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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 29, 2008
Item 6

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Six is to consider and take appropriate action on request to authorize August posting of positions funded in fiscal year 2009 preliminary budget related to the new county court at law number 8. You.

>> good morning, Commissioners. The preliminary budget contains -- it was filed yesterday before five p.m. At the county clerk's office and it does contain a recommended funding level for nut county court at law number 8 that was approved by the legislature and will be implemented in the fall of 2008. Pbo was contacted by some departments that would like to have the Commissioners court authorize the posting much their positions prior to October 1st so they can begin to receive resumes and review those so they can be up and running pretty early in the new fiscal year. This would not include any funding for these positions, this is only the availability of the posting authorization.

>> this was in the preliminary budget. Everything that we're looking at here is imbedded into the fy --

>> and the preliminary budget contains funding for 15 positions, and actually I should mention that the request to post the positions prior to October 1st is only for nine of those positions. We received -- we asked for justification for these positions from the departments to provide us reason as to why they wanted that early posting. A lot of those reasons included recruitment of bilingual personnel, for example, or training of the positions that they needed to have the positions up and running at the start of the new fiscal year. And obviously there's a process that needs to occur prior to that of interviewing and receiving the resumes.

>> but my question I was leading up to, and I saw the number of f.t.e.'s as being 15; however, if nine of these positions will be filled -- will be posted --

>> they would only be posted.

>> posted I guess is the proper word.

>> that's correct.

>> for filling in the next fiscal year, my question is when would the other six come up before the court and will we look at this posting as one lump sum of money, which would be ongoing, of course, but the funding -- in other words, the money be available for the whole 15, even though we're posted for nine at this time.

>> the funding for the 15 other than the sheriff's office. I believe that start date is for November 1st. But all the other positions are October 1st funding. Some of the positions -- the difference between the nine and the 15 are the sheriff's office positions. They did not believe that they required early posting. Also, the new judge position is not going to be posted prior to the new fiscal year. There's an election obviously in November that will decide that.

>> I understand that.

>> and I believe there was one other position, cscd, that was not here requested for posting.

>> but the total is 15.

>> the total in the preliminary budget is 15. That includes the judge, that includes all the other positions in the departments.

>> now, it appears that that's going to cost, what, about $1.2 million for the entire --

>> the ongoing expense?

>> that's correct, sir. 1.2 million. Then there's one-time expense of 80,000 and capital expense of 150,000 approximately.

>> oh, that would be one time?

>> the one time and the capital are both one time.

>> one time, right.

>> judge, move approval.

>> second.

>> remind me of what the criminal courts mandated fees are?

>> the criminal courts mandated fees on this first table, the 373,000, includes attorney's fees. It also includes court reporter fees and some other miscellaneous, legally mandated fees. I can get you the backup for that.

>> that's good enough. That's fine. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:51 PM