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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 4, 2008
Executive Session

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Executive session items are 24, consider and take appropriate action regarding a lease agreement between Travis County and Texasrio grand legal aid incorporated, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to open meeting act. 25, consider and take appropriate action on partnership proposal for lease or sale of real estate for Travis County downtown redevelopment, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions. 26, receive legal briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding request to the attorney general number rq-0664-ga from comal county, density of development issues, consultation with attorney. 27, consider and take appropriate action on status of lease with 301 limited for a portion of the land beunique the granger builder parking garage. That's consultation with attorney and real property. 28, replaced on the consent motion this morning. 29, consider and to appropriate action regarding issues associated with the license for use of property at 1310 market road, 1626, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions, 30, receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding meeting with residents on proposals for purchase of county property at 9207 johnny morris road in precinct 1, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to open meeting act. We announced all of these because we may discuss. One we have been requested to delay. We will let the court disude in executive session. We will not take any action in executive session. We will return to open court before taking any action.

we're back from executive session where we discussed all items except one which we'll have to reconvene in executive session this afternoon and discuss. Move that we recess until 1:30.

>> second.

>> all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote with Commissioner Davis near the entrance.

we discussed all of the executive session items except one. And we have our legislative item. Those are the only two left, aren't they? Maybe we ought to announce that we're going into executive session to discuss item number 27, consider and take appropriate action on status of lease with 301 limited for a portion of the land beneath the granger building parking garage. And this is posted under consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. And actually, if john's on the way, since we have announced that one, do we want to take motions on the others? That may an more efficient use of the next two or three minutes. We did discuss item number 24, the matter involving a proposed lease between Travis County and Texas rio grande legal aid incorporated. I move that we approve the proposed lease.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We did discuss 25, the matter involving the Travis County downtown redevelopment. No motion today. We'll have it back on the agenda for follow-up discussion. Actually, thank next week I will have that outline of the various issues relate to go this, so it probably is good to have both back on anyway. 26 is a matter involving a request from comal county for us to submit a supporting brief to the attorney general in this cause. I move that we approve the request and that the document memo or brief be brought to the Commissioners court for review prior to sending it to the attorney general.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 27 I did announce we have not discuss it had yet. We'll go back into executive session. And 28 we didn't discuss because we put it on consent before we went into executive session this morning. 29 basically we gave direction and authorization for Commissioners Daugherty to chat with the lessee about this matter and report back to the court next Tuesday, March 11th. So we'll have this back on. And number 30 the matter involving county owned property at 9207 johnny morris road, we did make several suggestions to staff which hopefully they will work on and be ready to report back on two week from today. So we'll have number 30 back on the court's agenda March 18sth?

>> 19th.

>> 18th or 19th?

>> 18th.

>> March 18th. And hopefully for action one way or the other on that one. So we did announce a moment ago one item for discussion in executive session, and that is item number 27 which we'll discuss at this time. We'll come back to court before taking action.

we are out of executive session where we discussed only one item, that being number 27. We did chat with staff about contacting the owners of this land, so we'll have it book the agenda next week just in case there are responses. And we -- we may ought to have the out towm for discussion, but -- the other item on for discussion tbhowrks action, and kind of lay everything out. This is sort of in the middle of the other issues. Discuss all of them and plan to mull over them a week or so and have them back on the agency for the 18th for action. Okay? Without objection, we'll do it that way.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:09 PM