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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 11, 2007
Item 16

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Is joe gieselman nearby? If joe is nearby, we are ready for 16. To consider and take appropriate action on the transportation and natural resources road and bridge fiscal year 2007-2008 work plan.

>> good morning, joe gieselman and don ward from the transportation and natural resources department. This is our annual award program for road and bridge and encompasses all of the road maintenance and reconstruction, sidewalks and traffic engineering, drainage projects, basically everything the division is planning to accomplish. Funds have already been approved in the budget for the bulk of the program with the exception of the parks. When we first went to budget and we prepared the work program, we were under the impression that we could use road and bridge funds for park facilities, park roads, as well as parking lot for county facilities. As you know, we have a legal determination that we could not do that. And so, we have kept the scope of work to include those even though they have no funding source. So they won't be done by road and bridge until some funding source is identified, which kind of puts those projects in jeopardy. Park road do need to be maintained, as do the parking lots of the facilities. But right now those literally are in the parking lot without a source of funding. But otherwise, most of this scope of work is driven by our pave. Management --pavement management system. We go out periodically and rate the system based on the type of maintenance that need to be done and ranking, and we do those in priority order. And that sets up the list for hot mix overlay, seal coat and patching for the coming year. Any questions?

>> what is the plan for the projects that have been put on the parking lot because the road and bridge fund is not appropriate?

>> we do not have an alternate source. We have to go back to the general fund.

>> what do we think the total cost is?

>> I can go back and get that for you.

>> are those like for co eligible and bond?

>> some of them may be but most of them probably not because they are of the maintenance category. Where we are doing seal coating, probably not. If we are doing hot mix overlay, yes, we could do that with that. It has to have I think a five-year, minimum, life expectancy in order to qualify for co's. I’ll be happy to bring that back to the court for a breakdown.

>> it would probably and good idea to know as soon as possible to be honest.

>> we'll have it on next week.

>> as far as tex dot, I know money is a critical issue as far as funding a lot of things. There has been a lot of wear and tear on county roads, especially with sh 130. They are really doing a job on a lot of roads and we hear a lot of folks complaining, the truck traffic generated as far as doing the work out there kind of did some devastating damage to some of the roads. Have we ever approached them to see if there's anything that can be done as far as some of the problem that they have, you know caused as far as designing sh 130?

>> we have motor. That --we have not. That is not a bad idea.

>> let's approach them and kind of offset at least some of this cost and maybe, if possible, get some additional money to help out. The growth of that particular area where I’m at.

>> I think we are our own analysis of what has happened since 130 went in. That certainly would be supporting documentation of any letter we write to tex dot.

>> I’d like to see maybe us go in that direction. I don't they if there needs to be a court direction on that, judge. I’d like to see a little of that investigated to see if there's any recovery at all.

>> we could get a legal opinion on that and put together a letter if we think there's authorization for that.

>> it may qualify under the campo resolutions for use of surplus toll road revenue when that day occurs.

>> it would qualify. At least one mile on either side. And that revenue has to be certified on an annual basis. But of course, that annual certification probably won't happen, well, it wouldn't qualify on 130, though. 130 being a state toll way.

>> those only apply to central Texas.

>> correct.

>> check on all legal authority. We'll have an appropriate item on the first of the year. Is that too soon?

>> we can do that in a week.

>> new found confidence in county staff, joe? One of your new year's resolution.

>> I’m waiting for a nod.

>> move approval of 16 in the meantime as to work plan. Discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 18:30 AM