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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 2, 2008
Item 2

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review and take appropriate action on recruiting profile and advertisement developed by executive recruiter for executive manager, planning and budget.

>> karl nolenburger, your executive recruiter was here for two days on December 20th, 21st, interviewed 17 people.
members of the court who were available, the executive manager, planning, budget, auditor, sheriff, a couple of district judges, county attorney.
that data was synthesized -- the purpose of those interviews was to gain a sense of coherence on the types of qualities that you were looking for, consistent with the culture of this organization.
for a new executive manager, planning and budget.
the -- the firm traditionally and has been contracted to -- to develop a recruiting profile, which is a brochure, which is intended to be distributed and used as a tool to attract individuals around the country to -- to the job.
that recrueltying profile -- recruiting profile was developed as a result of those interviews as well as reviews of -- of public information about -- about the community about Travis County, about the planning and budget office, and your -- your desires and criteria for -- for the individual who will be filling that role.
the -- the -- mr. Nolenburger also put together an ad copy, which has a relatively short time frame in order to -- to keep to a schedule.
you are being asked to approve both the ad copy, which is one paragraph, as well as the recruitment profile.
if you could approve it today that would be wonderful.
but if you need an extra week, because it is a little long, then next Tuesday still is within the schedule that he has outlined, that recruiting profile has three pages of a community profile, a page on county organization and a page on -- on education experience, a page on management style and personal characteristics.
mr. Noel lenburger also shared with us a schedule that is a tentative schedule expedited to meet various scheduling needs that exist.
also an advertisement placement proposal, the costs of which are -- which are able to be funded within the salary savings that will be derived from the planning and budget office budget.
that's the background.
I'm here to answer any questions.

>> I have three recommendations.
I'm ready to move on to them unless somebody else want to take a little time.
where we have the -- after the hiring decision, we have started employment for executive manager may 9th through 31, what if we just put as soon as possible?
if we make the decision on April 9th, some may need time, some may not.

>> that's correct.

>> where we list the percentage of -- of the racial make up I guess of this area, why don't we list it in the order of the percentage of population?

>> that recommendation makes total sense, I will pass it along.

>> when I looked at it, because I was -- we have the -- looked like they just -- hispanic or latino last, but they are 28.2% of the population.

>> they should be second.

>> right.

>> and that's just a little thing.
but I -- when I looked at it, my question was what kind of message are we sending.
what one -- one thing that we're trying to send it population.
where we list this -- this is on page 4, the county organizations.
we say government folk, county government folk primarily on, list a whole lot of stuff, I would put law enforcement on that and corrections.

>> you're on page 4, which paragraph?

>> on the county organization.
it's -- it's -- it's actually one -- if we start with recruitment profile, it will be page 3.

>> yes.

>> last paragraph.
second -- second line.
we say law enforcement, but we really -- and corrections ought to be there.

>> okay.
I'll have that added.

>> because it's probably bigger than all of the others I imagine.

>> that's correct.

>> yeah.

>> otherwise there are -- one of my resolutions is to read all of the backup, christian, so there are three or four little typos that I can call to your attention.
not in open court, but elsewhere.

>> wonderful.

>> any other questions?
otherwise I thought it was -- kind of different.
I haven't been in a job market in a long time.
this gives a whole lot more detail about Austin Travis County than -- than I imagine what --

>> well, I asked about that.
he said that is frequently looked upon with some favor by other applicants who want to know something about the organization and the community.
if you find a candidate who meets all of these criteria, it will be a combination jesus sus christ and Margaret that mucher.

>> being outside of central Texas, this will be a nice little lesson for them about what central Texas is about.

>> one challenge might be --

>> I was left with the impression I am really glad I live in Austin Travis County after I read it

>> [laughter]

>> I might note that -- just as an aside that's not really a parted of this is that given the schedule, and I probably am going to need to move out of my office in March, which means I'm going to need an office to move into.
I can move out of but I don't have a place to move into on the fifth floor.
that will be something that will have to be dealt with in the next few weeks or months.

>> okay.

>> guidance from the court may be helpful because as you know, space is not -- not readily available.

>> the word lame duck sort of comes to mind christian, but it has a negative connotation so I won't say it.

>> no, because I'm expecting that you will be --

>> we will never get you space if we refer to you as that.

>> that's correct.
that's correct.
plus I'm hoping that I'll be around after October 1.
helping out.

>> any other questions?

>> I think

>> [inaudible - no mic] I second your motion.

>> move approval and move that we proceed.
the -- the source of funding for the advertising is -- salary savings within the --

>> within the planning and budget office.
the only source of funding that is not available will be the dual track of both a new executive manager and an old executive manager at the same time.
that will have to be a transfer out of allocated reserves at the point in time when you know that that person will be arriving.

>> okay.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 2, 2008 3:15 PM