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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 29, 2008
Item 30

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Let's call up number 30. Consider and take appropriate action regarding resolution in support of collaboration with major partners to master plan for maximum developmenten utilization of county and city owned properties in northeast Travis County. I know Commissioner Davis would want to be here. I think we should discuss this today and maybe take action next week. The city and county owned property that 30 references is the expo center and the adjacent property. Commissioner Davis, clearly what I want to do is lay this out and bring it back next week.

>> okay. That would be fine.

>> but the -- you know, the city of Austin owns that land even where the expo center is. We've got the livestock association that has been a pretty good partner since we bought the building from them. And so the idea of getting a consultant and a kind of blue ribbon committee including residents to a master plan for future development came up and made sense to me. The only little thing that I should mention now is that this conversation was with the city manager and the mayor and there's a new city manager coming real soon, and I’m thinking the city is still enthusiastic about doing this. I know the mayor is. But we carolina of told the city -- kind of told the city we would put together an appropriate resolution and share that with them. And so what's before you is a draft and we can change that in whatever way we see fit. If not today, then between now and next week.

>> I looked at that, judge, and it seemed to be right on target with what it was suggesting especially when you include the livestock program in as partners to help design the master plan of what we're trying to accomplish there and the input into this I think is something that needs to be done. It really does. It really does need to be done. We need to really make those types of plans with those particular stakeholders involved. And, of course, I don't think the -- it would make any big difference, but then you can't say that, but it would be good for us to run by the city if the court decides to approve the resolution as it is today, maybe it would be also good to make sure that a city representative such as the mayor makes sure that the new city manager, if they have any questions with the out going city manager futrell. That may be something we can also push forward with and maybe bring it back, whatever you need to do.

>> does this draft look okay? Now, the only little thing I didn't highlight is that to do this right, you are talking about getting professional help. Professional consultants. But if you've got two or three entities sharing the cost, then our burden should be smaller.

>> judge, do you have any ideas about he-i mean if we're going to put together a blue ribbon panel, how many court members you would want? Obviously you can't have more than two. You probably don't need to have more than that, but do you have something in mind?

>> we have a subcommittee already.

>> the question is whether we want court members or county staff. I’m thinking that the city will want city staff, so I would think if they want one or two councilmembers on there, we would try to have one or two members of the Commissioners court. But if it's staff and consultant driven and you got residents too, that may get the job done faster, I would think. Do you think? But we ought to allow enough time to do it right, and just choosing a consultant will take some time because you've got to draft a charge. But then -- I know the residents in the area out there are concerned about being close in on what's done so they will want to participate, and I’m sure the city will have residents that they want to recommend to be on here too.

>> what we can do, judge, is if the court adopts this resolution, we will contact the city -- there's an assistant city manager or the director of parks and recreation, and explore how they are going to move forward and then provide a report to the court. That will give us a better idea.

>> would the city also -- another point, a caveat that was not in the resolution as far as the consultant, as far as the amount -- you know, the money amount. Would that misbe passed on to the other stakeholders, the livestock folks and the city and also the county?

>> we will ask that question. Usually in these combined efforts you would share the costs.

>> do we want to just approve this as a draft, realizing they may want to tweak it. It comes back to us, we would have a opportunity to prepare a tweak.

>> I second the motion, judge.

>> that's the motion, then. And I think that at some point -- lisa, if you deliver this for us, we would try to land on a charge given the livestock association if they can have one or two reps that will have time to work on this and try to move it like that.

>> they will probably be pretty tied up until, you know, the rodeo is over. Because they are right in the thick of their deal. But I think they are ready to participate.

>> I think when it comes to the city and county, we normally take a little time anyway. So the rodeo will be over the first part of April?

>> yes.

>> end of March.

>> end of March.

>> that will give us two months.

>> by that time we'll have processed an estimate of cost and some scope.

>> maybe a charge of scope. With that, did I move approval? Let's proceed to the next step realizing that we will be able to take action on some final document in the future. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:09 PM