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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 6, 2008
Item 3

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Now, item number 3. A. Declare Tuesday, may 6, 2008 as "Travis County employee recognition day"; and, b, present certificates of recognition to employees who completed 20, 25 and 30 years of service during 2007. I move approval of a. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote with Commissioner eckhardt temporarily off the dais. And my script says Travis County employee recognition day, deuce may 6, 2008 is declared as Travis County employee recognition day by the Commissioner's court. 122 employees are being recognized for 20, 25 and 30 years of service in 2007. Collectively, the 122 employees represent 2,670 years with Travis County, and they were all fun years I’m told

>> [laughter] with an average of 21.88 years. In addition to these 122 employees, 51 518 employees are being acknowledged throughout Travis County departments for 5, 10 and 15 years of service. Congratulationses to everyone. And we have those, the 20, 25 and 30 years of service here with us. And certificates to present. Of shall we come down front? Most of us are very, very shy, but we do not pass up the opportunity to take pictures

>> [laughter] so we're coming down front.

>> photographs this year like last year. Let's see who we've got.

>> all right, first group is 30 years, so our 30-year honor es, I’ll call the names and come up in you are here. Pamela philips. Linda cortez. Emily lecher, carlos lopez. Moses rodriguez. Randall derek. Steven musil do we have those?

>> [applause] get the pictures. Turn around so you can get your picture.

>> [applause] the next group is 25 years, and I will call a few at a time so we get enough here for a picture. Gloria rios. Vanessa brusard. Donna sterman. Norma guahardo. Patricia day. Cecil capperton. Brenda kennedy, she is in court with one of our judges. Alicia gardines. Phillis claire. Jackson. Bernie miles. Vincent richard, jane rogenbuck. Cindy staffmanhousen. Charles tailor. -- charles taylor.

>> [applause] for that group, let's go ahead and do that.

>> not only is this mandatory but you remain for next year

>> [laughter]

>> [applause]

>> okay, let's see. Belinda, daniel, edward. Dorcus, carol, judith, dan, paul, adolph, daniel perry, ricardo ruiz, andrea, vicenta. Those are the rest of the 25 years.

>> [applause] and now for some of our 20 years. We're moving to 20 years. Deloris carter. Eva castro. William, nelda spears, janice brown. Steven segress. Sara whitaker. Naomi baily. Dana. David ferris. Yolanda. Viola thompson. Derek bateman. John compton. That is enough for a group.

>> [laughter]

>> [applause]

>> fantastic. Done a great job. Darryl man's field. Susan shepherd, darla Davis. Ruth ellen. Karen. Wilford flowers, debra hail, michael lynch. Stanley kerr, jules williams. Alonzo rais. He was here. Lisa lucio. Charles barr. Nancy bartlet. Susan bonilla. Nathan bradshaw. Sandra collier. John goiner. John graceon. Michael. James, kathy, timothy, all these are sheriffs, david law, larry laws. Darren long, deloris lopez. Esther, timothy, mark maxwell, demitroi. Christopher horton, shane pool. Robert. Dana. Okay, that is good for that

>> [laughter]

>> [applause]

>> okay. Stacey shank. George sibel. Stewart, wesley sotter land. Walker, wesley, john white, mary castillo viera. Delores martinez. Iola. Julie thompson. Teresa weber. Guendalynn carol. Joe chavez. I thought I saw joe in here. John manarki. Brian snider, daniel chapman. Leroy click.

>> [applause]

>> vernel daniels. Rex linder. Cecil petry. Surge joe ruiz. Al jackson, he is in the control room. John welch. Darryl caldwell. There is allan. Lenora. Betty learned. Jenell marci and david notario

>> [applause]

>> that's it. That's it.

>> [inaudible comments]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 7, 2008 8:51 PM