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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 13, 2008
Item 23

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Now let's call back to order the voting session of the Travis County Commissioners court.
are we ready for that number 23?
23, consider and take appropriate action on a request to approve the rest authorizing the county judge to approve the issuance of education revenue bonds by an out of county issuer, laverne I can't higher education finance corporation for the benefit of cosmos foundation to comply with the requirements imposed by the internal revenue code that the bond and the facilities being financed be approved by the heightes elected official having jurisdiction over the location in which the facilities are located.

>> I'm manager for the county's corporations and I'm here with cliff bond, our attorney.
this request is similar to requests we've received on other projects where they are asking the county's permission for an out of county issuer to issue bonds for facilities within the county.
my understanding is that these -- the county's cultural education facilities, finance corporations could not issue these bonds because these being school bonds can only be issued by these types of corporations set up by municipalities.
and they are representatives here from the cosmos if you have any questions about the school.
this is a -- the bonds are $30 million, of which less than 3 million are going to be used within Travis County.
the remaining is being used in houston and lubbock and other locations around the state.
and part of these are to buy some land in Pflugerville and then to

>> [inaudible] on lease facilities where they are located in two locations.
I think one location is the different grades of the charter school.

>> our backup says that a public hearing was held at the offices of vincent elkins law firm.

>> yes, sir, and there is -- the certificate --

>> a signed certificate of the hearing officer that actually held the hearing.

>> nothing earth shaking happened there, I guess.

>> apparently not.

>> do we ever have these hearings actually in the location where the facility is going rather than in the lawyers' offices?

>> generally they are either -- well, when Travis County holds them, usually we hold them here in Commissioners court.
it's fairly common practice for the hearings to be held at law offices.
occasionally you hold them at the actual location.

>> in this case, we weren't notified of this request until they actually had set -- had published the notice of the public hearing; otherwise we would have strongly recommended that they hold the public hearing here.
which has been the practice of the Commissioners court.

>> just to note I think we all know the likelihood of someone showing up at v&e's offices are remote.

>> and I guess my interest is in the well-being and welfare of the children and the -- especially in this charter school setting, and I'm quite sure they do have a good track record as far as what they have done other places.
I don't know what the track record is, but if the backup is correct, you have k through 12 and kindergarten through the fifth grade.
and I'm just concerned about, especially since it's been a lot of media coverage on some of these charter schools in the immediate area that maybe not been getting the good grade of approval for things suggested, a good grade of approval issues guess, depending on who is talking about it.
so I guess my concern is what kind of impact it will have on improving the lease facilities, but not only that the construction of new facilities here in this general area as part of the $30 million package.
so I guess I'd like to see someone give me -- maybe provide some answers to that because I think it's pretty important for the children and the parents of these children who will receive those educational opportunities to know the quality of the school and the kind of education that's being awarded for the students.

>> mr. Robert johnson is --

>> who?

>> -- is here representing the school and I think he can answer your questions.

>> okay.
that would be very appropriate, I think.
could you state your name, sir, again?

>> robert johnson.

>> okay.
and according to what we're looking at here, the rundberg and also the other location, I'm concerned about the quality of -- I don't know what your track record is.
I've never really investigated enough the charter school aspect and quality of deliver of the services that would be afforded through your schools.
and could you just basically tell me at this time what are some of the attributes that you have for the charter school setting?

>> yes, sir.
we have --

>> I'm sorry.
have you to speak up louder.

>> under

>> [inaudible] we have 14 different locations, all are

>> [inaudible] schools.
our lundburg location was open in 2002 and they were recognized -- when you are compare to public schools, the best is exemplary and rundberg location get four years in a row recognized level.
at my location on

>> [inaudible] I have k through 5 and we opened the school in 2006.
and in the first year we've had also recognized rating.
in other locations we have overall three exemplary schools, all others are recognized.
and we are trying to focus on math and science education.
and I believe when you compare to charter schools, other charter schools or public schools, not many charter schools are rated recognized or exemplary.

>> okay.

>> if that answers --

>> yes, it does.
I wanted to publicly -- I guess you state that particular aspect of those -- of your statement because of the fact of the up and down situations of some charter schools that we have seen here in the area and other areas.

>> I believe it's not been the case for

>> [inaudible] schools and the first school was open in 2000 and the passing rate about 70%.
and it was always gone up and up.
and most of the two schools we have situated at least 85% or 90% passing.
it's always growing.
and it never went down.

>> okay.
I just wanted to hear you make some comments on that.
I didn't have any idea of your success story there and I just think the public needs to know that.

>> two schools in Travis County?

>> two schools in Travis County.

>> how many elsewhere?

>> there are 12 other.

>> 12 or 14.

>> in houston there are four, I believe.
el paso, lubbock, san antonio, college station, beaumont and we're trying to open a third one in Austin.

>> okay.
the law requires that Travis County approve issuance of these bonds by this other entity.

>> yes, sir, but there's no liability to the county.

>> no liability or potential liability.

>> that's correct.

>> for us.

>> that's correct.

>> that's why I move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
do we give you a chance to have your full say?

>> yes.

>> any other comment?

>> [inaudible].

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you very much.

>> thank you, mr. Johnson.

>> thank you to you and your colleague there.
what's his name?

>> chris sayers.

>> just in case we see you again.
oh, he's with v&e.
he's the one that did the public hearing.

>> sitting there all by himself.

>> mighty quiet.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:51 PM