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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 8, 2008
Item 13

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On 13, consider and take appropriate action over a preliminary plan in precinct 3, mccormick noun tan drive. The -- mccormick mountain drive. The backup showed three persons at least were in opposition because they filed opposition notices. And any of those individuals here today? Mr. Stonily? Kelly weaver? And I guess we have two here for mr. Stoleman. Any of those here? Okay. Staff?

>> anna bolin, Travis County tnr. This preliminary plan is in western Travis County off of mccormick mountain road. It is for 72 lots on 45.43 acres. One of the -- and it's a private street subdivision. It was approved by zoning and platting commission on June 17th, 2008. And a portion of the septic is in lcra's jurisdiction and a portion is in Travis County's jurisdiction. This preliminary plan was grandfathered since it was originally filed pre1985, and so the septic systems in Travis County predate the one-acre minimum lot size. We've thoroughly reviewed this project and I know that we sent some drainage information to the people that raised concerns at zoning and platting commission. And the drainage is something that we reviewed soundly because it's on top of a hill and I could see having concerns. There are two ponds, detention ponds on the site, one of which is an existing stock pond. So this is an old grandfathered plat, and we did want to make sure that even though it had some grandfathering rights, that it was done in a way that did not cause harm to the neighbors with the streets and drainage.

>> judge, when we first started this project, we had some pretty sizeable issues or we thought that we were going to out there. And quite frankly, I was a little bit surprised when staff came back and said we can work this thing out. The obvious be issues that you have in a lot of parts of Travis County is traffic, you know, messing with my views, especially in western Travis County with the lake. I mean, I take those issues very seriously. Those are things that we need to consider. But drainage is really the thing that we know as a county we have to deal with. So with the residents not being here, they have voiced them, which I thought were legitimate, an probably a number of people could have made the same kind of comments. I think staff has worked this thing out and I know the applicant has worked real hard on trying to, you know, see to it that we're going to take care of these issues. So that being said, I move approval.

>> second.

>> we believe that the -- these make county policies?

>> -- these meet county policies?

>> yes, sir. And I would say with septic, they are doing some things to ensure that we don't have some of the problems that we've had with some other grandfathered subdivisions with small lots. For example, they are setting a maximum house size, a minimum septic field size. They're going to use some rainwater harvesting to keep water from flowing across the properties. They are going to use technology to have with their system so if there's a problem in the system it walkly goes to a responder -- it automatically goes to a responder and their maintenance logs. So they are taking some steps that are beyond what we would ordinarily see.

>> are they also establishing an impervious cover limit for the project overall?

>> yes, they are.

>> that's above and beyond what we're able to require?

>> yes. And I think it's about 21 percent if I'm not mistaken.

>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1:51 PM