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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 20, 2008
Item 2

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Mr. Nellis is here, item no. 2. 2. Introduction of allison elementary school third grade mentees. With michelle horsey, their teacher. We are very I think privileged in this community to have teachers that are so dedicated to -- to helping these students achieve everything that they can achieve. You know I work with the Austin partners in education, seedling foundation and also the Travis County juvenile probation department is starting a mentoring program for their year. Honored by Austin partners in education last week for being the winner of the -- co-winner of the elementary staff award, which were those teachers that exhibited far and beyond what they were required. So at this time, I would like to introduce michelle horsey and -- and her children.

>> thank you for welcoming us here.

>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> please come to the table, use the microphone.

>> come to the table so we can get you --

>> okay.

>> we can't hear you. Speak into the mic.

>> thank you I’m pretty good at projecting.

>> you are.

>> thank you. I just want to again say thank you for inviting us and taking your time out to let the children come in and share with you their goals. Mr. Leroy has been just an incredibly dedicated mentor, pouring in his time and resources to share experiences with our children. They all do their home work every single day because they get to eat lunch with mr. Leroy on Fridays and so -- so he has a huge impact on their lives. And also his big goal with them is to -- to talk to them about college and pursuing their dreams, they can do whatever they want to do. What they have prepared for you is their intention and goals they would like to pursue as they get older. So I’m going to let them introduce themselves and share their goals with you. So thank you, mr. Leroy.

>> do you want to take this mic off?

>> yeah. Let's do that. Hand it to them, let them pass it around, that may be better.

>> good morning,. My name is hidel, I love reading about people and history, I want to write biographies of important leaders. I will study history in college.

>> great.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name I am ralph, my goal is to be an artist, to accomplish my goal I will study graphic design in college. I hope to be -- I hope to make movies and make games on the computer.

>> [ applause ]

>> by the way, all five of us are --

>> [indiscernible]

>> [laughter]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is brenda gonzalez, I love math because I want to get better. I want to be a teacher. I want to teach fourth grade. I will go to college to study education.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is

>> [indiscernible] I goal is to be

>> [indiscernible] so we can --

>> what are you going to be?

>> raise the microphone.

>> good morning, my honor -- good morning, your honor. My name is

>> [indiscernible] my goal is to be an electrical engineer so we can use solar panels instead of using gas

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name is

>> [indiscernible] my intention is to be a veterinarian because I like animals and I want to help them. To accomplish my goal I will go to college and study hard.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is joe, I want to be a doctor when I grow up because they help people when they are sick. I will accomplish my goal and work on medicine in college.

>> [ applause ]

>> I will read it with you.

>> okay.

>> good morning, your honor. My name is jose rivera. I would like to achieve a college degree to become a professional soccer player. Because my hobby is soccer, I practices every day about two hours and I never give up.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is amar. My intention is to be a football player because you make a lot of money.

>> [laughter] and I will study to be an engineer in college.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name is jonathan and I want to be a businessman so I can have my own business. But I have to go to school first.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is brianna salazar. My intention is to be a -- a graphic designer. I will work on computer -- computers in college.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is talia flores, I love science. I want to pursue a career in biology in order to help the environment. I will go to college to achieve my goal.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name is carlos. My intention is to be a football player. I want to be a football player because they get to wear head gear and -- and our gear to protect our bodies and get to tackle people and we get to be on t.v. And in college I am going to study -- going to study math and science.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name is israel gonzalez. I love math and basketball. I want to study math in college. And be a computer -- programmer.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor, my name is samantha. My intention is to be a teacher because I like to learn other things, I like working with other students, I will study in college.

>> [ applause ]

>> good morning, your honor. My name is -- my name is ashley nicole pena. I would like to achieve a college greeting in writing because I think that aim strong poet. I would like to pursue a career in writing poetry for children and also adults. If I change my mind, then that may be. And now if you let me continue I will say one of my poems. This one is called my mom. When I need a light at night, you bring me the moon. When I need more light in the day, you bring me the sun. When I am sick in bed you bring me a doctor and when I need the world you are always there to be it.

>> [ applause ]

>> I want to thank each one of you for this award in our mentoring programs. We have many, many Travis County employees participating in. We will be kicking off in the latter part of the summer some recruiting because we do need more mentors in all of our schools. So -- so thank you very much for your support. And thank you for allowing us to introduce the children and their teacher.

>> thank you for bringing them.

>> thank you.

>> [ applause ]

>> could we get a short picture with the students.

>> sure.

>> get one -- one for you all.

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:51 PM