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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 13, 2007
Item 7

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Number 7 is to consider and take appropriate action on requested debtish unce schedule and funding for the following capital projects. A, 2001 bond authorization included in fy '08 adopted budget. B, 2005 bond authorization. C, fy '08 certificates of obligation for the following, and a long list of them. Purchase of 910 lavaca street and two long-term certificates of obligation related to jail project. Three, tiburon version 7.5 upgrade phase two implementation. 4, hardware for version 7.5 upgrade project. 5, water and wastewater construction for ease side service center. 6, frate barker road improvements. 7, floodplain buyout. 8, community supervision and corrections departments smart building. 9, criminal justice center, ganult renovation. 10, ease side service center again. Five and ten. D, other projects requested by transportation and natural resources and facilities management departments. Those that thought that the list in c was not long enough, d is there for us. Ms. Rio.

>> good morning, Commissioners court, pbo. There is a recent work session on November 1 where we discussed these projects. We have brought them back today for approval for issuance of certificates of obligation and that related to voter approved bonds. The first part there is the voter approved bonds which is not at all controversial, I believe. The court previously approved this cash flow assumption for fy '08. It's listed in table 1, totals 27,25,000 with 26 million being from 2005 and 950,000 being from 2001. With relation to the certificates of ol gages, the next table on page 2 of the backup from pbo lists out the co's that total 20,275 at current time. I do want to note a couple things on the agenda. Tiburon was listed seb ratly for the hardware and remaining portion of it. I have combined them. Let me tell you a little background about this because previously I think the last table you saw hi struck off because there had been a transfer from the car reserve to its on October 2 where we had refunded from cash. Pbo's suggestion to you today is a little different. We are asking that next week a reimbursement resolution be posted so that we issue co's for this amount of 1,942,798 to allow cash to be available in the car reserve for some outstanding issues that we don't believe already ready in time to issue co's for and those are the precinct 2 office building and some restate that you might be considering push--real estate that you might be considering pushing. I can give further detail. The other thing, this morning under budget ments --amendments and transfers you did include an updated, I will call, scrubbing process. As you recall in late September we had to make some recommendations on the east side service center, work done on rodam bridge. Because of the actions that we took at that time, you will see on the list for the new co that there's 1.2 million being requested for east side service center for tnr to be able to complete that work. However, western able to capture those folks and the bridge fund last year for some things and this year we have therefore some added capability in fund 506 which is the fy '07 co. On the budget amendments and transfers we have captured those. Those action vnz taken place this morning and they are incorporated already. I made the recommendations in here but made the assumption that they would be approved so that you could see what effect that would have. Basically, what effect it has is that I have taken off the h mac of 1.5 million on the co and added back the tiburon of 1.9 million and propose a co at this point of 20,275. And as the attachment of car you will some that your car reserve was at 2,494,979. That is really as of this morning because 230 was approved under budget amendment and transfers. If you take the recommendation of doing the reimbursement resolution thex yeek we would be able to add back to the car reserve another 1.9 million and make that reserve 4.4 million so that you have some flexibility. I went very fast on that. I知 happy to answer any questions or go back over it. Other than that, the projects listed separately under the agenda are the projects that pbo believes you have either already committed funding to within the adopted budget or projects have been committed to that require funding. Those last items are number 8, 9 and 10 on my table which are the smart building, the cjc project and the east side service center that we just discussed, the change had to occur in late September. That is opposed to the east side service , I believe there is a water and wastewater construction also listed from facilities management, two separate items.

>> the total would be voter approved debt plus nonvoter approved?

>> correct, the voter a, and that does in the take into consideration any projects that tny and facilities management discussed with you. It only takes into consideration those projects where there's been commitment by the court so far.

>> $47 million.

>> correct.

>> how does that compare to our actions in reece the years?

>> I would have to get you the exact number. But it was substantially move, I believe.

>> the year before?

>> I have to look I can get you that information by this afternoon.

>> why am I saying 14 to 15 million? Did we do twice last year?

>> we issued an extra amount in the summer that you might be, that was 24 million.

>> I think you may be thinking that our debt model has co's.

>> correct.

>> predicted each year at the $14 million range. That is on top of, however, voter approved debt. You will see historically over the last ten years wide swings from year to year of both voter approved debt and co's. That is because the program drives the funding, not the other way around? Can we afford $47 million of additional debt under our debt policy?

>> yes.

>> in some cases we were having to fund those statutory requirements which we have, we have to do. We would have to do even if the voters did not approve it. So that is, I see part of that in there.

>> we have study and approved a, b and c, is what I believe I heard you say, ms. Rio?

>> in my table, correct. Which encompasses all the projects separately listed on the agenda. The only projects it does not encompass are d, other.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> a, b and c.

>> quick question.

>> okay, discussion.

>> transportation and natural resources, on 6, c 6, is there still, what is our status on the possibility of any federal money coming in on that?

>> fratebarker.

>> I think mr. Manila can answer that.

>> there is a million dollar question.

