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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 19, 2008
Executive Session

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If we take the election tem this afternoon, which is 26, and the medical examiner's item, that means we have reached executive session. Our lawyers are ready. Number 27 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding a potential purchase of real estate on airport boulevard. This is under the consult tages with attorney and real property. 28, consider and take appropriate action on purchase con with parke properties one and two lp and gdf realty investments limited for the acquisition of approximately 17.6 acres of land in ec had shun with the balcones canyon lands plan, real property exception to the open meet act. 29, receive briefing and to appropriate action in Travis County et al versus marion hill. Let me get my cheat sheet. Resale deed, consultation with attorney the. 30, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County et al versus pair I don't know hill, charity ruth bartell resale deed skull --consultation with attorney. 31, consider and the appropriate action on purchase contract with tiany, for the acquisition of property on citation avenue. We'll return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where we had an opportunity to discuss all the items. We will take motions this afternoon. I move that we recess until 1:30. All in favor.

we went into executive session this morning, ms. Porter and discussed our executive session items including number 27 the matter involving the potential purchase of real estate on airport boulevard. I move that we authorize the county attorney to send a title objection letter to the seller.

>> second.

>> and further, if I can just include in that motion, that we get our brokers to call to the attention of the seller the three matters that we need addressed, and that is the plumbing and electrical issues that we think will cost about $25,000, and we're looking for a purchase price reduction to cover those. And if there's agreement on that, we'll amend the purchase agreement to reflect it. And also there is a broken window as a result of this past weekend so we would like the seller to replace that before closing. That's the motion.

>> second.

>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We discussed number 28, the matter involving the bcp matter. It will be back on next week with new wording to give us exactly what we need to do for the total acreage. 29 is a matter involving the emad dimian resale deed. Did we discuss that one? We sure did. I move that we authorize the county judge to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court the proposed tax resale deed to mr. Dimian who has paid Travis County the sum of $10,000 in cash.

>> second.

>> discussion? All inxcfavor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 30 is a matter involving the charity ruth bartell resale deed. I move that we indicate our decision to execute this deed after we have received an appropriate a littlement of issues -- acknowledgement of issues and release for Travis County and we can have this back on the court's agenda next week in case we need it. And if we don't have that document by Thursday or some assurances that re will get it before Tuesday, just take it off. We can have it back on in case we need to move on it. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 31 is a matter involving the citation avenue.

>> buyout. The buyout.

>> I’ve forgotten what this one. Senior moment, john. Move we agree to purchase this property for the sum of $105,000 for the reasons that were given us and that is basically that we need to property in order to close the deal and close several properties so we can close a street and have that as simply raw land rather than land with structures on it with the acquisition of this one.

>> second.

>> is that what joe --

>> authorize mr. Geiselman to sign the contract. He's getting more powerful all the time. I was trying to protect him, but let's give it to him and see what he does with it. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Colleagues that is correct does it for today.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:09 PM