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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 29, 2008
Item 1

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Item number 1 is to approve resolution recognizing wanda mackey on her retirement from the traik human resources management department. For those watching, we do not keep any money in human resources.

>> [ laughter ] we do not keep any money there. No one is there. Hold off on yourtecan I read th? It reads, whereas wanda lynn mackey came to work for Travis County on Monday, January ninth, 1984 as a receptionist beginning what she describes as a fantastic adventure, lasting almost a quarter century. Whereas wanda applied her robust work ethic and sharp intelligence to upward mobility opportunities as her human resources career progressed with assignments to employee relations, benefits administration and applicant services. Whereas wanda is retiring from her current assignment in the compensation where her technical know how, institution on knowledge and relationships have allowed her to successfully program the more process -- process the more complex personnel actions and personnel hte systems maintenance. Whereas while performing in multiple positions over her 24 years, wanda has consistently demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and consistently upheld the department's values of honesty, trustworthiness, reliability and quality scurnl service. Whereas these fine qualities tr earned wanda the respect and love of her fellow employees. Whereas when I say love I mean her co-workers actually stand up in meetings and confess their love --

>> [ laughter ] stand up in meetings and in the Commissioners court.

>> [ laughter ] love and devotion to wanda, and that's not something you see very often around here. We'll have to chat with y'all about that later.

>> [ laughter ] whereas wanda has always been admired as being fashion forward by setting the style trends and leading by example into herer ] whereas wanda has out lasted no fewer than six human resources department directors, including nan mcraven, judith mccracken, linda lewis, harry young, nelda wells spears, mattie malldon taylor and nowlin da Moore smith. And that's not even counting a couple of directors in that parade. And whereas it is with sincere thanks for all of her good work, good hard work that this Commissioners court on the occasion of wanda's well deserved retirement is a lieutenants her service and wishes her well in whatever new fantastic adventures await her in a post employment environment. Now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court pro claims Thursday, January 31st, 2008 as there is a big celebration. Be it further resolved that all county employees are encouraged to take a moment to commend ms. Mackey in her 24 years of service to the people of Travis County and this organization. And I move approval.

>> second.

>> any comments? We'll get wanda for 13 years. And I just want to tell you that your beauty, your grace and your christian spirit I think is just one of the most wonderful things I’ve experienced here at Travis County. We need to hire wanda as a trainer for charm.

>> [ laughter ] just for overall kindness and helpfulness and just whatever assignment you give her she'll get it done and she'll get it done with a smile. And I know that she has the trust of many and the love of them even more. So thank you, wanda for all your work and for being so trustworthy. I really, really appreciate that. And I know the judge appreciates it because you're the only one he calls when he wants to do anything on the executive manager salary. It's wanda.

>> [ laughter ] so thank you, wanda.

>> thank you.

>> and I need to say thank you, wanda for the many years we've worked together here at Travis County. I feel we have grown up together. Thank you so much for your service. And as we already mentioned, all of the qualities that have really been just really great for Travis County and anybody working in Travis County who has to deal with those issues. And it's been great. So I wish you the best. You deserve it.

>> wanda, on behalf of my staff in precinct 1, we have called on you many a time, and I know they have. And I just thank you for being there for him for the questions and resolution of those particular questions. And let me ask you this, what are you going to do your self with all this energy? You're not going to sit down, I know that. What are you going to do with your self after you leave Travis County?

>> I just plan on reinventing myself, just getting reacquainted with myself. And I’m a crafter, so I’ll be doing lots of crafting.

>> okay. Stay busy.

>> last time I really got to know myself, I didn't like myself.

>> [ laughter ] don't spend too much time doing that.

>> if that happens I’ll have to come back to work.

>> [ laughter ]

>> we really appreciate your service. Really do.

>> I’m not sure that I could add much more to what was included in the proclamation or the kind words that alicia expressed. I think the fact that we have a group of employees standing behind wanda today, I think I could only add a bucket of tears quite frankly. But I think that in its self is a testimony to the value that wanda has given not only to the department, but also to Travis County. I told wanda that I went through my stages of denial, even got to be a little bit angry when I heard the announcement. And then have gotten to a point of acceptance because I do realize that there is a time in everybody's life where when this opportunity presents itself where you can back off and say let me get to know myself even better, that that's something that we must all respect and honor her for what she's doing. People have come and gone, but this is our first employee to retire, so it's a very special time for us. I’d also like to invite the entire county to drop by hr offices tomorrow afternoon and join me and the rest of the hr staff in a reception that we're host fog her from 3:00 until 5. That's tomorrow, Wednesday, from 3:00 until 5 tomorrow.

>> this is my daughter-in-law vicky. Where's my best friend marva? Yvette is my daughter. Just everyone. I thank everyone for coming and sharing this with I opportunity. Tnk travig for tn I was 28 years old and this is where I came and this is where I’ve been since that time and it's been a great employer. I’ve truly enjoyed my work here. I still enjoy it, but I just need to move on right now. So that's what I’m doing.

>> make sure you leave a forwarding address.

>> [ laughter ]

>> there will be consulting fees.

>> [ laughter ]

>> the accuse co-laids, I’ve heard them, but she's not only my mother, but a mama. Able what you all have presented today I’ll continue to have. She's an awesome woman. She's -- there's not really any words to express how I feel about my mother, what she's been to everybody here. Because this is my family. I have sisters and aunts here that I don't even know sometime. But she is the very woman that you all spoke about today is the same one that operates in her home. I’d just like everybody to know that.

>> thanks for sharing her with us.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> can I retract my vote. You can't retire.

>> [ laughter ]

>> thank y'all very much.

>> [ applause ]

>> we'll bring the proclamation on Wednesday, y'all.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:09 PM