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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 4, 2008
Item 15

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15. Consider and take appropriate action on whether to appoint a person to serve on the tax increment reinvestment (tif) board of robert mueller development. This is a request that came from the city of Austin. And what I know about it is really what's in the letter that I attached as backup. And they tell us take we had one place on that t.i.f. If we would like to take advantage of it. And state law boys that each jurisdiction -- state law provides that each jurisdiction that levies property taxes in this zone may appoint a board member. By state law we are authorized to appoint a board member, but we are not obligated to do so.


>> [indiscernible]

>> and it really -- I guess I received this February 26th and my first thought was that it is a requested first impression to put it on the court's agenda and see if we want to. If so give ourselves an opportunity to come up with a person -- I guess in my view if I think we can get somebody to be on the board if for no other reason than to be informed. We are not part of the t.i.f. The city of Austin is. And -- we could be indirectly impacted but not directly.

>> judge, I have spoken with p.b.o. On this item, it is kind of a

>> [indiscernible] I think as far as having someone there, the way the options are basically laid out with, you know, if we want somebody we can opt out or either take no action at all. However, after talking with the -- with the p.b.o. Staff, I would recommend and they didn't have -- seem to have any problem with it, as far as serving on the board, on the t.i.f. Board, for the old robert mueller site and leroy nellis suggested that -- that christian would -- could be the person on this board and he would serve as an alternate when christian was unable to -- to attend. Now, I guess my point, though, legally is this: it just requires according to what the backup is suggesting, it requires one person in this instance and item 14, which we haven't got to yet, it has two. A lead person and then also an alternate. Is that still the -- a prerequisite requirement for 15? And is it also stipulated in item 14? In other words, if leroy and ellie would like to be the alternate --


>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> I知 not aware of an alternate position.

>> as far as this is concerned --

>> I知 not aware of the alternate situation. That is not under the statute.

>> right. Okay. Well, this is concerned that the backup requires a -- a member to serve on the t.i.f.

>> yes.

>> for the robert mueller. So -- so is it anything in violation of law or does the law even address the -- the alternate situation? In other words one not being able to make it and the other one would be.

>> no, but if the court wants to go in and make an appointment, if they want to designate an alternate if allowable. Then we can look into that and get back with you on how to handle that. You can go ahead and make that designation with the understanding that it would be if -- if that's permissible. The law doesn't address that.

>> okay. Well, those two persons, those persons have suggested, judge, that they wouldn't mind serving on that t.i.f. Board. So -- so if that's the case, I would like to move approval of -- of christian smith with p.b.o., serving as the member of the t.i.f. Board for robert mueller and also leroy nellis as alternate.

>> well, I tell you I posted this consider and take appropriate action on whether to appoint -- I really posted this to decide whether we would appoint a person. Not necessarily to make the appointment. See what I知 saying?

>> okay.

>> I guess a good question is whether we want to appoint christian or the new director of planning and budget that we should hire soon.

>> okay.

>> so I guess my preference would be, I have no problem with a county representative being on it and it may make sense. The health care district apparently has waived.

>> you want to wait until later until the new person get in a position.

>> and decide today to make an appointment and give some thought to okay who should we appoint. Christian will be here to work on special projects for us, but he also will be gone quite a bit. See what I知 saying. So he is -- he volunteered for the waller creek t.i.f. And if we have him and leroy there, serving as --

>> yeah.

>> main person and alternate, I don't know that I would put him on both. I guess would be my -- my point. But why don't we pull over it and chat with him about it.

>> I have no problem with it. I just -- they brought that information to my attention and since they were both looking at item 14 as the representative on item 14 as far as the t.i.f. Membership on 14 they didn't have any problem with 15. But you know if we can look at it and wait until we get this other person on. But I guess there's just three options there, appoint someone, opt out or either -- or take no action at the time. So whichever one we want to land on, I知 just letting you know that they said that they would make themselves available.

>> I would make a motion that we do take action to appoint a pepper at some -- appn at some point in time.

>> we will have it on next week. It may be those two persons.

>> second.

>> now, this did come from the old city manager, ms. Futrell, the new one, mr. Ott has started his term, right?

>> yes.

>> we will move quickly on this before they change their mind. I guess that's law.

>> yeah.

>> any more discussion? That's to take advantage of the opportunity to appoint. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> we'll have sonya make the appointment. We'll have sonya make it, a main person and an alternate.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:09 PM