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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 10, 2008
Item 27

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27. Consider and take appropriate action regarding purchase contracts for the Travis County healthcare district to purchase 7.4 acres of real estate at 1210 braker lane for the location of a community health center. We heard about this in the past not knowing precisely where, to my knowledge, but -- but the backup this time tells us exactly where it is, what the cost is, et cetera. Any additional information that we need to know?

>> no, your honor. I’m gary martin for the county attorney's office. I’ve been loaned to the Travis County health care district to assist on this transaction and larry wallace, associate administrator of the Travis County health care district, we have been the point folks on this real estate transaction in this project. So we're here to answer any questions that you have.

>> any questions for mr. Wallace?

>> I have a couple of questions.

>> okay.

>> my question is since this is actually a --

>> [indiscernible] the health clinic itself being established at this particular location, what and how will -- how will the persons that have used the other particular clinic, how will they be accommodated at this new facility as far as transportation is concerned? I’m wondering about the proximity, transportation needs, is there a bus service? A lot of things that people would probably need to know when this comes online with this particular new

>> [indiscernible] with the clinic itself? Could you maybe address that so the folks out there that need the services of this -- of this new facility would be apprised to what you are planning to do to -- as far as transportation is concerned?

>> yes, sir. One of the things that we would do is -- is with our current population, the people at -- that are currently using the northeast clinic, we would in advance, you know, talk to them about the transfer -- and try to address any concerns that they would have around transportation. It is on several bus lines, the new site. And that was one of our requirements going in is -- is to make sure that transportation would be handled at the new site. We will have plenty of opportunity to have dialogue, make sure that is not an issue --

>> how will that be conducted? Public setting, notify them? In other words some folks respond differently according to the setting. So what kind of setting will you -- will you employ to make sure that -- that the word get out and the transition goes through smoothly for the active persons there and also future clients because growth continues to -- we have to continue to address our growth. How will that even be encountered as far as growth is concerned.

>> clearly communication is the key. We have much opportunity to communicate through our patients currently coming to see us now. I would think regular formalized meetings would be one of the things that we would do. Those meetings could be held at the current health center or at community locations that would be designated for these meetings. Our tragedy would be sure each of our patients currently receiving care and then our potential patients understand the service that will be provided, we don't want to create hardships on our patients. The whole goal here is to actually improve what we do. We understand the transportation and access is a huge part of that. So we will be real careful and sensitive to our current patients and whatever we have to do. I think there will be a number of ways we can communicate through the news media with -- with our one on one meetings with patients, our group meetings at the health center. And the benefit we have now is we have time. We're not, you know, going to do this next week. It's going to take quite a bit of time, we will have good opportunity to dialogue with the community.

>> folks need to know it's coming. That's one good aspect of it that -- if we do have time, we know that it's coming down the road.

>> we know that people will have questions and concerns and we want to take all of the time necessary to really meet with people and answer those questions.

>> okay.

>> > any more questions? Move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.

>> thank y'all.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:31 PM