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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 1, 2008
Item 12

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12. Consider and take appropriate action to include an emergency medical service ground strategic analysis along with the star flight business planning process.

>> by the way, I don't know that we really need number 13, we took the action --

>> yeah.

>> necessary. This was on just in case we needed it. Okay, let's just pull it, okay. 13? Sorry about that, mr. Hobby.

>> I’m danny hobby, executive manager of emergency services. And I provided you a one-page memo to request that we now considered doing a grounds strategic analysis along with the star flight business plan. I was here several months ago and you approved me going forward with doing that analysis for our air medical program. Star flight. And as I’ve now developed with staff and with other resources, that particular plan, and I’ve almost finished with that plan, I recognize the need to compare it at the same time with what's going on at the ground because if you remember back in 1985, when this program was started, it was due to the fact that we only had one ground unit in the county. And so -- so now we have, I have mentioned that in the letter, we have totally different dynamics, everything has changed and so I think that it would be remiss for me to come forward with just strictly focusing in on the air realizing that they really go hand in hand. The other thing that's actually been brought up here, that assists in this particular review of medical services in the county is that we now have the formation of other groups that have come together for the benefit of looking at what are best practices, what is going to be the best way for us to go in the future. That's working with everyone. This is not in trying to -- to work in separate groups, but trying to bring the various groups together and so -- so I would like to just highlight briefly, because I know that you've got a busy day. That is that -- that we now, as you are aware because you assisted in -- in approving the four members to the -- to the e.m.s. Advisory board, we now have a full complement regarding the e.m.s. Advisory board of where we now have full representation from Travis County as well as representation from the city of Austin. So what you now see is a real partnership and dialogue of -- of county and city representatives that are now looking at the entire system as a whole. And they've now had their first meeting this past week and it was so refreshing to be able to sit and listen to the questions that were being asked and the discussions that were being had. Not only between themselves but also with staff and including myself. So I really feel that -- that based upon that formation and it's now fully developed as a board, that you are going to see some really wonderful things come out of that, that benefit the -- the citizens. That's what we want to try to do here is everything is geared toward how can we best serve the Travis County citizens. And the services that we provide. So that to me is refreshing. I thank you for that. Also, we have the formation of the esd Commissioners council. We had our last -- I think it was our 7th meeting, but our last meeting this past Saturday morning and that's the best time that they can all come together. But I’m happy to report that all 14 esd's are participating in that council. This past Saturday, for instance, in fact the last two meetings that we've had, we had 13 out of 14 present. And what that means for us is that for the first time we're now seeing dialogue and conversation and discussion and questions being asked by the Commissioners among themselves so that they are no longer just simply looking at their individual district, which they are very proud of. And they have a right to -- to be proud of it. Because they are all growing professionally, they are all growing in their organizations. But to see them working together is quite exciting for me. And I think that it is for you as well to see that -- that we're now looking at the system together. And not simply looking at it individually. And this has to do with the relationship between the Commissioners themselves, but also between Travis County, between us the government as well as them. And I’m privileged and honored to be their facilitator. So to me that has some real opportunity and now we're beginning to have discussion on things that we have never had discussion on before. Those common areas that we actually do together. And I -- I really look forward to that continuing and so that's exciting. We also have some very unique changes with the city of Austin. As you know, they have a new city manager. As you know, they've just now appointed a new director of e.m.s. And so to me I’m -- that's an opportunity for us. And I right now have a very good working relationship with the new director and he's a person who is looking at the same things that we are looking at. That is trying to best serve the citizens of Travis County.

>> danny, tell us who the members are of the board, just by name.

>> I don't know all of the city players. I know that of course our players, you know, we have steve wilson is our representative regarding a physician and we also have bob taylor, who is the president of esd 3, oak hill. And he is serves as the esd Commissioner. We have hector gonzalez, mayor hector gonzalez who represents the consumer. And what I love about that one, as well as all of them, is that we've never had a representative from the small cities that's now a part of the team. So he represents the village of webberville, and I wished that you could have heard some of the questions that he asked. But now we have all of our stakeholders represented in Travis County. Paula barr Travis County representative as health, medical background. She is serving us well and asking the right questions and knowing what to ask. And is very, very creative. I’m just impressed with all four of them. They all have individual personalities, different ways of doing things, how they think. But that's refreshing because they seem to work well together. I’m also -- we have some really good people on the city side as well. Dr. Pat crocker is -- is the chair of that particular board. And of course he's been in the system forever. And donald patrick, dr. Patrick. So there are some real good folks that I think are on city and county.