>> fratebarker project k consider it in two distinct projects. One was approved in 2006 by cam po for 9 million. What this is going for is paying the local share amount. Of the 9 million, 1.8 is the local match. You approved 700,000 in, if y '07. This is another installment payment, if you will, towards the approximately $2 million we need to come up with as local match. The campo project that we submitted for just this last week is for 2.5 million. That is to go from three lane to five lane, essentially. We will have to come up with matching funds for that 2.35 million as well, 20 percent, 500 000, which we will come to you for next yearment we have to come up with approximately $2 million for the first phase of the project and another $500,000 if the second phase is approved at campo.

>> thanks for that clarificatio.

>> anymore discussion?

>> yes, judge, I壇 like to abstain on a couple of them. If you could just maybe separate the vote, I壇 like to abstain on 7 b, items three and four under b.

>> we're looking at seven.

>> yes.

>> okay, seven b.

>> and three and four.

>> you mean 7 b, 3 and 4 sm.

>> Commissioner Davis is looking I believe, at the table that was provided by ms. Rio when he refers to b, three and four, not referring to the agenda. The judge is looking at the agenda and the Commissioner is looking at the table. Am I correct?

>> I知 looking at my agenda which has the two tiburon items.

>> yes. There is no b three and four.

>> according to my agenda it is 7 c.

>> c.

>> 7 c.

>> are you looking at c or b, sir ?

>> b is only the bond authorization.

>> sorry, it is 7 c, 3 and 4.

>> abstaining on those.

>> you're right, christian. 7 c, 3 and 4.

>> okay. Any other issues for anybody? On the other parts of 7, a, and c? D is not included in the motion. Commissioner Davis and stains on 3 and 4.

>> and.

>> and --abstains or votes no?

>> no, abstaining otherwise I support everything else.

>> we have you abstaining. Right, ms. Porter? 7, c, 3 and 4. For the rest of the items, all in favor. Show an unanimous court.

>> thank you.

>> now on d.

>> when you consider d and all the various projects, if you would just keep in mind ms. Rio's summary that indicates you have a car reserve of four million in cash which is intended to provide you flexibility to deal with major capital projects in '08 in the next few weeks or few months as event transpire.

>> to clarify, the 4.4 is not current. That will be after next week. I mean we will, it will be current once we get the proceeds in, et cetera. But we will post a reimbursement resolution for us next week.

>> if you do in the spend any of it, it will fall to ending fund balance. If you spend all of it, then you will have $4.4 million of benefit.

>> to clarify, I think part of that money is as a result of the sale of property in September that I think the judge had asked about in the work session as well.

>> in terms of backup for d, is that the part of your memo that falls after the nonvoter approved debt.

>> the last page of the memo as discussed at the work session, facilities management and tnr presented 11 projects for fy '08. Those bulleted projects are listed for your consideration.

>> starting east side.

>> starting with precinct.

>> east side service center. Yeah, that is the memo.

>> are you looking at the backup from November 1?

>> yessorry.

>> yes.

>> sorry, I was looking at November backup.

>> we just approved two items regarding east side service center.

>> there is a item on this list and that is its move security for 991,000. Is that what you are referring to, Commissioner?

>> yes.

>> different component parts of the samover all large project--same overall large project.

>> this is additional 11.4 million.

>> of all the requests, yes, si.

>> that is where you are saying, christian, that we may want to do some of that, if we are going to do any, we may want to do it with car versus co's.

>> go ahead.

>> I should say that when we issue co's we issue for specific purposes and there might be projects that aren't quite ready to have co's issued for a specific purpose. So that is where your flexibility lies.

>> okay.

>> the other, part of the project budget process annually is to take a look at 30, 40, 50 million dollars worth of operating needs and you come to a conclusion in September to fund five, ten, 15 million of it of the part of the budget process is to look at 30, 40, 50 worth of capital needs. You do not fund all capital needs. You determine whether it's right determine whether or not you wish to go forward. Some of these, all of these projects were submitted as part of the fy '08 budget process. All of them were reviewed during had check mark during mark-up. These were submitted again by the departments do give a second look or a third look.

>> roger--

>> okay, we were asked to hold off on the precinct 2 office building, right?

>> well, you were given a status report by roger.

>> and when do we need to act on this list?

>> roger, would you come up please.

>> when do we need to act on this list.

>> for the issuance of co's? November.

>> this month.

>> yes, sir.

>> give us the status judge asked the status that I guess the precinct 2 office building, but also I need to hear the status of the east side service center, the platform, all this stuff that they are looking at as far as d is concerned.

>> facilities management department. Regarding precinct 2 office building, the court gave us on the work session three weeks to come back after looking at the issues involved other than the construction, the operation. So we're working on it as we speak. On the east side service center request for the 991,539, that is including its. I believe my numbers, about 350,000 out of the 991 was it s. There's security and also there's a furniture. Furniture was very low number compared to the others. Main thing is equipment, the fuel station. It's about like $300,000. Tnr decided after they looked at their numbers that after five years, that number will be paid off if we construct a station over there. So they look at saving for about $661 I think that e-mail went to pbo from tnr directly and to the court. I think the 991, including all those items, and the project is ongoing right now. We are building the fleet services. The progress is about like right now 30 percent. We finished all the excavation and embankment for the building. The warehouse and print shop, concrete has been poured last week. I believe we are moving forward with those four buildings. The project is ongoing, on schedule.

