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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 1, 2008
Item 4

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>> since we have you there number 4 is to approve proclamation recognizing March 29th through April 5th 2008 as wildfire awareness week in Travis County. Should I read the proclamation?

>> yes, judge, please.

>> it reads whereas Travis County is a diverse and dynamic place to live, work and recreate with equally diverse ecological environments, the vast appeal of this location has led to extensive growth and development. The result ising ever increasing urban and wild land intface. Eas th developments provide ideal conditions for severe wildlife risk because of the habitat and prevalent species of plant growth typical for this region. Whereas in 2007 there were 5,500 wildfires in Texas that burned 121,248 acres and damaged 158 structures. Whereas Travis County experienced 904 wild fires in 2007. And was identified as a high-risk county. In addition Travis County had 224 wild fires during a 48 hour period from December 31st 2007 to January 2nd, 2008. Whereas by applying temporary fire-wise concepts a -- basic modifications as needed to landscapes and structures, entire communities can drastically reduce the risk of loss from wildfire. Whereas public safety personnel work cooperatively with neighbors and raise the awareness of the wildfire hazard and offer simple solutions to mitigate this risk and whereas the week of March 29th through April 5th, 2008, is dedicated to these purposes as wildfire awareness week, now there ever be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby recognize the week of March 29th through April 5th, 2008, as wildfire awareness week in Travis County. And command the united states fish and we would life, Texas forest service, Travis County fire mall's office, city of Austin, municipal and village fire departments, the emergency services districts, the members of the fire citizens adviso panel. We didn't leave anybody out did we?

>> no, sir.

>> the home depot for their cooperative spirit and invaluable collaborative efforts to protect Travis County residents and I move approval.

>> second.

>> judge, commiss, brad achh travis co fir marshal's off wi m is janrom the Texas foreervice, capitaarea fire chfs asion president chief gary warren fm esd's 3nd 9 and also chief dosmh from esd 4. They along with others sit on adfe scoite. Were passionate about tryi toto bring tt awaresforth to the citins of avis county anto central Texas. There's anvent coming up thiseekend at thea homeeps that will be the home depot in Sunset Valley. The meepot in bee c the ac hawarein lago vista, the home depot o slghr ne and the me pot mopac. Therwi beevents from 10:00 in the morng until 2:00 in the teoon. R president s a few words that he wod lik to share with you jud, coissioners if you he just a moment.

>> home depot on saint john's and i-35.

>> cmissionethe the homeepots werepoed and asked o d like t paicate. That was tir decision point. Not ours, sir.

>> okay. Just wanted to make it clear, I didn't want no one king that the home depots oother side of town -- es, sir, commissione would le to have as many partners as we can have.

>> I understand. Thank you.

>> yes, sir.

>> judge, Commissioners, if I could have just a few moments, I wandto emphize the fa that t is awareness weekand the areness part I the key word. Because if you look at ose statiscs that youuoted in ithe oclamation, the wer 5,500 fires in the state of tes st yea in tvis cnt we had 7.most aifth of tm. I dot know how man counties there arethe ate of Texasbut I know there'mo than fe, me than 10. So weave a very disproportte share of those wild ld fis. The reas isery car. We hava beautiful, natural ld environnt here in travi county. With the hill country to the west and the grassy prairie to the east.

>> right.

>> we have all othese opportunies d people ve to live in e dd of it. And so we d we live thee of it d the problem is vernmental enties ha noowero into people's prive opty and straighten up their wild fire dens. So itecomes completely the sponsibility of our citizens to be aware ato takectioto give us a defensible sce ad their home structures. Anso during the awareness week we try toake tm aware of the ft that the is aazard in ts county r ld land fire coming to their home and tno give them t information t ne tbuild aefsie space. And alwe talk about is ying to get t clear unrbrushhacan sprea th fire alg the ground ou30 feet at a minim from thetructure. Thatoe't mean cutting do all of the trees all the beautiful this. It just means t underbrush. Clr a out. 30 feet. Then the trees, they have what we call ladder fuels, the little limbs that grow out on the trunk. If we can clear those up on a height of 10 to 12 feet. That sure helps a lot. Keeps the fire from getting up into the tree tops and travelling overhead. Then little things like clearing out the gutters, getting the piles of leaves up from around the house. These are all things that homeowners can do for themselves to give the fire service a fighting chance to get in there and protect their property. So we just wanted to raise awareness. Get people to understand there's something they can do for themselves, because the fire service can only do so much. And we want to be able to protect everyone's home if possible.

>> the reason I brought that up is because there's been some fires, serious fires on the east side. Of course you guys have done a great job as far as combatting those fires. Just maybe this educational opportunity that would maybe be afforded, that's why I mentioned the home depot off of saint john's and i-35, because it's in close proximity for some of those folks that live not that far from some of these fire events.

>> [indiscernible] wildfire because of fact that they really got out of control. You probably recall the fires I’m talking about.

>> yes, sir, Commissioner.

>> but anyway that's why I brought that point up, it's in close proximity. I think with the right education, just a -- appears to me with the grass lands and -- anyway, I just brought that point up. I don't know why they made the decision not to have it at saint john's and i-35.

>> yes, sir, Commissioner, your points is well taken. You are absolutely right. Some of the largest we have ever experienced in this county have been on the east side of the county.

>> exactly.

>> any additional comments? By either of you? Yes, sir.

>> judge, we would like to thank the partnership I just am excited for the fire our two gst there's wenly see them once a year

>> would like is cntndof isou weltueor this. Stin. E on t ed dhie io we arenc t ardrerask that rohe sea ago. Congtu y a alsth ycoin t.

>> y? January folkerson from the Texas forest service.

>> welcome. Always want t cbo wi state nan smi.r counsdas r -- want hankou uping oure l'cehiff iur h ouhere thwoominmhefi cmissr yo ,--agrewi wee had lross aconas o e countyn hd gh r verie. . With the of th c fief and c m,s uient ttyistureighri rtments, we have been very effective in trying to keep those fires I think that's been very important. The neat thing about that is that there are many counties across Texas who are now trying to copy our crc program. The Texas forest service is actually taking that information to other areas and sharing that and talking about how we do that program and so it's been kind of an innovative program that started here in Travis County that is spreading. It's nice to see that our state agency recognizes the success that we have had and is taking it to other areas, also. So again thank you for supporting our fire marshal's office and I want to congratulate chief beecham on his leadership officer there. Thank you.

>> let's make sure we advise against them copying the number of fires we have here.

>> yes, sir, judge. Closing remarks, chief? Mr. Fire marshal?

>> I just again judge I’m just richly blessed and I really appreciate the partnerships that we are continuing to build.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Keep up the good work.

>> thank you all.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> great job. Mr. Fire marshal --

>> might we make a picture.

>> if you will agree to take the judge. I know that I have a bad track record.

>> no proclamation, no picture.

>> yes, sir.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 8:51 PM