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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 20, 2008
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any item not on the agenda. And gus pena has signed in.

>> good morning, I’m gus pena, I’m here to do my yearly tribute in memory of our veterans who do I understand the service of our country. Lord, we lift up all of the veterans and loved ones left behind who have -- because of your kindness we live in freedom today because of the sacrifices our veterans have made today. We thank you for helping us live in this land where love of family take precedence over the love of our country. We enjoy liberty because of the courageous services of our military veterans. May we always be the land of the free, home of the brave, in jesus name we pray, amen.

>> we, I come here to remember our veterans who have died, that's what memorial day is all about. Many of you all have the day off. A lot of us will not -- a lot of us veterans, this is my ugly face when I was in the marine corps, okay. And --

>> very handsome.

>> thank you. My mom thinks so, I don't think I do. This is the first veteran to die in vietnam, lieutenant ronnie, which the park is named after, first veteran. My good friend, alex the last veteran to die in vietnam. I want to say hello to my mom, virginia, who is in the hospital. Get well, mom. My brother gilbert and served in the navy, in the marine corps, jessie in the air force, lucio junior in the navy and also edward, my younger baby brother in the marine corps, alex zavala, allan junior high and high school classmate, last infantry man to die in vietnam. Remember the moms who carried us in the womb when our fellow veterans perished. Remember the moms, we tend not to remember our moms when our veterans perish in the line of duty and service to our country. One good -- a lot of good news coming about from advocacy of all of the veterans that senator james webb the senator of virginia, the reason I’m having him brought to Austin, a friends of mine, former secretary of the navy, served in vietnam also. As a lieutenant. Is a marine corps, fellow veteran, he has been pushing, senator webb among others has been pushing for veterans issues, improving the health care, treatment, mental health treatment and to try to preserve the -- the home ownership opportunity for the veterans so they won't lose their homes. I think it's very important that we remember the service that our veterans gave and memorial day is the day to remember the sacrifices that the veterans made their ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives up for the defense of their country, other countries freedom. Please remember that when you are on your day off. Veterans still suffer. Anyway, god bless america, god bless our veterans, please keep the veterans in your prayers because they need them, especially the iraqi and afghanistan war veterans. Thank you very much and god bless you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, gus.

>> anybody else for citizens communication?

>> good morning, Travis County.

>> good morning.

>> Commissioner Gomez. Commissioner Daugherty. Judge Sam bisco. Sarah eckhardt, commission Ron Davis. Happy memorial day. We remember the -- the veterans that have fought for our country for the freedoms that we enjoy and the freedoms that we like to share with the rest of the world. So let's think kindly about -- about our moms and dads and brothers and sisters that have died throughout -- throughout the 232 years that our country has been here. And before. In our name for us in our steed, they stood in defines of tyranny and we enjoy those benefits. So this memorial day let's think a little bit more about the wars we send our young people to because they are not older people that have lived full lives and have had that chance at liberty and freedom. They are children, they are just baby children that we send out on -- to fight, they may never make it to the battlefield, but they still are there in defense of our country. Whether they died crossing a street, going out on a party, they were there to fight for our country. We can show a little more care about those who have given everything they've got. Their entire lives by going out and voting. Less than 10% voted in the last municipal election. That's just not showing how much we care about people that are willing to die for us. Like our children. We are doing a lot of raising taxes. And yet our veterans aren't getting the health care they need and administrators are saying they are simply not willing to fund the health care. At the federal level. So we have to make up for it at the local and county and state level. As you walk around the streets, 25% of those walking are veterans. That may have died in the war and maybe they are dead now, just walking dead. They have given up because we're not doing enough for them. So this -- this weekend I hope you enjoy your memorial day weekend remembering the young boys and girls that have given their live for their country. For you. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:51 PM