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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 6, 2008
Item 2

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Instead of the consent item, let's go to number 2 and 3 since we have a lot of residents here for those. Number two is approve resolution recognizing the month of may 2008 as "mental health month" and may 8, 2008, as "children's mental health awareness day" in Travis County. And should we read the proclamation while you are coming up. Whereas mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and well be, whereas one in five children already affected by health and mental illness in a given year, regardless of race, ethnicity and economic status, children who have mental illnesses can recover and lead full lives in their community, and an estimated two-thirds of young adults people who are challenged with mental illness are not receiving the help they need. Whereas youth guided and family driven supports and services that respond to needs are cost effective and beneficial to consumers and the community, whereas mental health month each may helps to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and illness, and whereas Travis County health and human services and veteran's services continues to support of development and implementation of the Travis County systems of care to ensure children, youth, adults and families have access to the services and supports that build upon their strengths and best meet their needs. Therefore, be it resome offed we the member the of the Travis County Commissioner's court proclaim the month of may as mental health month and may 8 as children's mental health awareness day and call on businesses and schools in Travis County to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people who have mental illness. Good morning.

>> good morning. Health and human services and veteran's service, we just want to thank you for this resolution but also for your continued investment and support in a wide variety of programs and services for families and children, and without those investments in our community, families would have a really difficult time being able to provide the necessary supports for their children, so we certainly, on behalf of our partners, want to thank you for your investment. And here with us is your staff from hhs, health and human service, but also our partners from juvenile probation and we're very pleased to be able to work alongside them in this area as well as the Austin Travis County hmmr.

>> since they were so patient, we may as well get names. That is what I say

>> [laughter]

>> all right, go ahead and introduce yourself.

>> pamela thomas, bridge care coordinator for the children's partnership.

>> hello, I’m christy with the children' partnership.

>> gale with juvenile probation.

>> linda duke with juvenile probation.

>> I’m glore with a gloria peteh health and childrens services.

>> I’m with the children's partnership.

>> we greatly appreciate the important work you do.

>> thank you.

>> [applause]

>> that passes by unanimous vote. And, miss fleming, we have this beautiful proclamation for themu d,ssmiwewe h hss le f fsisd,anan beautiful proclamation for them.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 7, 2008 8:51 PM