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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 8, 2008
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda. Stewart thomas gerstacker is first, followed by gus pena.

>> good morning y'all.

>> you remember I stopped in here a few weeks ago to let you know that I was remitting a judgment for my divorce that ran against Travis County. I'm running into a little bit of red tape getting the abstract for the judgment. What I'm being told by the folks over at the district clerk's office, they need to have the abstract signed off on by a judge. I'm a position where I can't go back into court anymore because the matter has already been decided. Anyways I have written up what I believe the abstract is supposed to say. I was hoping that you might review it and tell the folks over across the street that they need to go ahead and give me my abstract and then also, you know, I want my judgment abstracted and I want my

>> [indiscernible] and the rest of my March tam assets return -- marital assets returned to me. A couple of days after I was in here the last time, I was over visiting with my son and I attempted to discuss this -- the dismissal with prejudice with my ex-wife and work out how we're going to work out our custody arrangements. She and her boyfriend laid hands on me and restrained me from custody of my child and threw me out of her house. When I called the police, the police arrested me on an outstanding warrant for evasion out of bastrop county because last September I served process on a judge, got arrested, released, now arrested again. The reason that I'm bringing this up is there's this friend that my ex-wife has, her name is connie busby, apparently she's well connected old money family, pulling a lot of strings here in Travis County and over in bastrop harassing me and trying to stand between me and my son. I wanted to just come in here and let you know that connie busby, shirley anderson and kim anderson, they need to have the good old boy privileges curtailed and Travis County need to stop allowing these ladies and their friends to play fast and loose with the law at my expense. Last Monday I got a call from the constable's office thinking that the abstract of my judgment was ready. When I went down to pick it up, I'm getting sued for divorce again by my ex-wife, which makes no sense because we are already divorced. So, you know, I'm just -- you know, I'm kind of at my wit's end as far as dealing with this. It's not supposed to go this way. I have a judgment in my favor, I want to get it abstracted. All of the paperwork has been turned in, I shouldn't be getting a hard time about this anymore. Anyway, that information here and then I have got a helpful suggestion about how to resolve this matter and I'm not going to go into this on the air, I just want you to review it when you get some time because there's still outstanding issues between me and Travis County. I just want to let you know that ultimately I want to release Travis County from all -- everything, I'm not looking to make any money off of you at all, I don't want to sue anybody, I just don't want to be harassed anymore. I have a judgment in my favor, I want it enforced. That's basically what I came to let you all know about. I wanted to drop these off with you, let you know where that's going because the terms and conditions of my remitter gave 30 days for this abstract to be completed and 30 days expires one week from today. Coming in here to let you know I'm having a problem and please see if you can facilitate this being worked out.

>> these are extra copies of those two documents?


>> [indiscernible]

>> these are extra copies.


>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> these are what I believe the final wording of the abstract needs to say. There may be things in here incorrect. You know, something is wrong please give me a call, I have got my number right here. Then the instrument number for the remitter with the actual judgment attached to it, I put the number right here to look it up in the public record.

>> [indiscernible] information about these people that have been playing mischief and basically putting you all in a position where you are going to end up with liability

>> [inaudible - no mic] upset -- I want to get my abstract

>> [indiscernible] nice and friendly between all of us, that's the way I like it.

>> we'll see if we can help.

>> I appreciate it.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Pena.

>> thank you, sir, good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena, number one, I would like to thank superior funeral home for taking care of a couple of burials where initially they were thought to be buried at the Travis County international cemetery which is the pauper cemetery is called in the community. I want to thank them also very much for their sensitivity to the community and working with the family to work on affordable burial. That and mission funeral home, also. We in the community are very happy to see that the state of Texas increased their funding for mental health treatment. My good friend dave evans at Austin Travis County mhmr and their staff are doing an outstanding job, they do need more funding to treat people with mental health issues. Especially veterans coming in from iraq iraq and afghanistan. If you remember back in the 60s, early 70s, a vietnam veteran coming back from vietnam there was no treatment, no reentry counseling and we think this is outstanding that the state of Texas finally realizing that mental health problems are a big issue. Not only with veterans, but also in the community and our kids also have anger problems, we need to find money for anger management and counseling for our youth. A lot of our kids are angry. Please pray and support for military veterans throughout the world. Especially those in iraq and afghanistan, whatever your posture, political affiliation. Pray for our troops, they are defending our country and other country's freedom. Please advocate for veterans issues, job reentry training, counseling, keep the youth active especially in the summertime. Keep them out of trouble. Early reminder to parents, ensure that students, kids and students are current in their immunization requirements, don't wait until the last two weeks of summer vacation. You get that buildup, you are going to be frustrated and angry and the kids don't want to see the big crowd, 9,742,000 the city of Austin's -- 964-2,000, to see what facilities will provide immunizations for the students. Dan prewitt meals on wheels, they need volunteers. We need more volunteers out there. If you have time volunteer please. I saw two elected officials there, made me feel good. As a man you ever over there now instead of outside your office which is good, serving the community. I have asked the city council and I'm asking y'all again possibly allocate more funding for the social service funding agencies that provide funding for housing, rent, electricity, et cetera. This is a bad economy. Whether people wants to realize it or not, we're in a recession. I told the city council, acknowledge it and deal with it. The gap widens between the haves and have nots. We need help out there. Commissioner Gomez maybe you can provide support for the community along the riverside drive area. A lot of vacant apartments. Hoodlums and vandalism, if we could get them torn down that would be beneficial to the community

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> I need to get to this, I'll leave. Then traffic buildup on the 360 highway going south, approaching the loop 1 intersection, traffic builds up on the turn lane signal and causes accidents and backup in traffic. I don't know if it's the county or the state of Texas, txdot, we need to get some relief out there. I don't know what can be done so that accidents won't occur in this traffic lane change going northbound on loop 1 mopac. But please see if you can add this because it's -- it's causing a lot of havoc out there, especially in rush hour traffic. Thank you all very much, have a good day.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else for citizens communication?

>> thank you, gus. To add the court on any item not on the agenda.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1:51 PM