance. At&t made it clear to us that they chose not to offer us the long distance at the end of the term, so we had to go out for bid for long distance. And while we're at it, we said hey, why don't we look at the other services. Turns out that up tw telecom provided us long distance services and if we choose we can migrate to their telecom infrastructure and save the county 5 to $8,000 a month. So that's why we award this had county to tw telecom.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank y'all.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:51 PM