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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 4, 2008
Item A2

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Why don't we put up A2 which is to consider and take appropriate action on request from envision central Texas regarding participation in 2008 community stewardship awards luncheon. This request came to me as it has I guess in previous years. And I have been an awards presenter. This year I will be out of state. On the date of the event. And so the question is whether someone else on the court would like to participate and also the question came up by the county's involvement. Our contract provides for specific services to be provided around I have been informed that not a penny of county money is used to sponsor or support the luncheon. And -- and that was confirmed by ms. Campbell who is not here today, but ms. Miller is. You may want to come forth just in case the court has questions. I thought since I will be out of town and have them make the decision for us, we would put it on the agenda. Take whatever questions there are. If we decide to participate if there's a member of the court willing to do so, then someone would. The presentation is fairly simple, kind of important for the community, though.

>> right.

>> they don't let you ramble as I like to do and they scripted me every year. So --

>> judge, the other question is regarding -- typically our larger contributors are provided a table because it's really an educational opportunity for different jurisdictions to learn about innovative things happening in the region, that was one of the other questions is if you all would like to have a table of 8, I think your money doesn't go toward the events, but we fund the event with sponsors. But we do typically provide tables. We could either show you, list you as a sponsor because of your contribution level, although the money doesn't go toward the events or we can simply provide you a table. It's at your discretion.

>> I will say that the food has been excellent in the past.

>> it's an interesting program, very educational.

>> questions? Would someone like to go or actually more than one if more than two go, we can post it.

>> it's may 2nd. It's a Friday.

>> it's a great event. I did sound like kind of a buzz kill when I asked about its inclusion in our contract deliverables. It just seemed an odd inclusion in the contract deliverables. But it is a great event.

>> I should be in huntsville, alabama on that date.

>> that's right. Typically, so last year we had four of the judges and I believe one of the county Commissioners from around the five county region as presenters for the awards. So we did invite one of the Commissioners to be a presenter potentially and then the question is whether you would like to have a table.

>> it would be lovely to have a table I would think.

>> we also have county staff.

>> the staff have --

>> t.n.r. Folk normally. We have done a pretty good job of filling the table.

>> yes, you do.

>> last year they had me with elected officials. I preferred to be with county staff. They insisted that I be with elected officials, though, judge wright and some others.

>> I would be happy to go.

>> as would i.

>> give us a table, we will fill it up. We will post that to allow a majority to attend if --

>> if we are going to do that.

>> if you wish to. If not, if we can decide early enough to give county staff an opportunity to attend.

>> great.

>> and then we can follow up with you with regard to a potential presenter for one of the awards, is that appropriate?

>> we will pull straws or -- go by seniority or just let you choose, you look bold.

>> okay. Great. That's pretty much.

>> any other questions?

>> typically we would list you on -- on the program as a sponsor. Is there a request not to do that but to provide you with a table.

>> do you separate lunch sponsors, from envision central Texas sponsors?

>> no, typically they are listed just at the level of sponsorship, so because of your contribution to the organization, you would be a sponsor at the highest level. So we could do that. Potentially. But typically they are all just listed on the program.

>> well, in my opinion, we ought to be listed. Because this is a -- this is a worthwhile community endeavor. And we have been supportive for several years now. And as I recall, the other support isn't listed there, so parity tells me let's be listed, too. But --

>> okay.

>> but -- we state for the public record now that to my knowledge we really have never sponsored events like this and when they happen in this courtroom normally either court members chip in from various accounts that we hold, we don't use county money.

>> again your money is not paying for this event. Your money is not going toward this event.

>> right. I have delayed retirement several years hoping the county would change that policy. But -- move that we participate, that we have a table, that we be listed on the program as a sponsor. Hopefully with the clear indication that we're not sponsoring the lunch, but -- help sponsoring envision central Texas.

>> second.

>> and -- we'll try to fill that table and get word to county staff maybe to touch base with the court members I would say a couple of weeks before then so we know how to post it.

>> okay.

>> any more discussion? Marietta? Everything okay from a legal perspective?


>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> I saw you perk up, I didn't know whether you wanted to be invited to the luncheon or some legal question surfaced.

>> [laughter] all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:09 PM