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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 19, 2008
Item 11

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11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of the architectural space program and schematic design of the new substance abuse residential treatment program (smart) residential facility. I have with me from the department the project architect

>> [indiscernible] roger el khoury. On --

>> what's his name again?

>> gabe -- dave stark.

>> dave stark, project architect from facilities management department. On August 2007 the Commissioners court approved the concept to build another small residential facility, we called it smart, too, and approved the funding of the project for the budget process. The new facility was available on the same site as the existing facility, the land will be acquired by Travis County. Existing site is within the city of Austin. The total approved budget for this project was 2,723,515, that was for planning design and construction and that was approved back in October, November, 2007. And then added -- sometime in December, November/december, 781,211 for land acquisition. Since then, since November of 2007, facility management department worked closely with cscd staff, for -- on the planning, programming of this facility. The program and schematic design will be presented today to you by the project architect and just to let you know that the user department have agreed to the program of scream matic design -- schematic design and signed a copy of it. The user

>> [indiscernible] with me today also dr. Mag and her staff to go to answer any question that you might have. With this --

>> can I ask a couple of basic questions for me.

>> yes, sir.

>> the -- if this configuration -- is this configuration similar to the configuration of the present facility?

>> almost, yes. Almost. It's in term of the concept. But it has different layout.

>> we think this will get us what we need, though, at the facility.

>> correct.

>> and the state is still on board for the operating funds once this facility becomes available.

>> yes.

>> that was our commitment.

>> uh-huh.

>> and the state appreciates that we will not make this investment without the partnership.

>> absolutely.

>> all right. Any other questions from the court?

>> no, I think that's pretty much here.

>> mr. Stark, we hate to steal you thunder, I know you have a whole lot of work. You have other work at the office anyway, don't you? Unless there are questions, we've been waiting on this and typically we defer to the official, appointed official in charge of the program. We have been waiting on this and so if there are no any questions, I would move approval.

>> second.

>> I really appreciate the signatures. That shows that you all have been working on this together and there's no question but that y'all have seen it and approved it. Thanks.

>> all right.

>> we appreciate the fine work. We took -- I took part of president's day to review it. My last thought was this is real nice. I wonder if dr nagy agrees.

>> yes.

>> her signature is not on this document. Even if she were not here today we would know that she's on board. Any more discussion? Any reason why we should not do this?

>> no.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:09 PM