>> part of the problem, in the floodplain, of course, teeling with --dealing with the creek, all of those have basically with the rain back, basically have been completed or right on the verge of completion.

>> these are--

>> the coverage.

>> yes, those are, this is the project that they can, designed by lan, our consultants and civil engineer, constructed right now by the tnr road and bridge. These are the two big culverts and the main change and relief changes as you enter the property from 969. I believe that cost was a part of that, I知 sure that is a part of that, you just approved the $1,200,000. There is nothing included in this.

>> I知 saying it's all moving parts.

>> sure.

>> I wanted to be sure all the moving parts got the attention it needed, which means money.

>> then we are anticipating that the total project, on the schedule, tnr are going to finish their part and also you approve the award of that urban curb along the roadway and the facility work we are doing now and in about four weeks we will bid the administrative budding and the crew buildings and I believe the whel thing will be finished in August of this year.

>> I知 going to need a week. Third and fourth bullets go together? Roger? Third and fourth bullets, 2.8 million plus five million?

>> these are together, yes. I believe those two bullets together, the total number is 5,081,240we.

>> we talked about acquisition but hadn't decidedi think at this time the acquisition is 2,837. The other one I think last time in the work section I asked the court to defer until later on we figure out who is going to go to that facility after today, belinda's discussion and further on down the road so we know who is going to go to airport boulevardi'll.

>> I値l be ready next week. We have backup on the east side service center project, right? We got detailed backup before. I remembersure.

>> .

>> sure.

>> I just need to review that.

>> I had a chance to go out and visit the site here last week, I guess. And it is really moving along. Platform is laid out and culverts installed. It's really moving.

>> sure.

>> access to two different routes.

>> county road is what we discussed last week?

>> I知 sorry.

>> last bullet is what we got briefed on last week.

>> we did talk about this last week, judge tnr would like to see this particular issue handled through the bond program. We talked about this particular issue being brought the our attention by a constituent but there are a half dozen similar situations like it on the same road, and there are roads like cameron road all over that part of the county. We think the better way to look at it, at least one road entirely at a time and look at it as a bond program, I think, is the best way to go.

>> you are suggesting we collectively look at all the same type situations that cameron road has now and maybe bring back so we can all address at one time.

>> I think what we ought to do, Commissioner, is look at all those types of roads relative to the campo plan with the long-term requirements of campo, and then going through the bond analysis process that we typically use, having the citizen's advisory committee working with tnr to decide the priorities for those reads.

>> meantime, some of the complaints we are hearing on these type of road type situations, safety issues as far as not being able to have the proper view as far as safety is concerned, some of these things.

>> there are things that can be done.

>> things can be done in the interim.

>> to hold us over until a long-term solution can be done, mowing, signing, striping, that we can work with the road crews on.

>> right.

>> I won't know exactly next week, but I will spend time on this list between now and then. If we need to do it, we need to do it like the east side service center, if we need to, I知 there I guess did we comb the ff and e figure on that.

>> on the ee side service center?

>> yes, sir.

>> we have that number. I don't have it with pee.

>> did we closely look at it?

>> yeah, we did.

>> and gets it down as low as reasonable.

>> that's correct. Especially on the east side service centers.

>> all right. Okay. Some of the other like the third bullet, we have been saying we with do that so I don't have any problem. Fourth bullet, the $5 million, I think--

>> it's $2,244,000. The combination of bullet number 3 and two million are the five million.

>> we rechristian's 11 million by 2.2?

>> that would be appropriate.

>> I値l just save 2.2.

>> am I correct in your statement a moment ago, we need more work on the design build in regard to our strategic plan. So that is probably more of a '09 issue.

>> probably so. Depends on the outcome of the December 4 court.

>> okay.

>> pbo will be working with its to post that reimbursement resolution. You might want to consider that resolution after you have this discussion of you don't want to reserve yourself flexibility that you might not need.

>> can we have an a and b next week on these once that we think we must act on--ones that we think we must act on?

>> of the bulleted list?

>> right. And a correction of the third and fourth bullets.

>> we can certainly correct for the third and fourth bullets. As far as the combination of which ones that the court must act and might not need to act on I think would have differing opinions.

>> but we will provide you our opinion.

>> steven just made the last bullet easy.

>> a number of the last bullets. And we'll give you our opinion. If we are wrong, then it won't be the first time or the last time.

>> okay. We may need the judge's help on what goes into b. That is your request?

>> that would be lovely.

>> all right. We'll have that back on next week. What we must act on we will. I知 assuming that if we follow our just-in-time policy, if bee can wait a week, a year before issuing the debt, we would.

>> that's correct.

>> does cscd have one of these?

>> the cscd has already been amoved.

>> the smart building is in mthe vote that you took to issue co's 2.7 million.

>> I thought she wanted to address us on had this of the or you mr. Elkhoury. Move that we recess until 1:30.

>> second.

>> all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 18:30 AM