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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 11, 2007
Item A2

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A 2 is to receive update and take appropriate action on selection process for executive manager planning and budget.

>> we briefed the judge last, four or five days ago and he thought it would be good to get an add-on to the agenda to brief you as to the current status of the search process. The search committee, which is composed of the county judge and Commissioner eckhardt, me, with head of hr providing staff sub and with the addition of the purchasing agent , to secure a search firm, produced a rfs that was distributed for respondants, provided proposals, one as a result of a variety of reference checks and reviews, seemed to be a relatively clear choice. That group is the par group from outside chicago. You have seen a representative list of clients. And the one-page biographical profile for the individual that the par group wishes to or suggests conduct the search, a gentleman named carl knollen berger. It seemed appropriate to have mr. Nolan berger come to visit with us. A appropriate number of people before a contract is signed. The current schedule would suggest that purchasing put a contract on for next Tuesday. Mr. Nolan berger is willing to come visit us this Wednesday, tomorrow. And the yd was--idea was perhaps to meet with the selection committee and anyone else who wishes to meet with him, to make sure there's a meeting of the mind and a comfort level before actually signing a contract. We've set up meetings with me, purchasing, Commissioner eckhardt the judge's calendar is tight tomorrow, but if any other member of the court wishes to meet with him, I’m sure we can find some time. That's really a meet and greet kind of meeting am assuming that y'all are comfortable and wish to sign a contract with the par group, that would be on the agenda for next Tuesday. Mr. Nolan b e rg e r would go into full greer to prepare what is called a recruiting profile. He would be here on December 20 and 21 to meet with those individuals who are going to be most critical in determining the decision as to who the next executive manager planning and budget is going to be. Obviously, that is the court. Anyone else that really understands the full scope of the job. He will be here for 16 hours. He would be interested in meeting with each of you individually, with the purpose of, in essence, asking the question, what do you want. And it's in the --not just the job description and the duties and responsibilities. But every organization has a culture, has a set of values, a set of principles, a set of behaviors that are awarded and behaviors that are, get folks into trouble. Travis County is unique. It is different than other counties , different than cities it has an approach. The person who fills this job need to have a good fit. A good fit with you and a good fit with the organization. And I can give examples. In any event, his goal is to put together this recruiting profile which in essence is the terms and conditions of what his job is, because he is going to be out there talking to lot of people' round the--around the country and will come forward with top candidates for y'all. I did chat with the county attorney regarding the process of having individual meetings with each of you. The plan would be then to have that recruiting profile come back to you for approval, so that that profile would have each of your individual visions of what this job should be, and then it would come back to you for approval so that it would be a court document. He also suggested if there are any other individuals who have a sense of the full scope of the job, that he would like to talk to them. And I suggested the budget manager, the county attorney, and me. So that is kind of where things stand at this point. I have taken the move to at least get holds on your calendars and have been able to get holds on four of the five individuals on the court, along with leroy ellis and susan spataro for his arrival, assume ago contract can be secured. Funding is a result of salary savings dur to my diminished schedule. That was on the court's schedule today on budget amendments and transfers. In essence, my being away in the spring on a leave without pay, where I would burn off all of my vacation and there would still be time when I would in the be paid, not taking, obviously, sick leave or anything like that. Had then during the summer, away for two months where I would be maximum working quarter time. That produces two months of salary savings and that is slightly more than the proposed fee for had this executive search. The fee their proposing is $17,000 plus 5500 in reimbursable expenses. That is kind of where we are with this. If indeed we are able in spring to find a new executive manager, there will be an overlap between my being here before I leave at the end of September and the rifle of a new executive manager. There would be a dual tract. And if that is the case, then there will need to be a transfer from allocated reservesment basically we are using up all of the available resources within the planning and budget office. That is kind of the status of where we are today.

>> the other thing is that I have a long-standing commitment with capcog tomorrow, annual general simply, and I’m an officer there. I thought another member of the court may want to meet him.

>> what time, judge?

>> what time is it tomorrow?

>> well, he is flying in from chicago and can be here at 11:30. He has a 11:30 with me, a 1:00 with purchasing to tie down any contractual issues, and a two oh cloak with commission eckhardt. I believe he needs to get back on an airplane at 4 or 4:15 at the air part.

>> he has to be at the air part early.

>> he told me either 4 or 4:15. He would have to be leaving here maybe three o'clock. And it's kind of a meet and greet. But if you, what we will do, we can tie things down to see if we can squeeze in a half an hour with you if you are interested.

>> I would like to. We could both meet him at two or split it in half.

>> that will work. Or do you want to meet collectively.

>> collectively would be fine.

>> collect definitely?

>> that would be perfect.

>> two o'clock.

>> if you want to go more than half an hour, that gives you some freedom.

>> that sounds good.

>> okay. I’ll just look forward to meeting with him around the 20t.

>> assuming the contract and everything is acceptable.

>> okay.

>> yep. I have scheduled meetings with each of you except for one, as well as susan and leroy and me on the 20th and 21st. And there is some open time for an additional member of the court to join in.

>> okay.

>> move approval of the update and follow-up steps.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote with Commissioner Davis temporarily off the dias. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 18:30 AM