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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 3, 2008
Item 1

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Item no. 1 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding a request to temporarily close old highway 20 in precinct one for bridge construction beginning June 5, 2008 and continuing through July 24, 2008 or until construction is completed.

>> move to open the public hearing.

>> or until construction is completed.

>> move that the public hearing be opened.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> good morning, joe gieselman and steve manila with the transportation natural resources department. This is a -- a bridge just to the west of manor. City of manor. And it is a partnership project with the Texas department of transportation. Actually it's one of their off system bridge projects. They are going to be building a bridge parallel to the one -- to the existing one. That is a historical structure. They felt it had historical value, so they are constructing a bridge to the north, but it will require a closing of the existing bridge for about a period of seven weeks. The detour route is basically to take the traffic out to 290, highway 290 which is not too far and parallel to old highway 290. Old highway 20. And then back into the city of manor. So that is the detour route. And then the -- the old bridge and the new bridge will be reopened to traffic and it will be back in service. So the purpose of today's meeting is to receive any public testimony with regard to the temporary bridge closure.

>> any objections called to our attention?

>> not to my knowledge.

>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing? If so, please come forward? If you would have a seat and give us your name, we'd be happy to get your comments.

>> I知 phil tate, city manager of the city of manor. Commissioners, judge Biscoe, this -- our -- we've had no complaints from anyone except for the street issues between the bridge and manor and that's strictly a city of manor problem that we're going to resolve as soon as the bridge is taken care of. But the city council met last week to discuss the closure and are in support of -- of the temporary closure to get this bridge done. As you may know, it's a one-lane bridge into town and -- and we desperately need both and it's progressing very, very well. We've had no complaints at all on the work that's been going on. Simultaneously we are building a water tank immediately to the west of that bridge. I think y'all have some construction on parmer lane going. And then we will immediately begin probably in late July paving and drainage project to the east of the bridge. So this road is going to be tied up for quite a while anyway and critical issue, more than anything else, is the -- the school transportation bus, our barn is located on that particular roadway. So it's really critical that we get it done in the summer and get it behind us. And if this will speed it up, the city council is in full support of -- of going through with this project and closing the street down temporarily.

>> when is the school closed for the summer in manor?

>> I知 sorry.

>> what does the school close for the summer?

>> actually, graduation is Thursday. I知 not sure when the school, I guess they are probably out today or tomorrow if I知 guessing. But the graduation ceremonies is Thursday. I think y'all proposed to close it Friday if I知 not mistaken.

>> yeah, right. Okay. Thank you.

>> I might add that I asked -- I e-mailed the school on this yesterday and asked them to -- to send me any comments that they had. They had no comments back other than acknowledged that there was a hearing today.

>> I don't believe anybody's --

>> would anyone --

>> -- from the school.

>> thank you very much.

>> uh-huh.

>> move that the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes unanimously.

>> thank you, phil.

>> this will be action item no. 17 on today's agenda, which we'll try to include on the consent motion.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 8:51 PM