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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 20, 2007
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. It's an opportunity to give residents the opportunity to address Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes. I’m missing sheets 3 and 4.

>> [inaudible] number 3 and number 4. If you are here on an item, you don't need to sign in. We have gus pena first and he will be followed by phillip a. Dick.

>> gus pena. Thanksgiving day. Heavenly father, giver of all good things we thank and praise you for the abundant harvest you have given from field and orchards, flocks, fields and farms. Thank you for civil service and god pleasing relationships and the relationship of jesus christ. Give us courage to share our blessings with others. In jesus' name, amen. Commissioners, I -- I keep harping about homeless veterans of families. There's a good article in the paper. It says more united states veterans returning home to face new enemy, homelessness. What a sad, sad thing and a criminal act to do for our veterans who served their country, lost their limbs, et cetera. I just want to be made aware of this is a national effort. We spoke to the secretary of veterans affairs and also h.u.d. To try and bring some resolvement to these issues. Commissioner Gomez, I know you've been involved and I appreciate your assistance on this. That will not be forgotten. Pray for our military in iraq, afghanistan, throughout the world serving in defense of our country's freedom and democracy and other country's freedom and democracy. Whatever your posture, position or belief is, pray for them, please. Thank you for finding -- funding initiative for our precious senior citizens and youth. Thank you, Commissioner eckhardt, for leading the charge and trying to preserve the u.t. Brackenridge student house.

>> I didn't lead it.

>> we don't need any more homeless families on the streets. I spoke to several u.t. Board members and hope we have a positive decision to keep open and the present site, keep the apartments where it belongs. I told chair -- who is not chair anymore, we need to keep it there so hopefully it will be kept there. The gap continues to widen during the haves and have nots even during thanksgiving and christmas. I want to thank everyone for the votes they make to fund programs that help improve the quality of life for our people, god bless you and have a happy thanksgiving.

>> thank you, mr. Pena.


>> [inaudible].

>> ... Is bad behavior. This is not true. My son has all types of i-60 z and grievances written up where he is being abuse understand state prison and I have put it out there and I’ve tried to get help for him to get him released and let's get him home before something else happens to him because they will beat him, the guards have, and he's going blind in one eye. I need my innocent son home so that I can get some of this pressure and depression up off of me. I -- I -- here I am at my age in parallel school. My gpa was 3 something. I’m down to 1 something. I’m depressed. I had to get out of school. I took ill because of being upset over my child. He is innocent. And if a sheriff's department says that he is -- they can't find any arrest record and sheriff margo frazier can't find any arrest record for this false arrest by a police officer, then why is my son in state prison being held behind bars and he's innocent? It doesn't make sense. The arrest record states that my son, he arrested him on may 14, 1993, in the middle of 1800 block of east 12th street. Sheriff margo's verifications of incarceration shows my son was already incarcerated may 14, 1993. I sent to the new sheriff, mr. Greg hamilton, on September 10, 2007, asked him for the request -- open records request act, and I asked him about the fingerprints, about the photo taken, about everything. And I said that this was vital to -- it says I need clarification on this item and it is pertinent to roosevelt's release. He sends me a response from the sheriff's department, mr. Greg hamilton, and it states: this -- what date is this? September 26, 2007. Request for information. Dear mr. Dick, but ms. Dick, no mr. Dick. And this letter concerns the request for information which this office received on September 14, 2007. Regarding roosevelt hutchins jr. Please be advised after a diligent search of the record maintained by this office, I was unable to locate any arrest records for that date. Why is my son in state prison, period? I would like my son home for thanksgiving and I’m hoping and praying that all of the authorities that have the ability to release my child, my innocent son, that has been -- looks like this that used to look like this when he was a young man when he went in. I want my child home. Thank you.

>> thank you, ms. Dick.

>> I want to have a happy thanksgiving too.


>> [inaudible].

>> I’d like to forego my three minutes until after --

>> [inaudible].

>> you are here on the bcc item?

>> yes.

>> anyone else here to address the court on citizens communication?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 18:30 AM