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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 13, 2007
Item 3

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3 is approve proclamation regarding Austin adoption day to be held November 15, 2007, at gardner betts juvenile justice center. Should I read it or did you bring your own reader with you?

>> you are such a wonderful speaker, judge, how about you reading it, sir?

>> I would read it even without the brown nosing.

>> I don't have a copy either.

>> it reads: whereas the Commissioners court of Travis County recognizes the importance of giving children permanent, safe and loving families through adoption; whereas more than 4400 children in Texas, 397 children in central Texas, and 132 children in Travis County, are waiting for permanent families. Whereas to help these children find permanent, nurturing families through the efforts of the honorable w. Jean muehr, district court judge, the honorable olando, district court judge, the honorable trian, the honorable darleen burn, 126th district court judge, the Travis County juvenile probation department will open their doors on Thursday, November 15, 2007, to finalize the adoptions of local children and join the Austin bar association, casa, the Texas department of family and protective services and other organizations to celebrate all adoptions. And whereas this effort along with similar celebrations in all 50 states around the country will offer children the chance to live with stable and loving families and encourage other dedicated individuals to make a powerful difference in the lives of a child through adoption. Now therefore the Commissioners court of the county of travis and the state of Texas hereby proclaims November 15, 2007, as Austin adoption day in this county and in doing so urge all citizens to join in a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of adoption, and I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning. Jean muehr, judge of the 98th district court. Judge, Commissioners, I want to thank you very much for acknowledging November 15 as national adoption day. I want to remind the community and you about why this is so important. This is a culmination, this day is a culmination of a journey for children, children removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. We have taken these children from their homes. They have been hurt, injured and neglected. And now after months and sometimes years they are going to find a new family and have a connection for the rest of their life in which they will have love and affection and protection. And this is so important. They are finding their forever home. So I’m wanting to be here today to invite each of you to come out to juvenile court. We will turn gardner betts into a wonderful festive event where all these children. We're going to have 60 children or more adopted on that date. And it's a wonderful opportunity to come, show your support for the children that this county has protected and the citizens of this county has protected and the people of this county have come forward now and are going to take these children forever. I also would like to extend that same invitation to the rest of the citizens of this community because it is just a fantastic event. If you are there, you will just smile and you will cry and we do hand out kleenex at the beginning because it's one of the most fear actual, happy events you will ever come to. Thank you all so much. These children need homes. We are asking that the citizens of this community remember that this is a culmination, we need more families to come forward because for all the children that are going to be adopted this coming Thursday, there are children waiting to be adopted. And whether you want to adopt a child, receive a child in your home temporarily, or just be a part of protecting and helping these children, I invite you. It's a wonderful opportunity to see what we are doing, to see what the needs of these community and these children are, and I thank you so much for doing the proclamation, allowing us to be here. We've got casa here, child protective services and juvenile court, and, of course, we want to thank you for everything you do to support both the -- all the organizations that are here today.

>> and thank you, judge.

>> thank you. What time of day is it?

>> it starts up at 9:30, and we will go straight through I think we're even going to have a press conference around 10:30 or so, then we're going straight through lunch. We find the children kind of get a little tired of waiting so we want to move straight through. About 9:30 through 1:00 in the afternoon.

>> if our waiting list has 132 and we're doing 60, that's a little less than half the total.

>> and you know, I question that the waiting list says 132. I would say to you there's a lot more than that. Those are the children that we have determined who are available for adoption. We have other children that still need homes, but they probably need some more therapy and treatment before they will be ready. I can tell you right now that number is low. We have a lot more kids in need than that number states. And what we always need to remember is that for every unof these children going out of this system, there are kids coming into the system every day. And I believe there were five orders of removal on Friday removing children from their families Friday. And that's the journey that starts that process for these children.

>> any other comments? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you all.

>> [applause]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 18:30 AM