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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 4, 2008
Item 2

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>> is the judge here? Number two is to receive briefing and take appropriate action to commence negotiations with the highest ranked proposers in response to rfs number so 70312 ml, criminal fine and fee collection services for justice courts.

>> good morning, judging exister cyd grimes, county purchasing agent. As you know the tax office has been working for self years on looking at improving collection of criminal fines and fees. As part of the process the court authorized us to issue a request for services for a third party collection agency. We received four proposals. We had an evaluation committee with representatives from pbo, tax office, auditors, its and jp's, and in evaluating the proposals we found that two really were very viable firms and that we feel like could do a good job for us. So what the committee is recommending is that the court allow us to now begin negotiations with these top two firms and then come back with you, to you, with report on contract negotiations, what our recommendation is for these firms. Those two firms are lime barreder, gogen and municipal services bureau.

>> questions? We have some of the representatives here today. Did you all wish to give comments?

>> we have a recommendation request.

>> move the recommendation.

>> second.

>> let me ask a question before we take this stuff. Judge, what I need to find out is the process itself. We are going into negotiation and things of this nature. How long will that take before we actually come back with a final peak see look at what we are doing here? How lock will had a take, the process itself?

>> depending on schedules I would say we could be back before the court within a month, month and a half with contracts for award.

>> within a month?

>> within a month. Don't you agree, leroy?

>> yeswas it a.

>> was it fairly solid recommendation from the committee?

>> e yes, it was unanimous.

>> anymore discussion?

>> I have a comment to clarify my vote on it of as I stated before I’m concerned about this core governmental responsibility the collection of fines and fees being moved into the private sector with the insertion of a prophet motive. Although I have absolutely no doubts about the intentions, credibility or the capabilities and efficiencies of the entities that are applying for this. They have sterling reputations important not only efficiency but also for the intentions of the program. But my concern is attenuating our accountability in government. I don't, I am concerned about insulating government from this core function and making it appear that if there's anything that goes wrong, it's his fault. Because ultimately all of the responsibility rests with us in government and the elected representatives. So while I will be voting no on this for those reasons, I want to put it out to the public that if anything should ever go wrong it will rest entirely at our feet, not at the feet the third party that's inserted between us and our responsibilities to collect fees.

>> let me say this. Commissioner, I respect everyone's opinion. And yours is just as respectful as anybody's. And I don't disagree with you at all. But I do recall when Commissioner Daugherty and I in fact some time ago called a meeting because of the outstanding fines and fees that had not been collected over a long period of time here for Travis County. We had a meeting right down there. We had all of the folks that were, departments involved, we looked at ways of how we could go about doing this. It was kind of overwhelming. This was some time ago. Of course, the in house initiatives were just not at that time adequate because of the outstanding money that was still out there that was motor coming to the general fund. So at that time Commissioner Daugherty and i, I guess we both kind of looked at this and said look, what can we do. So we started looking at a progression of events to take place where by we would be able to look at some of these things and then go forwar. And this is some of the process taking place because of the outstanding monies that were owed that could go into the general fund to offset a lot of things.

>> if you recall, Commissioner Davis, we did start, the committee started looking at this over three years ago.

>> and how long--

>> it was a pilot project that showed some of the results that led y'all to make in this decision.

>> right.

>> so Commissioner Davis is correct in the history and progress and it has been a long process.

>> it has been. It's been a long while.

>> three years.

>> three. So we just are trying to do our best to just get that money on the table, to get it to the general fund.

>> I have month doubts about that. I respect my colleagues in their positions. It's been a very long process, very vetted and studied. I remain fill softically, it's a philosophical vote on my part. The process has been impeccable. I remain opposed based on the fact that it's not a flat fee for service as it is a, there is a collects component to, and I therefore will continue to oppose. But I respect my colleagues and the process that has been used to look at it fullyi respect those , statements very much.

>> Commissioner eckhardt, I do tend to agree with what you are saying. If anything goes wrong out there and somebody feels offended, they are going to be calling us. So no doubt, I think that's going to be there. But I think that in these kinds of things we're also partners in the community. And we do need to seek some clegs of --collection of fines and fees owed to institution like ours. It's not like we are going to say here you are, whatever you do, we don't care, we just want the money. That is not true. That's not what we are saying here. Yes, the money is owed because it's gone through the court process and it's just part of how we pay our detsto so--debts to society. But we are also partners and very hand on here in Travis County. So if something goes wrong or someone mistreated we will be called as well.

>> okay.

>> for the jp's and constables, were they brought into the process?

>> yes. I did want to publically thank all of the committee members that served on this committee. Judge bembry did represent all the jp's. Judge scott, judge steed, judge gonzalez and judge evans all are in agreement with the committee's repation. Dusty knight served on the committee, beth brangen ship, lizmen from its and joe arberad tr jp, mike long and cyd from purchasing and barbara wilson from the county attorney, my staff members, di anna ramirez and dana gaflin assisted in the process and did an outstanding job of evaluatingdid.

>> did the constables simply defer to your judgment?

>> yes, I did not have anyone call. We shared the recommendation of the committee with all the jp's and constables and I have had no negative comments on the recommendation.

>> anymore questions? Comments? Discussion? All in favor. Show Commissioners Gomez Daugherty, Davis and yours trily voting in favor. And Commissioner eckhardt voting against.

>> it's voting day. How can one not be happy when there are lines out the door at the polls.

>> that's the only one we have before executive session.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:09 PM