>> judge, I move approval.

>> second.

>> I want to make sure I understand this. This really is a -- a request that we analyze how ground transportation units can be strategically deployed?

>> this -- just looking at the entirety, like we are doing with star flights, judge. That is that we're looking at all aspects of the ground program from all the way to the -- where the unit is located to what -- how the unit responds to how the basic operations work, both in the city and out of the city. Because you can't really separate the two. So it's just an open and -- analysis and review and again our -- our objective is not to leave anybody out. If anybody is a part of this, we want them to have input and we want them to come in and provide us the information that we need.

>> I don't know that we have done a review since -- since the county, you know, we had that two cent increase in order to buy ground units so we could locate them around the county. And so would this be the first time that we go back and review their effectiveness?

>> I think as far as I’ve been able to see, this will be the first time that -- that you really have the analysis that I’m talking about.

>> okay.

>> and that you also mix the two. We always try to make decisions, you know, the last time that I was here, we were talking about buying new helicopters. And -- but I feel like now is the time with all of the changes that are happening in our community.

>> sure.

>> our county, that we really need to look at those together. That way when I come forward then up got the big picture of the system as a whole not just pieces and making decisions on pieces, to me it's a more solid decision and review.

>> judge, we've had, sir a and I’ve had a couple of meetings with ems actually, you know, the union folks that have really wanted to share with us how important it is for us to -- to consider the -- the ground in conjunction what we we do with star flight. There obviously are some issues that they want to bring to our attention. So we had a meeting just, you know, this last week and feel like that we are moving and working with them, have shared with them that we definitely have the interest of working with them, listening to their input and then of course, you know, this -- this committee, this board, I’m -- I’m convinced is really going to -- to be the piece that for so long has been missing. You know, because these people are really involved. They really want to get to the table and do the right thing. So I think we are really going to be moving in the right direction with this thing.

>> working towards the holistic system, everything is working toward it. It's really a real delight and a pleasure to see.

>> I think we have to be aware of the fact because there's so many voices that are now there, so many -- just figuring out how it all does work is something we are all going to have to try to work together, not go after each other. Any time that you have change like this, and I kind of -- kind of indicated that when I came back is that there were certain areas we were going to go look at. As we do, that it's going to cause some people to be unsettled. Some people to -- to wonder what, you know, what is the plan, but -- but I’m here to tell you that my -- my whole objective, I think the objective of the people that I am working with across the board is that the key is communication and trusting each other to be able to really look in an open way about how best to serve our citizens. So that involves everyone. It isn't to try to separate folks. And so -- so that's going to be -- going to be my charge is to -- to make sure that I facilitate fully and work with people and not work against people.

>> and -- is this owe I guess this is an open meeting? I guess when the board members meet, you all, everything is kind of coming off the ground a little bit here. Dr. Citizens that pay want to come -- there are citizens that may want to come in and give input to those discussions. Is there an avenue available for citizens that -- that relying on a on -- emergency services that may have something to say in those meetings?

>> actually, Commissioners, I don't know of any meetings that I just mentioned where someone is not available to attend and I think even in most of those they would be given an opportunity to speak. I think probably the best way to do it so they don't need to worry about where they need to go, where the meetings are going to be held is just to contact my office. My door is always opened, my phone ready to be answered. Just come to me first --

>> right. Because I envision in that -- I’ve every heard folks comment on, you know, response time blah blah, how can we do this, do this, can we do this, blah blah blah a little better. If you would make yourself available to that comment, that request for folks that -- could you give your phone number to get in touch with you about

>> [indiscernible] also the input that they may have to even make a stronger process in my opinion. I would be glad to, I would welcome that. My name is danny hobby, I can be reached at 854-4416.

>> okay.

>> I be reached by calling that number, if I don't answer it directly, leave a message I will call you back. But I would welcome that.

>> thank you, danny.

>> thank you.

>> motion and a second.

>> you got that.

>> seconded.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 8:51 PM