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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 20, 2008
Item 4

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Number 4, consider and take appropriate action on resolution regarding ridgetop neighborhood association. Actually, there are two associations. We -- Commissioner Davis and I attended a meeting out at airport with ms. Warren and some other residents and county staff. We had looked at a draft resolution previously and did not take action on it. And what I did was basically to revise that draft, I tried to pick up most of the language that I thought we were trying to focus on reflecting our basically intention to collaborate, cooperate with the residents in the area. And hopefully that's what the revised draft is it does. I think I kind of tweaked it a little bit yesterday --

>> I appreciate that very much.

>> words that I thought would help enhance more than anything else. Let's let y'all talk.

>> I’m martha ward and I’m the convener for the neighborhood of ridgetop. And with me is --

>> I’m kim burns, president of the neighborhood association.

>> and also will essay who has helped us on a number of projects in the neighborhood. And to that end I would like to say that I just met with dan mansour and zetta garnett in the parking lot, and we decided that we would be able to utilize in light of wellness for the county and for the community, utilize the gps maps for walking trails for the airport boulevard area employees. And that the county would help us with some of the signage for that potentially if they're going to work that out. So I think they're already showing a very nice partnership. And we're really looking forward to working with roger and some of the other staff as we move forward with the building there at 53rd and a half at airport.

>> and there is the groundwork for collaboration agreement that have you with the city.

>> yes.

>> that I made reference to and said we would basically work with y'all.

>> it's really lovely because this is an expanding relationship that this resolution is a real wonderful markup with judge and county Commissioner Davis and everyone that I had a chance to visit with, sarah eckhardt and Gerald Daugherty. I didn't get to go to Margaret Gomez, but I appreciate your support. And also our faith community, our businesses, our nonprofits, of which we have six in our neighborhood. So they've all come together in agreement that this is a very positive way for us to begin our expanding relationship. And I’m grateful.

>> and residents have been understanding about the clients of various nonprofits and the county in that area, and basically our agreement is to assist with making sure that whatever impact there is, it's positive. And not negative. So we should be able to work together and achieve that.

>> we are welcoming the county as a community member and all of its employees as part of our relationship to having a healthy community.

>> can we work on getting an appointment? I’d be happy to -- I do want to meet with you.

>> yes. I’d be delighted to. Thank you, Commissioner Gomez.

>> we're kind of like the new kid on the block. As you saw by the last item, a couple more kids head that had way.

>> I saw that. We'll welcome them too.

>> I want to thank you all for helping us to establish what I hope will be a real model of community collaboration for county campuses. It's really just amazing work. And y'all pushed us on it. I hope we lived up to our expectations. Really you all pushed the train on this and it's made it a better campus.

>> good. That is our goal and desire for all of our community. Thank you.

>> anything further? Move approval of the resolution.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We'll get the court to sign that and get you acknowledge original, okay?

>> beautiful. Thank you very much.

>> thank you for coming down.

>> appreciate all of your time.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:51 PM