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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 6, 2008
Executive Session

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>> miss porter, we have come to executive session. Item number 26, receive briefing on appointment of Travis County fire marshal. There is bank for that. Under the personnel matters exception to the open meetings act. 27, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding the pending litigation in Travis County, Texas, and state of Texas vs. Coldwater development ltd. And rodman excavation, inc et al. In a's the consultation with attorney exception. 28, receive briefing from the county attorney regarding applicability of city parking ordinances and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. And a1, receive legal briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action to accept, reject or counter settlement demand regarding nicole lee. And this is under the consultation with the attorney exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss these four items in executive session but we'll return to open court before taking any action.

we return from executive session where we discussed the following items, we will have this back on for action as early as next Tuesday. Is that okay? And with different wording. 27 is the matter involving the Travis County and the state of Texas verses coldwater development and rodman excavation. I move that we direct the county attorney get with our consultant and put together an open court discussion in that we target next Tuesday, subject to the availability of the consultant and that after our discussion next week, we be prepared to take appropriate follow-up action and so the item will be posted to allow us to consider and take appropriate action.

>> second.

>> any discussion? All those in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 28 involves the applicability of the city parking ordinances. I move that we request our executive manager to have a follow-up discussion with the appropriate person at the city of Austin. We understand that to be the public works department, to see if any exists today, whether that can be expanded it other county vehicle, further, that we give thought to the various appropriate elements of an appropriate policy regarding parking in the downtown area. And do we need like a little sub committee to work on that?

>> why don't we give it to the parking committee.

>> miss petis angiograms seem to have taken -- and joe seem to have taken a special interest in this. Do you think you could work on putting a draft together. That would be four individuals then.

>> second.

>> john and any of his other assistants, city manager, he deems appropriate, sid, purchasing agent, we will chat with sid and make sure she understand what is we request. Discussion? That ought to get us moving in the right direction. All those in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 28, are we ready today or do we need a full compliment of court. My recommendation would be if we can resolve this and get it behind us, it would help. We looked at several numbers. I move we counter the counter in the amount of $2,000.

>> second.

>> discussion? And ask legal to communicate that to the other side. We're kind of getting down to the end of this if this passes. All those in favor? Show Commissioner, that passes by unanimous vote. There being no further business today, actually adjourn. All those in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 7, 2008 8:51 PM