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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 20, 2008
Executive Session

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I guess that takes us to executive session, doesn't it?


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we already approved it.

>> I’m sorry.

>> you were on your way down.

>> Commissioner Daugherty may have to leave at 11:30. But let's announce executive session items, get as much done as possible. 28 is to receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County et al versus pat macon, tlb investment properties, llc resale deed. Consultation with attorney exception. 25, receiving briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County et al versus merly. Na porter, richard a.roucloux retail deed. That's the consultation with attorney exception also. 30, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Round Rock independent school district et al versus homer reed, city of Austin retail deed. Consultation with attorney. 31, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County et al versus mcshepherd ranch inc., jerry kilber, resale deed, consultation with attorney. 32, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in murray et al versus earle et al, number a-02-ca-252-ss, consultation with attorney. 33, receive briefing from the county attorney and/or take appropriate -- and/or senior settlement offer in roger pierce versus dow et al, civil action number a-07-ca-776-ss, consultation with attorney exception. 34, receive legal briefing from county attorney an take appropriate action regarding the contested case hearing on the pending application for the expansion of waste management of Texas landfill located on giles road near state highway 290 east. Consultation with attorney. 35, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action regarding the pending litigation in Travis County, Texas and state of Texas versus coldwater development ltd, and rodman excavation inc., et al, consultation with attorney. And number 36, receive.

>> professor:ing from county attorney and take appropriate action on grievance resolution procedures, amendment to section 9.257 to the Travis County code. That's also consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. We'll discuss these items in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

we've returned from executive session. Commissioner Daugherty had to run to another commitment and did not participate in the executive session discussion. And he is not here now. Number 28, I move that we authorize the county judge to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court the proposed tax resale deed to tlb investment properties, llc, which has paid Travis County the sum of $4,081.47.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Item number 39 I move that we authorize the county judge to -- okay. That was 28 we just covered.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> 29. Sorry. 29, authorize the county junk to sign the proposed tax resale deed to richard a. Rouclooux, who has paid Travis County the sum of $8,640 in cash.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And item number 30, I move that we authorize the county judge to sign the proposed tax resale deed to city of Austin, which has paid Travis County the sum of $8,642.52.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And in item number 31, I move that we authorize the county judge to sign the proposed tax resale deed to jerry kilber, on who has paid Travis County the sum of $10,430 in cash.

>> second.

>> any discussion?

>> judge, I thought it was 10,640. No?

>> 10,430 is on the deed. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We did get to briefing in item number 32, and any objection to the county attorney following the strategy that they outlined for us?

>> no.

>> then by taking no action, we basically go along with them. Okay. 33 is the matter involving the proposed settlement offer from roger pierce. Move that we reject the proposed offer.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Item number 34 is a matter involving the permit expansion application from waste management of Texas. I move that we authorize the county attorney to incur such expenses and to employ such experts as the county attorney and his office shall deem necessary to assist Travis County in the presentation of the county's protest in the contested case hearing on the pending application for the expansion of the waste management of Texas landfill on giles road near state highway 290 east, and that we work to share consultants' costs and other resources in this matter with the other protestants.

>> second.

>> any discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And we did have a brief discussion of number 35. No action required today. And on 36 we did not discuss it. We'll go back into executive session this afternoon for that discussion. With that, I move that we recess until 1:30. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

we have only one item left and that's the last executive session item. 36. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action on grievance resolution procedures; amendment to section 9.257 to the Travis County code. This is under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss this one item and return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session, after discussing one item, number 36, I move that we approve for -- for immediate and interim use grievance appeal process a, as presented by the county attorney.

>> second.

>> discussion? I guess what we should do is go ahead and -- and set aside a little time maybe to look at the policy and try to figure out whether we need a comprehensive review and modifications. Any more discussion of the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And we have one order here to sign. No further business today.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:51 PM